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I decided to build this page due to the high number of emails I have been  getting.

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JAMAICANS (Home & Abroad)

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Top Questions Already Answered

Click below to see what other visitors like yourself have already asked - and got answered.

Don't forget I need your help in rating and posting comments on these topics - the more the merrier :-)

Free shuttle from Montego Bay Airport? 
QUESTION about: Shuttle from Montego Bay Airport? Hi Is there a free shuttle from Montego Bay airport to Toby’s Resort? I think it’s only 2 or …

Replacement jamaican birth certificate 
QUESTION about: Replacement Of Jamaican Documents Hi, I lost my Jamaican birth certificate in addition to all my identifications, especially …

Can I Purchase Marijuana During My Stay in Jamaica?  
QUESTION about: Can I Purchase Marijuana During My Stay in Jamaica? I am 59 yrs old. Am I able to purchase a couple of blunts for my stay? …

Any Tips For 75 Year Old Single Traveler To Jamaica? 
QUESTION about: Tips For Senior Travelers To Jamaica I am a single 75 almost year old female. What would be the best way for me to travel in …

How To Locate a Will left for me by my grandparents in Jamaica 
QUESTION about: Wills In Jamaica. My grandparents left a will for me in Jamaica. I recently found out that my aunt change the will and sold …

industrial relations climate in jamaica today 
What is the climate of the industrial relations climate in jamaica currently and what are its strengths and weaknesses? RESPONSE: by Wellesley …

How has Jamaica changed over the years since tainos? 
QUESTION about: How Did Jamaica Changed Over Time? I was given the assignment to state how Jamaica changed over the years from the Tainos …

Charles Davenport In Jamaica - American eugenicist  
QUESTION about: f American eugenicist Charles Davenport to Jamaica --> Wellesley, I am working on a screenplay based on the research travels …

Unique ideas for celebrating Mother's Day in Jamaica 
QUESTION about: Unique Mothers Day Gifts In Jamaica What are some unique ideas for celebrating Mother's Day in Jamaica that will make my mom …

John Sanders, government architect, Spanish Town 
Hello, I am a descendant of one John Sanders whom I am trying to research for family history. He was born in Jamaica in probably the 1740s and married …

Flights between Montego Bay and Kingston and cost 
Would you be able to tell me if I can get a flight from Montego Bay to Kingston and how much roughly would it cost? Thanks, Jenny 😇 RESPONSE: …

Jamaican Hotel With Swimming Pool Lift for handicapped 
I would like to find a Jamaican hotel equipped with a swimming pool LIFT for my wife. She is paralyzed 100%. We would be traveling with her aid. I …

How Can I Get A shirt? 
Could you send me the link to how I could purchase my Island Jamaica t-shirt or polo shirt? Send it to my email address, please. Thanks RESPONSE: …

I would like to visit Jamaica next summer 
QUESTION about: I would like to visit Jamaica next summer I left Jamaica at 12 years old and I am now a 44 years old single parent of a 5 …

Ideas For Large Family Reunion Venues In Jamaica 
Need ideas for the best places to have a big family reunion with security in Jamaica RESPONSE: by Wellesley Thanks for asking Millicent! And …

I Plan to Retire in Jamaica, What Should I Do? 
RESPONSE: by Sheree-Anita Shearer Hello, good morning. I am planning on retiring in March and moving to St Ann. I want to be able to stay …

Famous Quotes By Paul Bogle, National Hero Of Jamaica 
Can you please provide me a list of some of the famous quotes by Paul Bogle and explain the meaning of them please? RESPONSE: by Wellesley …

Simple Recipe For Jamaican Patties 
QUESTION about: Recipe for Jamaican patties Thank you for the great information you share on this website. I've already learned a lot about …

Buying real estate in Jamaica  
I’m interested in buying or building a house in Jamaica in a quiet peaceful location like the countryside. Is there an agency and a real estate agent …

Family Trip to Portland, Jamaica 
My family and I hail from Montego Bay Jamaica. We are interested in taking a trip to Portland and spending a few days or a weekend there. Being in Portland …

Luxury villas for rent in Montego Bay Jamaica 
QUESTION about: Luxury Villas In Montego Bay, Jamaica. Are there luxury villas in Montego Bay Jamaica right now for rent? I'm trying to make a …

How to Correct the Spelling of a Name(and other Common Errors) on Jamaica’s National ID Card. 
Sample Jamaica National ID Good Morning. My partner has a misspelling on his ID card that we only noticed when filling out application form …

What are the best mineral baths in Jamaica? 
Great Morning. Please provide where in Jamaica are the best mineral baths. Especially the healing ones. Also, how can you purchase land in Jamaica? …

Coeliac on Vacation – How to Eat Gluten Free In Jamaica 
Hi, I would love some advice on local cuisine in Jamaica. I am a coeliac and because of this, I have to follow a gluten-free diet. If I don't I am really …

Click here to write your own.

Countries in Jamaica | Can I have the names? 
Parishes In Jamaica Countries in Jamaica? Hmmm. This one is quite odd, but then again it was a sincere question the asker wanted an answer …

Am I Eligible For Dual Citizenship In Jamaica? 
Photo: Specimen Jamaican Birth Certificate Hi. My parents were stationed in Kingston Jamaica from 1961-1964. I was born towards the end of …

Materials Needed To Build A House In Jamaica 
Good morning Sir, I'm trying to find out what materials are needed and current cost for a 2600 square foot two story home in Jamaica, any information …

What Is The Maximum working age in Jamaica? 
Photo: Montego Bay Freezone Is there a government maximum age of 70 that you will not be allowed to work in private sector RESPONSE: …

What was Jamaica like in the 1970s? 
QUESTION about: Jamaica In The 1970s Hi Wellesley, I would like to know what Jamaica was like in the 70s for young children (especially …

A Djembe Drum From Jamaica 
You believe me when I tell you that my readers inspire me? Oh yeah, I often get excellent (and timely) ideas and attribute some of my best learnings …

Why Do We Have A Governor General In Jamaica? 
Sir Patrick Allen - Governor General Of Jamaica Solid question from Wayne on the significance of the governor general here in Jamaica, in this …

Popular Places whose name are English in origin in Jamaica 
Can you please share with me some of the most popular places here in Jamaica that there names are English derived. RESPONSE: by Wellesley …

Best Jamaica fruit cake recipe I've seen 
Hi, I have been researching this recipe for a while now and find your recipe to be the best. My question is this: Can the recipe be baked …

Deported To Jamaica | Need Help To Renew My Passport 
Photo: Specimen Jamaican Passport I left Canada because of some personal problems there. I want to renew my passport but after I paid all the …

Alma Norman - Jamaican Poet 
Why is there so little information online about the great Jamaican Poet Alma Norman? As far as I can remember, she wrote a collection of beautiful …

Who Is The Jamaican Harriet Tubman? Nanny Of The Maroons? 
Photo: Nanny Of The Maroons From Jamaica Please I've heard stories of a woman nene or nany. She is like a Harriet Tubman of Jamaica. She was here …

Phone and Internet Access In Rural Jamaica 
Good afternoon. I just happened on your site on a general search for information (when I’m done I’m sure to pass by your Etsy store — you have …

Ackee Production In Jamaica 
Photo: Ackee Tree In Jamaica Good day Wellesley, A question for you: How and where is ackee produced in Jamaica? Regards RESPONSE: …

Poems From Our Childhood - Jamaican Poems about an Eagle 
Hi, This poem was taught in primary school in the 1960s and 70s. It was found in one of the readers and the title contained Song of the… Jen. …

What businesses must remain closed on election day in Jamaica? 
A quite timely question, with an appropriate answer. Here's Kasia's question with Deon's answer below. What business must remain closed on election …

How To Get Jamaican Work Permits for Hospital and Clinic Healthcare Personnel 
Photo: Work Permit/ Exemption Application Form How long does it generally take to get a work permit? Can we work while the permit is being processed? …

Surprising Health Benefits of Banana Roots  
Subsistence Banana farm in Jamaica Hi, I would like to know the health benefits and uses of Banana Roots in Jamaica RESPONSE: by …

Land Title Survey Cost In Jamaica 
Photo: Beach View Lands In Jamaica Good day to you. What is cost of submitting land survey to obtain title here in Jamaica? RESPONSE: …

Getting National ID In Jamaica | How Long Is The Waiting Period? 
Sample Jamaica National ID Can they assign you an id number before you get the national ID card, Or do you have to wait the 3 months before …

Tourism travel to Jamaica since Covid19 
Another great question about what he/she termed 'tourism travel to Jamaica' during Covid19! Yet again, the asker didn't leave a name, but I don't …

Travelling To Jamaica | What Is The Latest On Covid19 Restrictions 
Another great question! The asker didn't leave a name, but I know the person will be reading here, and so I thank him or her for this question which was …

How To Find The Owner Of Land In Jamaica 
Land At Barneyside, Westmoreland, Jamaica How can I find a land owner online in Jamaica? I want know who own a land I live on for more than five …

Volunteerism In Jamaica 
What volunteer opportunities are available in Jamaica? Actually there are quite a few! Thanks so much to Teresa in Canada for asking. Here's …

Electricity in Jamaica 
Photo: JPS Electricity Pole by Deon Clarke | Associate Writer See Also : How to apply for electricity in Jamaica? Dark Times …

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Applying online for a copy of Jamaican Marriage certificate from the UK 
Jamaican Marriage Certificate Application We have quite a few articles on apply for vital documents here in Jamaica, including the certified copy …

Building advice for home construction in Jamaica 
Natasha needed some advice on building construction in Jamaica, and so I reached out to my advisor on these matters. Here (below) is her question …

I am considering a swift move to Jamaica, need your recommendations 
Benta River, Williamsfield in Westmoreland We have several articles on the topic of living in Jamaica, but this asker, from the UK, was direct …

Jamaican Otaheite Apple Tree | Caring For It 
Grown Jamaican Apple Tree | Photo Credit: @karljamaica So Birgit came here (Jamaica) recently - yes in the middle of the pandemic, had Jamaican …

How To Say Hello In Jamaican 
How Do I Say Hello In Jamaican Language? RESPONSE: by Kesha Stewart, Associate Writer Related : The language of Jamaica . I …

How Do I Get A Loan From The NHT To Purchase Land In Jamaica? 
How do you get a loan from the National Housing Trust to purchase land here in Jamaica? Lloyd, who is living overseas asked the question. We reached …

Applying for Permanent Residence after marriage to Jamaican citizen 
Another very timely question on how to get permanent residence in Jamaica! But this time, with a twist. Here's Robert's question... with my answer below) …

How To Get My Name On My Husband‘s House Title In Jamaica 
How can I get my name on my husband house title, you see we married together, have one child married for 33 years. I will be visiting Jamaica God spare …

Traditional Jamaican Games and Toys 
Photo: Jamaican Boy Playing Marbles Will you do a series on the games and toys many Jamaicans grew up with like the juice box trucks, dandy …

Places of Interest in trelawny, Jamaica 
The Glistening Waters Attraction In Trelawny, Jamaica Essentially 'what are the top attractions in trelawny', that's what my kingston-based friend …

what is the price for a load of sand in Jamaica? 
What is the price for a load of sand in Jamaica? And how much is a load? RESPONSE: by Wellesley The price for a load of sand in Jamaica is …

Marriage Officers in Jamaica 
He didn't leave his name, but I am so appreciate of this question, as it gives me a opportunity to answer a question that I believe a lot of persons …

How to make Jamaican jerk chicken using pimento wood and leaves 
This question, How to make Jamaican jerk chicken using pimento wood and leaves , over the last two months, have for sure, been the most asked question …

Liguanea Art Festival 2020 | Jamaica's Largest One Day Art Show 
It is considered Jamaica and the Caribbean's largest one-day art show with over 100 artisans featured. And Marllyn is anxious! She wants to know …

How much for a ton of steel in Jamaica? 
Steel prices, like other commodities (primary or secondary), is heavily impacted by political and environmental and conditions. In fact, I vividly …

Jamaican Rum Cream - Can I ship it back home to the US? 
Another Jamaican rum cream question! I tell you, outside of Blue Mountain Coffee , it must be the most popular Jamaican product from Jamaican, …

Jamaica My Favorite Place To Visit 
What a sweet surprise? Frank, One of my most ardent followers since my site inception in 2007, just reached out to me. I have not heard from him for …

What Can I Bring To Jamaica 
MBJ Airport Farrah asked about foods but my associate grabbed the opportunity to make it a quite comprehensive and compelling response, fit for …

Trying To Find Someone - But Don't Have His Name 
If I say strange, it would be an understatement. That was the nature of this unusual question I got yesterday from one of my site visitors. Here's …

Parents Marriage Certificate In Jamaica - How Do I Apply? 
A great clarification question on applying for marriage certificate in Jamaica! Here is Sam's question... with my response below. Hello Wellesley …

Can I bring back Ackee from Jamaica to Canada? 
I answered this question for Scott but I'm sure for hundred of other persons as well, it is yet another popular question we see online. It relates to bringing …

Does Jamaica Allow Vaccinated Tourists? 
by Deon Clarke | Associate Writer See Also : Can I Travel to Jamaica After Recovering From Covid-19? So, you are fully vaccinated and you want …

Why Is The Title for Land Not In The Owner's Name? 
I have something that is really puzzling me and I cannot seem to find an answer or anything relatively close to an answer. If there is a valuation number …

Jamaican folk songs - Teecha Lick di Gal | Elena | Roas Breadfruit 
Another Jamaican folk song question. This one pushe me to dig deep in the archives :-) Here's the question... I need the lyrics to three (3) folk …

Hiattsfield Estate & Slave Plantations in St. Ann Jamaica 
Photo: Breadnut Hill Primary School | Source: Facebook Group Hi my name is Eve and a relative passed on and left me a property called "Hiattsfield" …

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Jamaican Herbs For Fertility | What Are the Best Ones? 
Jamaican Dog Blood Bush | Photo @myislandjamaica This question was quite unusual, but we were quite happy for it. It is one of those issues …

How Can I Recover Money Owed To Me In Jamaica? 
Photo: Specimen Jamaican $1000 bills Good day, I operate a micro lending business, my business is registered with the companies office however …

How Did Jamaica Get Its Name? 
How Did Jamaica get its Name? Hmmm. An highly unusual, but very good question , something my baby daughter would ask :-) Anyways it motivated …

How do I start a same day loan company in Jamaica? 
Great question from Brandon! And at a time like this, perfect timing too! And although this one is about a same day loan company, general information …

Is my US will valid for property in Jamaica? 
“To mitigate complications and aid in the procedure of devolution of assets after death, a ‘will’ has to be well planned and drafted.” Henrietta …

What kind of crops are grown in Jamaica for profit? 
Jamaican Cocoa Beans This question was an interesting one. I mean, it is one of those things we think we know, but probably doesn't, well certainly …

Poultry house construction companies in Jamaica? 
I attempted to answer this question about companies that specialized in building poultry houses in Jamaica ( below ) But, yes, I am going to solicit your …

How Do I Correct My Name On My Jamaican Birth Certificate? 
Specimen Of Jamaican Birth Certificate We get quite a few of these questions related to vital records in Jamaica, but this one was different. It …

Missionary Work In Jamaica 
Did you know that there are several international churches and institutions that does missionary work in Jamaica? And some of them, for several decades! …

What do I need to open a bank account in Jamaica? 
Like a cellphone, a bank account, is a convenient necessity for most persons in today's busy and fast-paced world. What are the requirements though? …

Jamaica Directory Assistance 
OK, that makes two of us! I saw the title, Jamaica Directory Assistance, and was ready to respond by redirecting to the telephone directory online …

Flow Jamaica Contact | I need to pay my bills! 
Technology is great, isn't it? Well yes, if it works. If not, It can drive the daylight out of of you! Which is exactly the case here. Here is Priscilla's …

Getting a mortgage in Jamaica 
Katrina is coming home, yeah!!! But she needs some guidance and information on getting a mortgage in Jamaica, but on a particular condition. I responded …

Building a one bedroom house in Jamaica, what is the cost? 
I answered the question ( below ): What is the cost of building a one bedroom house in Jamaica? But I am going to solicit your input as well? I know …

Where can I buy pimento wood? 
Its berries, its bark, its leaves and even its wood are premium products! Yes, that Jamaican pimento! Today's question is... yes, where can pimento wood …

What's the procedure to split a piece of land and obtain title in Jamaica? 
The matter of land surfaced again, I think I'm been drawn to my calling :-) Anyway today's question relates to getting a property split (or should …

Lover's Leap, Jamaica 
Photo Credit: by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer See Also : Welcome to Black River Jamaica If you love …

Why is divorce in Jamaica so expensive and income so cheap? 
Dorrette ask why divorce is so expensive in Jamaica. I had no idea how to respond! But it is not always what you know, but who you know; I got an answer …

Can I Travel to Jamaica After Recovering From Covid-19? 
I have a trip booked for Jamaica soon but I was diagnosed with COVID-19 after getting tested. I was wondering if this will prevent me from getting travel …

Eloping In Jamaica | What can I expect? 
A reader is considering eloping in Jamaica and needs some advice, or rather, some reasons. What do you say to him (or her)? I shared my response …

how to apply for a marriage certificate in Jamaica 
Louise, who is from the UK, got married in Jamaica back in 2009. Unfortunately, she lost her marriage certificate! Is there any hope for her getting …

How To Get A Bailiff In Jamaica? 
Where can you find bailiffs in Jamaica and how can you get one to remove a squatter or perhaps even tennant, who is occupying your property illegally. …

Building A Garage In Jamaica 
For some reason, various questions around building construction in Jamaica appears to be quite popular here, so I'm not surprised to see yet another, this …

This Jamaican Instrument brought home to me? What is it called? 
Riddle me this, and riddle me that ... What has a wooden ball with beads or stones in it on a stick? Actually, I am just kidding :-) It is not a riddle …

Does Jamaican Locals Get Discounted Rate At Attractions? 
I made some friends on my last visit there and would like them to join me at some of the attractions when I come back in September. Do they get …

Click here to write your own.

Moving to Jamaica from Africa 
Hi there, I'm South African getting married to a Jamaican. I have a son, 17 yrs whom we are planning to move with to Jamaica. How do I go about …

Will it Rain During My Vacation in Jamaica? 
by Deon Clarke |Associate Writer See Also : The Weather In Jamaica In November Is November a good time to travel to Jamaica? Will it rain …

How to find out if someone is married in Jamaica? 
I need to know if my fiancé is married in Jamaica before I marry him in the United States. Sabrena RESPONSE: by Aneisha Dobson …

Domestic Jamaica Charter Flights - The Best Ones? 
Question About : Domestic Charter Flights In Jamaica How can I fly from one of Jamaica's commercial airports to the Ken Jones Aerodrome in Port Antonio? …

NHT jamaica loan requirements & overseas contribution questions  
Question About : How To make NHT Contribution From Overseas & How To Qualify For A Loan Hi my last NHT contribution was 2015 but I now live overseas. …

Key Ingredients In Jamaican Jerk? 
Question About: Authentic Jamaican Jerk I have seen so many recipes from non-Jamaicans who say that their recipe is authentic. It gets very confusing. …

Jamaica Immigration Lawyers Or Consultants? 
Stuart, from South Africa, asked yet another timely question? Where can he find (or who can provide) immigration requirements for permanent residence in …

Places To Celebrate Birthday Party In Jamaica? 
Question about: Places In Jamaica To Celebrate Birthday Hello, my name is Angela. I am traveling to Jamaica next January with family and friends …

How Can I Start A Student Loan Business In Jamaica? 
Inspired by the needs of her nieces and nephews in, Jean is interested in started a student loan business in Jamaica, but doesn't know where to start. …

What is the National Dish of Jamaica? 
So is ackee and saltfish really the national dish of Jamaica? I was a bit puzzled as to why Joyce would have asked this question, but then I figured out …

The Dreaded 6 Month Passport Rule - And How To Avoid It 
The last thing you'd want to hear before booking you dream vacation to Jamaica is that you are restricted because of this (six) 6 month passport rule. …

british citizenship for jamaicans born before 1962 
Question about : British citizen by jamaican birth before 1962? I was told by someone that because I was born before Jamaica got it’s independence …

Jamaica National Anthem Code Of Use 
Question about : Code Of Use For Jamaica National Anthem Good day sir, my question is if one breaks the protocols of the national anthem, is there …

Jamaican 1 penny coin - 1370 or 1870? 
Question about: Jamaican 1 penny coin. I have inherited some coins from a relative and this one has caught my eye is a Jamaican one penny dated 1370 …

getting utitlites in Jamaica (water, power and road) | Who can I contact? 
You just bought land and is now interested in getting all the local utilities in Jamaica installed. What's the next step? The asker didn't state …

Wheelchair friendly access in Jamaica? 
Rich from San Diego, California is considering visiting Jamaica, but wants to know the status of wheelchair access in the island. What would you say …

Jamaica's National Anthem | 10 Facts 
See Also : The Jamaican National Anthem & Pledge Photo: Jamaica's National Flag by Deon Clarke | Associate Writer Each citizen of …

Distance between towns in Jamaica & Best Jamaica Distance Calculator 
What's the distance between St. Ann's Bay and Runaway Bay? How far is Runaway Bay from Ocho Rios? ANSWER: by Wellesley Hey Richard, The distance …

Can I bring my Pet to Jamaica with me if I am moving there? 
Question by Kathryn: Can I bring my Pet to Jamaica with me if I am moving there? I have read online that one can't bring a pet to Jamaica. I understand …

What Types of Summer Activities Can Children Do in Jamaica? 
My 9-year-old grand-daughter will be visiting for the summer. We will be in Falmouth, Trelawny; and I would like to enroll her in any musical, theater, …

missing item at customs in Jamaica 
Wierd! That was my first thought when Wayne sent this question about a missing item at customs in Jamaica (via Facebook). Here is the question... …

Jamaica Airport taxi rates and currency exchange 
Fred asked about Jamaica Airport taxi rates and currency exchange. I think I responded too late though. I apologized, but I still wanted to provide him …

Miss Jamaica Marie Chance - in the 60's or late 50's 
This question had great sentiments attached and I was excited to help. It was a child trying to find information about his/her mom, Marie Chance, who took …

Sangster's Old Jamaica Deluxe Gold Rum 
Question About: Sangster Rum Cream Hi, In going through my collection of Rum's, I found an unopened bottle of "Sangster's Old Jamaica Deluxe Gold …

FAQs About Westwood High School for Girls | Boarding School in Jamaica 
RESPONSE: by Sheree-Anita Shearer See Also : Cost For Boarding At All Girls Schools In Jamaica The Westwood High School for …

Click here to write your own.

Can I Purchase Jamaican Rum Cream Online? 
Question About: How to order Jamaican rum cream online I want to know where I can order a case of Rum Cream. I use WRAY & NEPHEW 200 ML bottles. …

Cost To Roughcast The Walls Of A House In Jamaica? 
You need some roughcast done on your construction project, but not quite sure of the rates - or even who to believe? This might help. Ricky asked …

Where can I buy Jamaican Regal Crackers? 
QUESTION about: How Can I Get Regal Water Crackers? Hello Mr. Gayle, Congratulations to you on the constant progress you are making with …

auto insurance in jamaica - how does it work? 
I have been going to Jamaica for 9 years. I have two bike taxis. One was in an accident 6 months ago. My driver was not AT FAULT AND I PAID ALL PREMIUMS …

Can a Non Jamaican buy/own Property in Jamaica? 
QUESTION about: Can Non-Jamaicans Own Property in Jamaica? For example can someone not born in Jamaica Buy or inherit Property in Jamaica ? …

Are Jamaican marriages legal in the U.S.A.? 
Are Jamaican marriages legal in the U.S.A.? The answer is YES! Every country has a marriage act which governs the institution of marriage which is legal …

How Can I Obtain Jamaican Citizenship? 
QUESTION about: How Can I Obtain Jamaican Citizenship? I have been considering for a long time the possibly of moving to Jamaica. I just need to …

Wood Carvings In Green Island Jamaica 
Sherry Baker, one of my esteemed patrons made a request of me a while ago, a challenging one I must admit, but I was committed to help. I was unsuccessful …

How much does it cost to import a car to Jamaica? 
How much does it cost to import a car to Jamaica? RESPONSE: by Wellesley Related : Buying A Car In Jamaica via Hire Purchase | A helpful …

What Are The Rights of Jamaican Landowners? 
QUESTION: What are the Rights of Landowners in Jamaica? I live abroad; my house is occupied by my brother. He returned from a business trip to find …

Who Produces Sangster's Jamaica Products? 
QUESTION: Who Produces Sangster's Jamaica Products? Hello, Can you tell me who is the producer of Sangster's Jamaica products? I cannot find it on …

Is Jamaica Really Into Bobsledding? 
QUESTION about: Jamaica And Bobsledding I Want to know if this is real or not? ANSWER: by Kesha Stewart Hi friend, Am smiling at your …

Get in Groups & Have a Great Jamaican Vacation 
QUESTION about: GROUP PACKAGE We are planning a church trip in May 2018 of at least 40 persons, including children. How best can you give us a good …

Marinas in Jamaica to live on my boat 
Question About Marinas in Jamaica - How To Live On My Boat There Hi, I really love your newsletter and will be getting closer to coming back to …

Scooter Bike For Sale In Jamaica 
Question about :scooter bikes for sale in Jamaica Hi Wellesley, great site! My question to you is how much do scooters cost in Jamaica? And any place …

Staying at Multiple Resorts in Jamaica During Covid – Is it allowed? 
We are looking forward to our upcoming trip to Jamaica on October 21. I understand that once in Jamaica, we must stay within our resilient zones. But …

Kelly's Syrup 
QUESTION about: Kelly's Syrup from Jamaica Hello Wellesley, I have tried to look for Kelly's Syrup here in Dover, DE, but have not been able to …

Jamaican Dress - One People, One Fashion 
QUESTION about: Jamaican Dress - One People, One Fashion How do Jamaicans dress before the 21st century. What also influenced what we used to and …

Driving Around Jamaica As A Tourist 
QUESTION about: Driving Around Jamaica As A Tourist Hello Wellesley My husband, Me, and my brother and sister in law are coming to Jamaica …

building material costs in Jamaica & shipping from UK 
Question about : Building material costs in Jamaica & Shipping Household Items From the UK. I am looking to build a 5 bedroom house in Trelawny …

Venue for family reunion 
QUESTION about: Best Venue For Family Reunion On South Coast Jamaica Any idea on venue for a family reunion in St. Elizabeth or Manchester? I need …

English Place Names In Jamaica | Popular places named by the British in Jamaica 
This question provided us the wonderful opportunity to provide some quite interesting and insightful information that I hope Shantae, and indeed all …

How Safe Is Jamaica 
QUESTION about: How Safe Is Jamaica How safe is Jamaica? a few countries has the country on their travel alert list. Why should I visit Jamaica if …

Jamaica's National Leaders 
QUESTION about: Jamaica's National Leaders Good Day Wellesley, Thank you for all you interesting articles. I have truly enjoyed them. I would …

Govt. Assistance to Returnees 
QUESTION about: Jamaican Government Assistance to UK Returnees I would like to know why the government don’t do more to support returnees to Jamaica. …

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Valentine's Day Activities In Jamaica For Couples 
QUESTION about: Valentine's Day Activities In Jamaica For Couples Hi! Do you have any recommendations for Valentine's day for couples. Like great …

Jamaican Gospel Song - Do You Know This One? 
Hi, I have been searching for a gospel song where a Jamaican woman says , “Jesus came into my life early one Sunday morning. He said woman what you …

Best Place To Live In Jamaica For A Returning Resident 
QUESTION about: Where is the best place to live in Jamaica for a returning resident? ANSWER: by W. Gayle Hi Crystal, I’m smiling right …

Blanket As Gift For Jamaican baby? 
QUESTION about: Blanket As Gift For Jamaican baby? I was thinking of making a hand-crocheted (lightweight) baby blanket to bring as a baby gift …

Life of A Jamaican Child in the 70s and 80s 
Can I just add that I was the one that asked about what Jamaican children did back in the days - games they played, what was a typical packed lunch, the …

National ID 
QUESTION about: National ID I was living in Kingston at the time and applied for my National ID, I was to collect it in June of last year. But because …

Medicinal marjuana 
QUESTION about: Can I Take Medicinal Cannabis To Jamaica? Can Canadians fly to Jamaica with their medicinal marijuana? Or Are there dispensaries …

Lottery Scams from Jamaica 
QUESTION about Lottery Scams from Jamaica When is the Constabulary and Parish law enforcement going to identify and arrest the Lottery Scammers who …

New Year's Eve Activities and Celebrations in Kingston 
If someone comes to you and ask for recommendation on Best New Year's activities in Kingston, what would YOU suggest? We'll James asked me! Here's …

What food items can I bring into Jamaica? 
Whew! I was just about to log off but was drawn to this question, 'What food items can I bring into Jamaica?' It's such a popular question I didn't want …

Fascinating Factory Tours In Jamaica 
Fascinating Factory Tours in Jamaica by Aneisha Dobson, Associate Writer When most people envision a Jamaican vacation, the first thing they think …

Jamaican fragment 
QUESTION about Jamaican fragment What comes in your mind when you see the topic Jamaican fragment? ANSWER: by W. Gayle Hi Laximi, Welcome …

Any tips for enjoying Mandeville? 
Hello, My family will be in Mandeville for two weeks in January. I'm interested in learning about fun day trips, good food, interesting places …

15 Health Benefits and Uses of Rosemary in Jamaica 
by Deon Clarke | Associate Writer See Also : Traditional Jamaican Bush Teas Oldie But Still Goodie! What is Rosemary? Rosemary (Rosmarinus …

Where is Monkey Island and Blue Lagoon in Jamaica 
QUESTION Where is Blue Lagoon and Monkey Island located in Jamaica? Good morning and Happy Monday. Mr. Wellesley, where is Blue Lagoon and …

House Insurance for board houses In Jamaica? 
I am purchasing a home in the hills of Jamaica . Now everything is ready except for closing. I was informed by the owners that you cannot get house insurance …

Vintage Jamaica Independence Song 
QUESTION about Vintage Jamaica Independence song There is a song relating to how Jamaica became independent. It tells the story about Mr Norman Manley …

How to Live in Jamaica for Six Months 
by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer See Also : Moving to Jamaica from Africa Here is a scenario. After visiting Jamaica a few times …

Super Bowl parties in Jamaica 
QUESTION about: Top Super Bowl parties in Jamaica We will be back in Negril February and wandering if there are any Super Bowl parties/ functions …

Valleys in Manchester Jamaica 
Question: Name the valleys that are located in Manchester, Jamaica? Answer by Rosa-Lee Phang Manchester was named after the 19th governor of …

Wi-Fi or Data Plan Options While on Vacation in Jamaica 
I am planning on a four (4) month winter stay in Negril. It would be helpful to understand the process of getting a phone. I was here 3 weeks last …

How many tourists visit Jamaica each year? 
You've heard the statistics bantered about right? I mean the ones about how many tourist visit Jamaica each year. And the numbers seems to change …

Is Carinosa Hotel & Attraction Still Operating In Jamaica? 
QUESTION: Is Carinosa Hotel Still Operating In Jamaica - was owned by then prime minister, Edward Seaga. On Sun Dec 11 14:27:52 2016, the …

Jamaican High School Exams - Is CXC accepted in England? 
QUESTION Is CXC accepted in England? If a child only obtained four CXC subjects and a school leaving certificate, is him/her edigible to study …

Does Munro accept students during the academic school year 
QUESTION about: Does Munro accept students during the academic school year First Name: Ms Grant E-Mail Address: Country: United Kingdom …

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Want To Return To Jamaica, But Concerned, Any Advice? 
Whenever I find a gem, I don't hesitate to share it so that you, and many others, can benefit. Responding to my recent (weekly) newsletter, Sharon asked …

Who can sign the marriage license in a christian ceremony in Jamaica? 
Who can sign the marriage license in a christian ceremony in Jamaica? It is one of those questions that we almost never ask or even think about, …

My Jamaican Wedding At Breezes Mobay- Can I have copies of my pictures? 
QUESTION about: My Jamaican Wedding At Breezes Mobay- Can I have copies of my pictures? Please please, help me get copies of my 2000 breezes resort …

Alzheimers & Dementia Care In Jamaica  
This really great, and opportune, question about Dementia Care In Jamaica came in from Grace, one of my most ardent and most engaged supporter on the website. …

How Does Climate Change Affect Jamaica? 
by by Deon Clarke | Associate Writer See Also : The Jamaican Climate and Weather Conditions During The Year From time to time, we hear about …

How to send gifts to Jamaica from the US? 
QUESTION about: How to send gifts to schools in Jamaica from the US We'd like to send gifts to our new friends and school supplies to Westmoreland. …

Lesbians Dress Code In Jamaica 
QUESTION about: Lesbians Dress Code In Jamaica I'm a lesbian that dress like male, is it OK to dress like a male to go to in an interview at the Jamaican …

How do Jamaicans know that I'm British 
QUESTION about: How Do They Know My Nationality Hey how do Jamaicans know if you are from there? If you have not even opened your mouth. Yo are just …

Important advice for schooling in Jamaica - From London to Montego Bay 
QUESTION about: Schooling In Jamaica - Advice For immigrant students. I’m currently living in London, England but will be in Jamaica from September …

Can I send Pain Relief Cream to Jamaica from Australia? 
QUESTION about: Sending Medication To Jamaica Wellesley, I have a Jamaican friend who suffers from severe shoulder pain and I told him I would …

Places To Visit In Jamaica For History & Culture 
QUESTION about: Places To Visit In Jamaica For History & culture Planning on visiting soon with my family and almost adult children. They …

What are the best resorts in Jamaica? 
Jamaica Inn Hotel You are sold! You made a decision to vacation in Jamaica so now its a matter of the best of the best, right? Here we …

Visiting Montego Bay And Bob Marley Museum  
QUESTION about: Cost For Visiting Bob Marley Museum Jah Bless. I plan to travel on August 5th to Sunsplash Cove resort all inclusive. My birthday …

How Close Can I Build to My Neighbor’s Property in Jamaica? 
Where can I find the laws regarding how close one neighbor can build to the boundary of another? I am interested in knowing how close someone can build …

Cost of Building Plans And Blue Prints In Jamaica 
Question About: “General fees associated with building plans (blue print drawings) in Jamaica and also a list of local architects from which to choose” …

Spending money for Jamaican vacation 
QUESTION about: Amount Of Spending Money For Jamaica vacation I'm going to Jamaica on the 3rd of Feb for 7 nights and don't no how much money to take. …

Competent Service Technicians In Jamaica | Where Can I Find Them? 
Another avid reader, Fitz, emailed me a question earlier about finding competent service technicians in Jamaica. I responded to him, but also got his …

How To Get Local In Jamaica 
QUESTION about: How To Get Local In Jamaica I am coming back to Jamaica in 8 days. We are staying in Montego Bay . I have been to Rick's Café …

how can I order your xnews news paper 
QUESTION about: Ordering XNews newspaper Hi, how can i order your X News newspaper ANSWER: by Wellesley, March 2016 Hi Stepahanie Thanks …

Best Places for Snorkling in Jamaica 
Hi, I have never been to Jamaica. We like to snorkel and I am asking for advice what area to stay? Also, is it necessary to go all-inclusive or …

Why do Jamaicans eat bun and cheese for Easter? | Jamaican Easter Traditions 
By Kesha Stewart | Associate Writer See Also : What do Jamaicans do for Easter? Most Jamaicans consider certain things mandatory for …

The Maroons of Jamaica 
Wellesley, A couple weeks ago I wrote and told you about my connection to the Maroons. I asked several questions which I hoped you would be able …

Shelf Life of Sangster's Rum Cream 
QUESTION Sangster's Jamaican Rum Cream Shelf Life I bought two bottles of Sangster's Rum Cream in 2003 while on a cruise that stopped in Jamaica, …

How To Obtain A National ID Card In Jamaica 
QUESTION about: Obtaining A National ID Card In Jamaica. And when applying for your national Identification card. Its known that the people who are …

5 Ways to Get a Starter Home in Jamaica 
Hey Sir G, hope that all is well with you. My question is my spouse and I are looking for a starter home, something that young people can afford, I …

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What Is The Best Time To Vacation In Jamaica - For Jamaicans? 
QUESTION ABOUT... What Is The Best Time To Vacation In Jamaica - For Jamaicans? As you may be aware we are Jamaicans living in Jamaica. My wife, …

What are the best luxury hotels in Jamaica? 
Photo: Jewel Grande Montego Bay Last week, I shared the article on ' What are the best resorts in Jamaica? ' and it created quite a stir - and …

long term stays in jamaica 
Inexpensive guest houses or long term stays in Jamaica? That's the question sent in to me from Linda in email recently. I consider my response …

Jamaican Host Family - How To Find One 
QUESTION about finding a Jamaican Host Family: Hi My name is Ed. I have never been to Jamaica before but I have plans on going there. But there is …

Tips For Jamaica Returning Residents 
Returning Residents Of Jamaica - Question By Noel Taylor: First Name: Noel Taylor Country: United States Enquiry/Comments: Hi Wellesley, …

Best Roofing In Jamaica 
Question about Roofing In Jamaica Hi, I'm building a two bedroom house in St. Elizabeth. I'm at a stand still at the moment however. All the walls …

Becoming A Local In Jamaica 
Is it possible to move to Jamaica and just move to the mountains build a small home, plant some crops and become a local? And please don't give one …

Christmas in Negril, Jamaica, Wwhat is it like? 
We're spending our first visit ever in Jamacia. What's Christmas like in Negril, or anywhere on the island? ANSWER: BY Wellesley Gayle Hello there …

Life and Health Insurance Policy In Jamaica - Things To Consider 
QUESTION: Life and Health Insurance As you may be aware I am moving to Ja. I am looking at trying to find out about life and medical insurances …

Best Place For Couples Massage In Runnaway Bay 
QUESTION about: Best Place For Couples Massage In Runnaway Bay Can you recommend any places that offer Couples Massage on the beach? I'll be …

Secrets of St. James Montego Bay Hotel Review 
QUESTION: How is the stay at Secrets of St. James All-Inclusive? ANSWER: Hi Sulitz, Secret St. James (in Montego Bay Jamaica), operating …

Old Hospital Park, Montego Bay 
Question : Old Hospital Park For Wedding by Tameika. What is the cost to use the old hospital park for a wedding? Is there a cost to use the venue …

Items Jamaicans Want as Gifts 
Question : What Are The Items Jamaicans Want As Gifts? My mother was born and raised in Kingston, but has been living in the states for the last …

Schools in Falmouth Area To Give School Supplies 
Schools in Falmouth Area To Give School Supplies- Question By Karen We will be in Falmouth in February on Royal Caribbean serenade of the seas. …

Can I Transfer NHT Benefit Or Contribution To Someone Else? 
Question by Julie: Can I Transfer NHT Benefit Or Contribution To Someone Else? If you are a member of the National Housing Trust, can you turn over …

How to get a Visa for England and the Uk 
QUESTION How to get a Visa to Visit England? My spouse lives in Jamaica and I would like him to visit me due to I am getting frustrated in traveling …

Jamaican marriage by us citizens vacationing in jamaica 
Another question about the validity of a marriage in Jamaica and also its legality in the US again? I don't mind answering, I just wished that people …

Quick Guide to Jamaican Marriage and its Legality 
QUESTION about Marriage in Jamaica and its Legality I heard that a friend just married in Jamaica Is his marriage legal in the US. He said he had …

Jamaican Primary schools that needs stationery or clothes - near Montego Bay 
Hi Wellesley, My daughter Roxy, and i hope to be visiting Jamaica in a month or so. This time we are hoping to stay in Montego Bay! We usually stay …

name of poem and author - Good Morning Teacha 
QUESTION: I would like to know the name of a poem . I only know the first line which goes something like this - "Good mawnin teacha How is yo my …

How To Help Jamaican Kids get School Lunches 
QUESTION: Hi, I'm writing to ask for advice and information. I have a business and would like to donate a portion of every sale to help provide …

Hair Loc (Lock) Salons in Negril Jamaica 
QUESTION: Hi I will be in Negril 3/14- 18 for my birthday. Wanted to have my locs (locks) done or maintained. Do you have any ideas on where to …

Things To Do At Bluefields Bay, Jamaica 
Hello my wife and I are heading to Bluefields Bay on Valentine's Day. So was there for the week. Can you give me any advice on the area things to do nearby. …

field trip to learn about the plant system in Jamaica 
QUESTION: I am a teacher at the Southborough Primary School in St. Catherine. We are desirous of taking a group of children on a field trip to learn …

cost to support a family in Jamaica 
QUESTION: How much would it cost to support a family of three, mother and 2 children, monthly, or yearly? Depending on life style I would like to …

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A Jamaican Beach For A Day 
Question About A Jamaican Beach For A Day Hello, I am taking a cruise ship and we want to visit a beach for the day. We need to rent an umbrella, …

How to trace our Family Roots in Jamaica 
QUESTION Genealogy How can you search for your family roots in Jamaica? ANSWER: by R.P You have a very good question on hand. …

looking for a safe semi private villa in jamaica 
QUESTION: Hi Wellesley, how r U and ur lovely family doing? I have a big favor. I have some very special close friends of mine that wants to …

schools near negril -contact information to donate school supplies 
QUESTION: Hi there! I somehow found your Facebook page by researching schools in Jamaica. We are coming to negril jan 1-6 and would like to donate …

Ideal Gift For A Jamaican Family 
QUESTION about: Gift To Bring To Jamaica We will be hosted by a famous family in Jamaica, and I want to bring a gift from California, what are some …

Requirements for Foreigners wanting to study in Jamaica. 
QUESTION: I want to send my son to boarding school in Jamaica do I need to get a Visa? if not what is needed so I can send him for the next term? …

Donations to Jamaican schools -Treasure Beach area 
QUESTION: Hello, I have seen on a forum that school supplies are needed. Is this still true for the area around Treasure Beach? I would be glad …

The Culture Of Jamaica - Questions For A Project 
Hello sir, I am currently working on a cultural anthropology project for my Socio / Anthro / Psychology course at school. I was lucky enough to …

Fibre Artists In Jamaica And Jamaican PrintMaking Artists 
QUESTION: Good Morning. Can you please provide me the names of five (5) fiber arts artists in Jamaica and also five (5) printmaking artist in Jamaica? …

Cost For Boarding At All Girls Schools In Jamaica 
QUESTION: How much is it for boarding school for girls in jamaica? ANSWER: by Wellesley, October 29, 2013 Hi Deon, Thanks for your question. …

A Poem By Una Marson - Why should I sorrowing go, have i not lived? 
I am looking for a poem that ends with "why should I sorrowing go, have i not lived" ANSWER: by Wellesley Hey Glendon Watson, Thanks for asking! …

Charity in Jamaica - How Do I Go About Setting One Up? 
QUESTION: Hi, I have been visiting Jamaica regularly for the past 3 years... My last visit was for 3 months where I helped out at the Portland Rehab …

Jamaican Wake Song Lyrics For "Yu wrong fe send come call me" 
There is a song that was / is sung at funerals in Jamaica (when filling the grave I think). It's called: Yu wrong fe send come call me. It refers …

will NHT non-payment by employer affect my loan chance? 
QUESTION: I worked with a particular company for approximately six years. I understand the money was not been paid over to NHT by the company. …

How To Request Vital Records From Jamaica 
QUESTION: I am doing family history research on my grandson's grandmother who was from Kingston Jamaica. She passed away in approximately 1973 per …

Coleyville Jamaica 
QUESTION: I would like to get historic information for Coleyville Jamaica. I believe my husband's grandfather was born there. I have not been able …

Shipping Container House in Jamaica - where can I get a cheap 40 or 45 feet one to buy? 
QUESTION: Does anyone know where I might buy a cheap 40 or 45ft shipping container house in Jamaica or where I can find a shipping container and someone …

Moxons Beach Club is it any good?  
QUESTION: Moxons Beach Club is it any good? We heard its reasonable price. I am looking for a place on the North Coast of Jamaica to stay and someone …

How to get a loan from NHT to build on own land- but living overseas 
QUESTION: Can I get loan from NHT to build on own land since I am living overseas? ANSWER: by Devin, May 14, 2013 Hi Julie, Regarding …

Permanent residency in Jamaica for US retiree - Is the three (3) year wait time true? 
QUESTION: First let me say how much I enjoy your website. Its very informative as is the other information I have downloaded from your site. When …

Jamaican Caper seeds 
QUESTION: Hey, I need some seeds of Jamaican Caper for my scientific research. Is there a person who could send me some seeds to Germany? Regards, …

Jamaican juici beef patties - can i buy at airport to take abroad? 
QUESTION: Is it possible to buy juici beef patties in the airports to bring abroad. ANSWER: by Devin, April 6th, 2013 Hi Tanny, Yes, you …

A High Standard Of Living In Jamaica - What is it like? What should I accept in my offer? 
QUESTION: I am waiting for an offer from a company working in the telecommunication market in Jamaica It is a local offer and i am not sure what is …

Fishing in Jamaica - Safeguarding The Jamaica Fishing Industry 
QUESTION: 1. What are the different fishing Laws we have in Jamaica with regards to safeguarding our Fishing Industry? 2. Can you give me some recommendations …

Where Can Jamaican Nationals Travel Without A Visa? 
Cheree put me to work today when she asked me the question, 'where can Jamaicans travel with a passport only? She was, in essence, asking where can …

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Hoping to meet a begonia lover in Jamaica 
QUESTION: In my only trip to Jamaica (July, 2011), I learned that plantation owners in the 1800s grew begonias...and that in the ruins of these plantations, …

Bring Beef Jerky to Jamaica? 
QUESTION: We will be coming to Montego Bay in 2 weeks. When we vacation we like to bring Beef Jerky and Snack sticks to snack on when at the pools or …

i would like to relocate to jamiaca. how cheaply can i do this 
QUESTION: I would like to relocate to Jamaica, how cheaply can i do this. I have always dreamed of living in Jamaica, but don't have a big savings. …

Online Mortgage Payments To Jamaica - How To Make Them. 
QUESTION: I had recently migrated to Denver Colorado. I owned a house in Jamaica and need to continue with my mortgage payment. Can the payments be done …

Tuxedo Rentals in the Montego Bay area 
QUESTION: My Fiance and I are planning a wedding in Montego Bay Jamaica in Sometime this year. I was wondering if anyone can recommend anywhere in Mobay …

Nitelife in Negril 
QUESTION: Where to go for nightlife in Negril? ANSWER: by Devin, February 09, 2013 Negril, just about one hour and twenty minutes by car from the …

Looking for story book -I REMEMBER IT WELL 
QUESTION: I remember a story book i used to read as a young girl in the 1970s called I REMEMBER IT WELL. it tells the story a life in the country, the …

History of Jamaican Jewerly 
QUESTION: My daughter is doing a report for school on Jamaican jewelry. She found a necklace on line, and tried to make a necklace that looks like it, …

Best Value Places To Eat in Montego Bay - plus transportation and excursions 
QUESTION: I will be staying at the Hilton Rose Resort & Spa this September. Has anyone got any good tips when in Montego Bay e.g cheap excursions, …

Cost of cutting keys in Jamaica 
Yes, we answer almost all questions about Jamaica from the best places to visit to yes, the cost of cutting keys! And that's the question we'll answer …

jamaica national pledge - it's background 
QUESTION: Can I get information on the Jamaican national pledge? ANSWER: by Devin, December 31, 2012 Hi Naomi, The Jamaican National Pledge …

migrating to jamaica 
QUESTION: I was born in the UK, I am of Jamaican parentage. I have had a love affair with Jamaica for the past nine years and in that time, have been …

Guest house or Hotel Falmouth area of Jamaica 
QUESTION: Hello Wellesley Can you provide any contact details for reasonable Guest Houses or Bed & Breakfast hotels in the Falmouth area. I have …

Fencing, Welding & Grilling Suppliers In Jamaica 
QUESTION: Hello Wellesley, I am UK based and recently purchased a new home in Jamaica, however increasingly frustrated at the lack of information …

flower clubs in Jamaica 
QUESTION: Hello, Can you tell me if there are flower clubs in Jamaica? I am visiting Negril the first two weeks in December and would love to visit …

Jamaican culture and lifestyle - my class project 
QUESTION: Hey, everyone! My name is Lisa, I'm 24 years old and I live in New York. I'm working on a project for a class called: The Social, Cultural …

Celebrations in Jamaica 
QUESTION: I am invited to a birthday Luncheon and Lime. What is the Lime? Is this a special Jamaican celebration? ANSWER: by Wellesley November …

Population of Jamaica - How Many Jamaicans live in Jamaica? 
QUESTION: How many Jamaicans live in Jamaican? Because I know that other cultures, such as Chinese, also live in Jamaica. Can you give me a reasonable …

looking for room in jamaica 
QUESTION: hi everybody I’m move to Jamaica in December and I’m interested for a room, or a study apartment, does anybody know how much it cost …

Sangster's Liqueur - Where can I purchase it online? 
QUESTION: I have been visiting Jamaica yearly since 1963 and feel in love with Sangster's World's End Wild Orange Liqueur. Do you have any idea of …

deltas and sandspits in jamaica 
QUESTION: What is the names of the deltas and sandspits found in jamaica? ANSWER: by Wellesley November 20, 2012 Hi Shantae, Very interesting …

Legality of Stun Gun or Pepper Spray in Jamaica 
QUESTION: Is it legal to shipped a stun Gun or pepper spray to Jamaica from the United States, and are they Legal to carry on your person in Jamaica, …

Best Montego Bay All Inclusive Hotels 
QUESTION: I was there five years ago with my grands and stayed at Beaches. I want to return but would like to know of a nice all-inclusive Hotel or Resort …

Jamaica piña colada 
QUESTION: My husband and I stayed at Sandals montego bay in May 2011. When we arrived we were given some Piña coladas. Does anyone know the recipe …

Jamaican Cell phone to call USA  
QUESTION: Hello! Do you know where I can get a cheap cell phone in order to use Digicel to call home & to use while in Jamaica? Thank you for your help. …

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jamaican sativa seeds 
QUESTION: I am indonesian and i live in aceh where there was the tsunami in december 2004. I would like to ask you if someone, anyone, could send …

best jamaican tattoos - artist and shops 
QUESTION: My husband and I are traveling to Jamaica in December. He typically gets a "local" tattoo. We are cautious when away from our local artist, …

Ms Jamaica Pageant - History 
QUESTION: Marlene Murray was crowned as the FIRST MS. Jamaica 1962 in the year that Jamaica got it's Independence, she was not a Jamaica Festival Queen …

National Housing Trust Jamaica -Contributions from abroad for NHT Benefits 
QUESTION: I currently live in England & wanted to find out about the scheme whereby Jamaicans living overseas can now make NHT contributions. If …

Jamaican visiting france, need a visa? 
I have a Jamaican friend with Jamaican passport. He wants to visit me in France for 6 months. Does he also need a Visa? How long can he stay for? Thanks …

Best all Inclusive resort for wedding or honeymoon in Jamaica 
QUESTION: My fiancé and I are looking for a good all Inclusive wedding/honeymoon. What would be the best place to stay at for a young couple in September? …

1st B'Day Celebrations - Taboo in Jamaica? 
I would consider my Jamaican husband to be fairly progressive, but there are a few tenants from his upbringing that he holds dear. He has quietly suggested …

Building a house in Jamaica - What are the costs? 
QUESTION: Can you tell me the price of a bag of cement in Jamaica and also the price of 6,8,10 and 12 inch block please. I would appreciate it. Thank …

Jamaica's Motto before independence. 
What was Jamaica's Motto prior to independence?

Clothes Jamaicans Wear - what are they like? 
QUESTION: what type of clothes Jamaicans wear? ANSWER: by Wellesley March 11, 2012 Hi Jaida, Every time I get this question I get a smile …

jamaican penpals 
QUESTION: Hi, I'm Elise from Guadeloupe french caribbean, im 21 and i dream to go to Jamaica, but i have to found a job so that i stay in a little house …

Best Venues in Jamaica - For Conferences, Weddings and Parties 
QUESTION: I am planning a surprise graduation party for my husband in December of this year. I am looking for a venue, casual but chic, that will hold …

Jamaica questions - Your Input Needed! 
What is spring break in Jamaica like? Is it to crowded in march?

Jamaican spending on food in 1 week? 
QUESTION: How much do Jamaicans spend on food in a week? I need for family living class. ANSWER: by Wellesley February 15, 2012 Difficult …

jamaican food and drinks - What to expect if I go to Jamaica? 
QUESTION: Hello. My husband and I are planning an anniversary get away In May and are considering Jamaica but have a couple concerns, as we visited …

Jamaican Police Record - How can I get one from overseas? 
QUESTION: Hey I'm a Jamaica but I'm in Panama at the moment doing a school course in Spanish. I've received a work permit to work in the island of …

what items can i bring to donate to a school near Negril, Jamaica? 
QUESTION: Hi there Wellesley. Hope all is well with you and your family. I am coming to visit in March and want to bring items to donate to a school …

Pay in Jamaica - Jamaican wages, pay rates and pay scales 
QUESTION: Also, we have a friend who works at a resort hotel in Jamaica. He says that he doesn't get paid well. What is the average yearly income for …

Jamaican lifestyle - what is the life style there like? 
QUESTION: Hi. I'm half Jamaican and I'm very interested in my culture. I've lived in America all of my life and have never been to Jamaica. I would just …

How to obtain a Police Record in Jamaica 
QUESTION: I am doing some business and I was asked to get a police record. I understand that not all police stations does this so where should …

requirements for internationals students studying in jamaica 
QUESTION: Do internationals students need a student visa to attend colleges in Jamaica? ANSWER: by Wellesley November 27 Hello Kelly, In most …

I'm a white female dating guy from Jamaica, should I visit Jamaica? 
QUESTION: Hi, i am a white female born and raised in the US. I am now dating a gentleman that was born and raised in Jamaica, he wants to take me back …

Getting engaged in Jamaica - Is it really romantic? 
QUESTION: I was wondering if is it really romantic to get engaged in Jamaica. ANSWER: by Wellesley Hi there Brent! Interesting question, …

Jamaican Sorrel Drink - It's Health & Medicinal Benefits 
QUESTION: I understand that Sorrel helps lower High blood pressure in people? Is that true, where can I research this? I hate taking pills every day. …

jamaican language translation - your help please 
QUESTION: Hi! I am a graduate student at FILM university, and I am asking help. The character in my short film has to say a few Jamaican sentences, and …

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jamaicans taboos- can you list some of them? 
QUESTION: Can you tell me some Jamaican Taboos, or taboos in Jamaica. I need them for my homework? ANSWER: by Wellesley Thanks for your question …

places in jamaica named after our national heroes? 
QUESTION: Do you know places in Jamaica named after our national heroes? eg. Sam Sharpe Square in Montego Bay after Sam Sharpe? ANSWER: …

Can I watch sports on Jamaican TV? 
QUESTION: I am a huge college football fan. Will I be able to watch College football on TV while I am vacationing in Jamaica? ANSWER: by Wellesley …

I want to live in jamaica 
QUESTION: Im a 23 yr old male i sold my business last month and i want to live in Jamaica. I know jamaican people are friendly but what about in the mountains …

phone number or contact for family court in Jamaica 
QUESTION: I can't find an address and phone number to the family court in Montego Bay, Jamaica? Can anyone help? ANSWER: by Wellesley October …

Jamaica's Weather in September 
QUESTION: My fiance and I are getting ready to depart for Jamaica on the 18th of September, so just a few days away. I'm wondering if I chose the wrong …

Sports Jamaican Children Play 
QUESTION: What kinds of sports do Jamaican children play? Can you tell me a little bit more about their education? ANSWER: by Wellesley September …

other poems by Alma Norman 
QUESTION: She wrote one about the ethnic groups of Jamaica. I'm not good at reciting poems but so I never learned it. I can only recall bits and pieces …

Most Romantic Locations in Jamaica  
QUESTION: Hello Wellesley, My wife and I will be in Jamaica for a week. During that time, she will be celebrating her birthday. What is the, …

how safe is Jamaica? 
QUESTION: i was told dont go there because its a bad place to go. i want to go maybe next year. ANSWER: by Wellesley October 12, 2011 Hi Chris, …

Grocery Stores close to the Ritz Carlton, Rose Hall 
QUESTION: I am looking for stores close by the Ritz Carlton Rose hall in Jamaica, where we can stock up on a few incidentals once we get there...(Water, …

How can I make an international payment to National Housing Trust in Jamaica 
QUESTION: How can I make a payment from the U.S.A to National Housing Trust in Jamaica? ANSWER: by Wellesley August 04, 2011 Hi Lori, …

I am going to Jamaica for the first time! - by Adam 
QUESTION: I am going to Jamaica for the first time in a few months! I am a 25 yr old male and i live in canada but i'm worried that it will be assumed …

Can I join a rasta settlement in Jamaica? 
QUESTION: Blessings, I am wondering if I were to stroll up to a Rasta settlement/village/place, would I be able to join there dwelling and live among …

Jamaican Smile Recipe - Where can I find it? 
QUESTION: My husband & I went to Montego Bay for our honeymoon in May 2011. We stayed at the Sandals Resort and had a wonderful time. Jamaica is so …

How does an american become a citizen of Jamaica? by Michelle 
QUESTION: I would like to make Jamaica my "Island Home" and retire in Jamaica. I need to know, 1)who do I contact to obtain information to become a …

Going to Jamaica for the first time in January - any suggestions?  
QUESTION: Heh, I am going to going to Jamaica for the first time in January. Getting there, I want to know as much as I can before going for a golf …

Names of Lakes in Jamaica 
QUESTION: What are the names of the lakes in Jamaica? ANSWER: by Wellesley Gayle, May 22, 2011 Hi Kirk, Interesting question, I can …

Is this Jamaican wedding legal? 
QUESTION: My boyfriend is a Jamaican born American citizen. He was dating a Jamaican citizen that had a greencard in the U.S.A. He tells me that when …

when is the best time to visit jamaica for vacation 
Best Time To Visit Jamaica QUESTION: When is the best time to visit jamaica I was searching the web for West Indian National Dress when I cam upon …

Can I bring my perscriptions with me to Jamaica? 
QUESTION: Hi!! I am prescribed Vicoden and Valium. Can I take these medications with me on my vacation to Ocho Rios, Jamaica ? ANSWER: by …

Popular Bridges in Jamaica 
QUESTION: Please name 7 bridges in Jamaica. ANSWER: by Wellesley May 09, 2011 Hi Roland, Thanks very much for this question, love it. …

Best camping sites in Jamaica 
QUESTION: What are some of the best campsites in Jamaica? ANSWER: April 10, 2011 by Wellesley Hello there, Most of the camping that takes …

Small travel trailers (RVs) to rent and accepting campsites in Jamaica 
QUESTION: Where can I rent or buy a small travel trailer or other small RV for use on vacation and/or to live in while in Jamaica? I have lived …

Fishing Charters in Jamaica 
Fishing Charters in Jamaica QUESTION: We have never done the deep sea fishing before and we are coming to Jamaica in August; my son (14) and husband …

Click here to write your own.

Origin of modern day Jamaica jerked chicken 
QUESTION: In my youth in the 50s there was no jerked chicken outside of Portland. It spread up the coast and then across the island then around the …

Rasta Settlements in Jamaica 
QUESTION: Hello, I am an African-American who is a deep believer in Rastafarianism. I want to take my first trip to Jamaica, and I want to spend …

Shipping Rum from Jamaica to the USA 
QUESTION: Heading to Jamaica next week and would really like to ship a case or two of rum back home vs. lugging it on my travels. First question, …

man shouldn't eat red pea soup from a woman? 
QUESTION: Is it true that a man shouldn't eat red pea soup from a woman? ANSWER: March 14, 2011 by Wellesley DWL, Not sure how to answer …

Dunn's River School Project 
QUESTION: Hi!! I live on a small island - Jersey, a British island and I have just returned from my second visit to Jamaica - such a stunning country. …

concerts in Jamaica in August & officiant for wedding vow 
QUESTION: Hi. I am hoping to have a 10 yr. renewal of vows with my husband next summer and am celebrating a significant birthday in august. I looooove …

Do jamaicans have any traditional clothes? 
QUESTION: Do Jamaicans have any traditional clothes? I'm doing so research for school and I wandered if Jamaicans have any traditional clothes? …

what is black history? 
QUESTION: What is it about black history and black history month? ANSWER: by Wellesley February 21, 2011 Hello there! ...a very simple …

Fun places to visit in Jamaica 
I have been to Jamaica a total of 20 times. I absolutely love Jamaica! The only places that I have visited however are Negril , Ocho Rios and Montego …

Locals staying at all inclusive resorts in Jamaica 
QUESTION: Hi Wellesley I can't believe I am even asking this question but I just returned from Negril two weeks ago and making another trip with …

Canadian fishing show wants to film in Jamacia 
QUESTION: Hi, my name is Glen Ferguson, i produce and host two television series in Canada. The Fishing Musicians and The New Brunswick both have aired …

best boarding school in Jamaica 
QUESTION: Where can I find best boarding schools in Jamaica or private school? ANSWER: by Wellesley February 08, 2011 Hello Maureen, …

planning on moving to jamaica 
QUESTION: I would like to bring my daughter to Jamaica to live and work there... how would I find a rental apartment job and school? ANSWER: …

robbed while sleeping 
QUESTION: My husband and I are staying at a resort in Jamaica now. On our first night here, someone came into our unit while we were sleeping …

any big event in negril the first week of june? 
QUESTION: Hello, I am going to Negril Jamaica on the first week of june with a couple of friends for a graduation gift. we are all 18 and older. …

A surprise getaway to Jamaica 
QUESTION: Good morning, I am trying to plan a surprise getaway for my me and my wife for our 10 year anniversary (June 15, 2011). I came across …

Are there large "scary" insects in jamaica? 
QUESTION: Hello! Thank you for reading my question. I visited Jamaica this past Christmas and had a powerful and wonderful experience. I plan …

I'm White, will I get shot in Jamaica? 
Sarah didn't beat around the bush, the asked a question that I am getting the feeling is on the lips of many others, but hesitate to ask. It comes …

Coming to Jamaica - Where should I stay? 
QUESTION: I am a 57 year old single male planning to go to Jamaica in January. I think I would like to stay somewhere on 7 Mile Beach in the Negril …

Can I still get married in Jamaica? 
QUESTION: Can I still get married in Jamaica if my future husband's father's name is not on the birth certificate? ANSWER: by Wellesley February …

Jamaican books With A Story About Amelaryn and Raja Bajoe 
QUESTION: When I was young I had a book with a story about a little girl names: Amelaryn or Amelarin. It was a story about someone lost in the …

Can I camp overnight on a beach in Jamaica? 
QUESTION: Do any of the beaches allow you to camp overnight on them? ANSWER: by Wellesley November 23, 2010 Hi Delainie, Very interesting …

Can I eat lobster at this time of year in Jamaica? 
QUESTION: I am now living in Jamaica and it is now October, can lobster be eaten this time of year? ANSWER: by Wellesley Absolutely! Except …

What is the weather in Jamaica like in May? 
QUESTION: I'm coming to Jamaica shortly to celebrate my 60th birthday. I hear that is the start of your rainy season. Will I be disappointed? Should …

can I spend my jamaican money in the us 
QUESTION: I have a Jamaican 5 dollar coin, can I spend it in the USA or is it just good in Jamaica? If you can let me know it would help me out. …

Click here to write your own.

jamaican coin dealer 
QUESTION: I need to find a coin dealer in Jamaica for Jamaican and British coins. ANSWER: by Wellesley October 4, 2010 Hi Joan, I am …

Am I british subject? 
QUESTION: If you were born in 1959 before Jamaica got independence, would you be a British subject? ANSWER: by Wellesley October 12, 2010 …

punishment in Jamaican schools 
QUESTION: In Jamaican schools today can children still be hit by their teachers without the teacher facing major retribution? ANSWER: by Wellesley, …

Looking for a Real Estate Agent in Montego Bay 
QUESTION: Hi! I am trying to locate a particular agent who helped me with my summer rental. If I'm correct, he works at Sugar Hill Private Golf Course, …

Our first trip to Jamaica - please advise 
QUESTION: this is our first trip to Jamaica...and It's overwhelming!! Yet exciting too ...EEEK. We want to stay ...preferably on the …

How much Rum Cream can I bring back into the US from Jamaica? 
QUESTION: How much Rum Cream can you bring back into the US from Jamaica? ANSWER: by Wellesley August 19, 2010 Hi there, I tried to get …

What is the place called Orange in Mo-Bay like? 
ANSWER: by Wellesley Gayle July 30, 2010 Hi Michael, I know this place fairly well. I have a relative who lives an adjoining district, plus I have …

O'Riley Jamaican Rum Cream 
QUESTION: . Hi I have a bottle of O'Rileys Jamaican Rum Cream, that we bought in Jamaica in February of 2008 or 2009. Do you happen to know if …

Insects in Jamaica in the month of November 
QUESTION: . We are planning a November wedding on a beach in Jamaica. Does anyone have any info from me on how bad, if at all, the insects are …

The Red Flowering Tree 
QUESTION: . On a recent trip to Jamaica we saw a beautiful red flowering tree. Our guide told us it would reflect moon light and give a lantern …

Jamaican Music 
QUESTION: How is music used in Jamaican culture? ANSWER: June 6, 2010 by Wellesley Gayle Hi Amber, I am going to ask you to break …

A Detailed Map Of Jamaica 
QUESTION: Where can I find a detailed map of Jamaica? ANSWER: May 21, 2010 by Wellesley Gayle Hi Kareen, You have a host of options! …

The National Bird of Jamaica 
QUESTION: What is the national bird of Jamaica? ANSWER: May 21, 2010 by Wellesley Gayle Hi Frank, The national bird of Jamaica …

Jamaican population statistics 
QUESTION: . Can I have the Jamaican population statistics for the year 1995-2005, both male and female? ANSWER: by Wellesley Gayle May 19, 2010 …

Dining Out, Attractions,sites, weather, and information before visiting Jamaica 
QUESTION: I am doing a project for school on Jamaica and I need to know good places for dining out, like the restaurant name and what kind of food …

Minerals in Jamaica's Black River 
QUESTION: What type of mineral is in the Black River and how is it sustained? ANSWER: May 13, 2010 by Wellesley Gayle Hi Romeike, …

Is Jamaica safe for female gays and lesbians? 
QUESTION: . Im wondering is it safe for lesbians in any part of Jamaica? Me and my girlfriend wanted to visit Mandeville , she has a friend that lives …

Cool concerts or events in Jamaica 
QUESTION about: Places For Cool concerts or events in Jamaica Greetings from Atlanta, GA, USA! I absolutely love your site. I actually have two …

Jamaican Bath Suits 
QUESTION: . I love the crochet bathing suits that you have posted on your site ! I'm wondering where I would be able to buy one of the swimsuits, …

quadrille dresses 
QUESTION: I am Jamaican descent, living in Spain. I am starting a new venture supplying Jamaican foods at concerts etc. I have a booking for …

Is Jamaica the holiday for me? 
QUESTION: My name is Neil and I wondered if you would help me decide if Jamaica is the holiday for me. I've been wanting to visit Jamaica for a …

Jamaican coconut drops recipe 
QUESTION: Is there anyone that could send me the recipe for coconut drops? I love them. ANSWER: by Wellesley Gayle April 2, 2010 [ Update

Who was Sir donald Sangster? 
QUESTION: . Was he married? and if so to who? Did he have children? What did he do outside of government? Did he have another name for non-government …

Why do you say that jamaicans speak creole? 
QUESTION: . Why do you say that Jamaicans speak creole? It is not true because I am Jamaican and I know that that is not true, so please get your …

Native Birds of Jamaica: Three Little Birds 
I was wondering if anyone knew what "three little birds" Bob Marley was referring to in his song? If no one knows of the actual bird, does anyone know …

Click here to write your own.

The most famous Jamaicans 
QUESTION: . Can you tell me all of the famous people in Jamaica? Who is Jamaica's biggest star? ANSWER: by Wellesley Gayle February 18, 2010 …

Tattoo Shops in Ocho Rios Jamaica 
QUESTION: What tattoo shops are located in Ocho Rios? I cannot find any contact information but do know of "Tattoos Unlimited" specifically "Tatoo …

herbs and practices for illnesses in Jamaica 
QUESTION: . I was wondering what are some of the attitudes and practices concerning sickness? What types of medicine or herbs are used to prevent …

Travelling around with money in Jamaica 
QUESTION: My family of 6, 2 children and grandparents, are traveling to Jamaica, staying for a week at a villa rented through VRBO. We're going …

Traveling to Jamaica with Narcotics - type prescription medications. 
QUESTION: . Hey, I am coming to visit with a friend who is from Kingston in the next few weeks. My issue is I am dealing with severe nerve damage …

Is it a good idea to move to Jamaica 
QUESTION: I am from the US and I have a friend in Jamaica; we are getting engaged and have toggled with who would move. I originally wanted to …

Living in Jamaica - general cost and currency? 
QUESTION: Hey Wellesley I have recently been to, and fallen in love with Jamaica. Throughout my interactions with the amazing people of your …

Gifts Accepted by Jamaicans 
QUESTION: Greetings from Canada! I'll be coming to Runaway Bay in 2 weeks. This is my first trip to Jamaica. Some of the all-inclusive resorts …

where can I get the Jamaica national dress or the material 
QUESTION: . Where can I buy the national dress or the material? ANSWER: by Wellesley Gayle Hi Jenifer, You mean the bandana right? …

Crofts Hill Area of Clarendon 
QUESTION: . I wanted to know if there is a church by the crofts hill police station, and if there, is what is the name? Thanks ANSWER: by Wellesley …

Jamaican Men 
QUESTION: . Is it tradition for the Jamaican man to have several women? If so, is this behavior accepted by the Jamaican women? ANSWER: by Wellesley …

Jamaican wedding beliefs 
QUESTION: . In 1972 my fiance was told by his family's housekeeper that if he took a Jamaican coin, cut it in half and send it to me. If we both keep …

How has music impacted the Jamaican society? 
QUESTION: . How has music impacted sexually and violently on the Jamaican society? ANSWER: by Wellesley Gayle December 08, 2009 This …

Do women need aggression to survive in the Jamaican society 
QUESTION: . Do women need aggression to survive in the Jamaican society? ANSWER: by Wellesley Gayle December 08, 2009 Hi Sabrina, …

Is A Jamaican Marriage Legal in the USA? 
QUESTION: Hello I want to know when the marriage takes place in Jamaica, is it legal in the United States? ANSWER: by Wellesley Gayle Hi …

Child safety in Jamaica 
QUESTION: . We have heard a few horror stories about young children being in Jamaica. We keep a fairly tight rein on our child but a few seconds …

Miss Jamaica in 1961 & 1962? 
QUESTION: . Who was Miss Jamaica 1961 & 1962? ANSWER: by Wellesley Gayle, November 6, 2009 Hi Bob, There was a Miss Jamaica Festival …

Who selected the national symbols of Jamaica? 
QUESTION: Who decided what our national symbols should/would be? ANSWER: November 2, 2009 by Wellesley Gayle (Updated: See comments below) …

Cliff jumping in Jamaica 
QUESTION: Hey, I am planning a trip to Jamaica but really want to stay in Ocho Rios, but I am having trouble finding spots to cliff jump. I really …

Revivalist Symbols 
QUESTION: . I would like to find out more about different types revivalist symbols and what they symbolize. Hi Monique, I'll contact …

Old Jamaican Coins 
QUESTION: . Trying to find out how much a 1969 10 cent Jamaican coin is worth. ANSWER: October 20, 2009 by Wellesley Gayle Hi Paula, …

Jamaican althletic sprint programmes 
QUESTION: I am a coach of primary school sprinters in south Africa. Please can you put me in touch with a Jamaican coach of children of the same …

Cheap Accomodation on Jamaica's South Coast  
QUESTION: I have visited Jamaica a lot in the past 4 yrs, I've lost count. At least 3 times a year! We really want to experience the South Coast …

Don't Miss Your Belt Loop in Jamaica 
QUESTION: In Jamaica, is there a saying that if you miss a belt loop, you other half is cheating? ANSWER: October 16, 2009 by Wellesley …

Traditional jamaican dress 
QUESTION: . Hello my son is have an international dress day at school. My mother is half Jamaican, I'm wondering if anyone can tell me what traditional …

Click here to write your own.

What is Air Jamaica's Slogan? 
QUESTION: Can you please tell me what is the slogan that Air Jamaica uses? ANSWER: October 09, 2009 by Wellesley Gayle Hi Anon, …

5 things I can find the Jamican coat of arms on 
QUESTION: . Please name five important things that the Jamaican coat of arms is on. ANSWER: September-29-2009 by Wellesley Gayle Hi Monique, …

Moving to Jamaica 
QUESTION: We are thinking of moving to Jamaica. We have a small child of 6 years old and are wondering if it is OK to send him to school if we are …

Jamaican Wood Sculptor Search 
QUESTION: . I bought a piece of wood sculpture when I visited Ocho Rios in 1991. I believe the artist's name is E. Ducally. I would like to know …

Jamaican Poem - Dry Foot Bwoy, by Louise Bennett 
QUESTION: . Where can I find the Jamaican Poem, "Dry Foot Bwoy" by Louise bennett? ANSWER: September-22-2009 by Wellesley Gayle Hi …

Places in Jamaica with Spanish names 
QUESTION: . I wish to know some places in Jamaica with a Spanish name. Please help. ANSWER: September-09-2009 by Wellesley Gayle Hi Monique, …

Getting a US visa for my friend in Jamaica 
QUESTION: . Need some help getting my friend a visa to come to America. Any thoughts? Ideas? Thank you ANSWER: August-31-2009 by Wellesley Gayle …

Retiring to Jamaica 
QUESTION: . Hi I would like to retire in Jamaica. I am on a pension and I am selling a house in Wasaga Beach,On,Ca. I was a drafts person and …

Jamaican Tambarines or Timbrells 
QUESTION: . Hi my name is Tiffany and I am in 9th grade this year. I am taking music for credit, and I need a picture of an original Jamaican tambourine …

tourist attractions in kingston jamaica 
QUESTION: . What are the tourist attractions in Kingston, Jamaica? ANSWER: August-11-2009 by Wellesley Gayle Hi Carlo, "Despite been …

Jamaican college requirements for international students 
QUESTION: . I am a student living in the United States and I will graduate high school in the year 2010 and I wanted to attend a college in Jamaica, …

The beautiful Jamaican Poinciana tree 
QUESTION: . Can this tree grow in Texas? ANSWER: August-073-2009 by Wellesley Gayle Hi Kurt, I did some research for you and came …

Can I bring my dog to Jamaica with me? 
QUESTION: . We will be visiting your beautiful country in a few months via our sailboat. We have a 7 year old dog that travels w/ us. I read …

Contact for Registrar General's Department and Local Police 
QUESTION: I am looking for a contact number and information for the Registrar Office (office for birth, death, marriage), in Cheesefield, Linstead, …

The population of Negril 
QUESTION: What is Negril's population? ANSWER: July-28-2009 by Wellesley Gayle Hi Phillip, I did some research for you. I haven't …

Is racism a problem in Jamaica? 
QUESTION: . The reason I ask is because my wife and I would love to spend our winters in Jamaica, possibly move there someday! However, since I …

Sangster's Orange (Ortanique) Liquer 
QUESTION: . I visited Ocho Rios and stayed at the Sand Castle Resort. The bartender gave me a shot of orange liqueur called Old Sangster's Ortanique. …

Nursing School Program 
QUESTION: . I heard this promotion on the radio about a nursing school which allows you to go to school half the time here in Jamaica and half the …

Jamaican Rum Cream Questions 
QUESTION: Do you know where in the US I can buy Jamaican Rum Cream? Can I buy it from Jamaica? What about Jamaica stores that say they sell the Rum …

Tips for leading in Jamaica 
QUESTION: Hi I'm writing a culture brief as a group project and I'd like to know if you have tips for leading in Jamaica; as in, what is the most …

Ordering Jamaican Swimwear 
QUESTION: . I liked a Jamaican swimwear I found on your it just a picture or you can also order it? This is the one i liked , ANSWER: …

The weather in Jamaica in April 
QUESTION: What is the average temperature for the days of April 23rd to April 30th? My cousin is getting married and I need to know if it …

The red flowering tree seen growing in Jamaica 
QUESTION: . What is the name of the red flowering tree seen growing in Jamaica? ANSWER: by Wellesley Gayle Hi Vaughn, I think you are speaking …

Where to vacation in jamaica? 
QUESTION: . We are considering a family vacation in Jamaica. What part of the island do you recommend we stay in for a variety of things to do and …

The longest River in Jamaica 
QUESTION: Which is the longest River in Jamaica? ANSWER: June-11-2009 by Wellesley Gayle Hi Joy, There has been some debate …

Click here to write your own.

What to expect during my trip to Jamaica 
QUESTION: I'm going to Couple SS in Jamaica next week and wondered what to expect while there. I hear when we fly into the airport we will then …

Is Kingston the richest place in Jamaica? 
QUESTION: Is Kingston the richest place in Jamaica? ANSWER: June-09-2009 by Wellesley Gayle Hi Gaelle, I am not sure what you mean by 'rich', …

dances in Jamaica 
QUESTION: What are the different traditional and popular dances of Jamaica? ANSWER: June-06-2009 by Wellesley Gayle Hi Kelly, …

Facts and Country Information  
QUESTION: I am doing a school research project and i need some natural resources. ANSWER: June-05-2009 by Wellesley Gayle Hi John, …

General Information 
QUESTION: I want to buy a car for my fiance (Jamaica citizen). Can I buy one and title it in his name? Must I pay in cash or can I make purchase …

The National Heroes Song of Jamaica 
QUESTION about: The National Heroes Song Of Jamaica Who wrote the Jamaica National Heroes Song? I've been searching around, but can't seem …

Nanny of the Maroons -Heroine of Jamaica 
QUESTION: Give me the background information on Nanny of the maroon, the only heroine of Jamaica, and what she did for Jamaica? ANSWER: June-02-2009 …

Jamaican Dandelion Plant 
QUESTION: I need a picture of a Jamaican dandelion? Please ANSWER: May-26-2009 by Wellesley Gayle Hi John, Please see the picture …

Is jamaica better then hawaii? 
QUESTION: Is Jamaica better then Hawaii? ANSWER: May-31-2009 by Wellesley Gayle Hi Momo, It sounds like you are looking at your vacation …

General Knowledge Information on Jamaica 
QUESTION: Who is the minister of education? Who is the minister of security? Who is the minister of health? Who is the minister of transport? …

Jamaican Language, Jamaican dance and cliff jumping 
Hi my name is Satorie ( sa tor e) and I am in 6th grade. I live in Grand Rapids Michigan and I am doing a project on Jamaica. I need to know more about …

Jamaican Products and Services 
QUESTION: I am looking for a list of the companies in Montego Bay, Jamaica that perform pest control services. ANSWER: May-26-2009 by Wellesley …

How did the Jamaican maroons achieved independence 
QUESTION: How did the maroons achieved independence? ANSWER: May-26-2009 by Wellesley Gayle Hi Shanna, From my recollection, their …

Safety in Jamaica 
QUESTION: It is safe to travel to Jamaica? I heard it is a very violent and dangerous Island, I am planning to go to Treasure Island for a Literature …

miss lou's poem - dutty tuff  
QUESTION: Why can't I find miss lou's "dutty tuff" poem on the internet? ANSWER: May-15-2009 by Wellesley Gayle Hi Shann, I will ease your …

the physical features of jamaica 
QUESTION: What are the physical features of Jamaica? ANSWER: May-12-2009 by Wellesley Gayle Hi Ga, "The island of Jamaica can …

Bruckins folk dance in Jamaica 
QUESTION: Who brought bruckins (folk dance) to Jamaica? ANSWER: May-07-2009 by Wellesley Gayle Hi Rushell, I did a bit of …

value of jamaican money 
QUESTION: If I had $100 and I took it to Jamaica how much would it be worth? ANSWER: May-07-2009 by Wellesley Gayle Hi Joanna, Thanks …

Important historical events in Jamaica 
QUESTION: What is a historical important event in Jamaica? ANSWER: May-07-2009 by Wellesley Gayle Hi Shea, I've actually answered …

Use of the Bluefields Beach Park 
QUESTION: We at the Vocational Training Development Institute, HEART Trust in Kingston would like to bring our staff to the Bluefields Beach Park …

Visitor and Travel Related Questions 
QUESTION: Hi, I am getting married in Jamaica in June 09 and I am planning on making my own wedding flowers. What are the flowers available in Jamaica …

is jamaica a caricom country 
QUESTION: Is Jamaica a Caricom country? ANSWER: April-28-2009 by Wellesley Gayle Hi Shadique, Yes indeed, Jamaica is a member …

rasta flag 
QUESTION: Where can I get Rasta flags? ANSWER: April-27-2009 by Wellesley Gayle Hi Benji, Rasta flags, and Rasta wear and reggae …

marriage statistics in Jamaica  
QUESTION: Please tell me the number of marriages that took place in Jamaica between 2006 to 2008. ANSWER: April-26-2009 by Wellesley Gayle …

major rivers in jamaica 
QUESTION: How many major rivers there is in Jamaica? ANSWER: April-25-2009 by Wellesley Gayle Hi Garnett, I'll answer you by …

Click here to write your own.

Bugs and insects in Jamaica 
QUESTION: Hi there! We will be arriving in Jamaica for a week-long vacation in July and we are wondering what kind of insects we need to be concerned …

History and Culture 
QUESTION: What was life like before the East-Indians arrived in Jamaica? ANSWER: April-21-2009 by Wellesley Gayle Hi Princess …

Jamaican Dressing 
QUESTION: I have a question. My ? is, how do the Jamaicans dress? I have to have this answered A.S.A.P. Please and thank you !!!! Sincerely, …

Governmental Information 
QUESTION: I need to know all about the food stamp programme in Jamaica. ANSWER: April-03-2009 by Wellesley Gayle Hi John, …

guest house to rent in summer 
QUESTION: I would like to visit Jamaica in the summer along with my 8 yrs old son. I need to find a low cost guest house to rent a room, …

jamaican marijuana 
QUESTION: What are the different types of Jamaican marijuana? ANSWER: April-01-2009 by Wellesley Gayle Hi Dennis, That's the …

clothes worn in Jamaica 
clothes worn in Jamaica QUESTION: What kind of clothes do you wear? ANSWER: March-30-2009 by Wellesley Gayle Very interesting …

Jamaican Tour Guide 
QUESTION: I have been to Jamaica four times, and I have a special place in my heart for your country and it's people. I would like to …

what is the history behind the jamaican flag? 
QUESTION: What is the history behind the Jamaican flag? Was it in any battles or wars? What is the whole history behind the flag ? ANSWER: …

Need a rum cream recipe 
QUESTION: I went to Jamaica recently and stayed at Breezes Runaway Bay . I had this fantastic rum cream drink whilst I was there. When I …

Money in Jamaica 
Money in Jamaica QUESTION: Hi, I am coming to Jamaica in two weeks. Is it better to use the US Dollar or the Jamaican Dollar, I am getting …

information about Jamaica 
Information about Jamaica Question: We are looking for information about Jamaica. It’s for a school project; We must tell about an …

Shipping Rum from Jamaica 
QUESTION: How much do you think a case of rum costs to ship to Ontario, Canada?...what size are these bottles? ANSWER: Feb-18-2009 by Wellesley …

Spanish Names of Places in Jamaica 
Places in Jamaica with Spanish names QUESTION: Can you tell me some places in Jamaica with Spanish names - and there meanings? ANSWER: …

Historical Events in Jamaica 
Historical Events in Jamaica Question: What is a historical event in Jamaican history? Answer: Feb-13-2009 by Wellesley Gayle …

Jamiacan Fruits and Flowers In March 
Jamaican Fruits & Flowers Question: Which fruits and flowers are in season at the end of March? Answer: by Wellesley Gayle Hi Will, …

Tourist Attractions in Jamaica 
Tourist Attractions in Jamaica Question: What are some places that tourist like most in Jamaica? Anwser: Feb-12-2009 by Wellesley …

capital punishment in Jamaica 
capital punishment in Jamaica Question : What was capital punishment like in Jamaica before it was abolished? Answer by W.Gayle, Feb …

The Maroons in Jamaica 
The Maroons in Jamaica Question: Hi, Who were they, and what did they do to became famous? Anwser: Feb-03-2009 by Wellesley …

How can i get a copy of my marriage certificate? 
Copy of my marriage certificate Question: Hi there, I was married in Ocho Rios in 2004. I need a copy of my marriage certificate. …

Can I bring Food to Jamaica?  
Question : Exactly what foods can I bring to Jamaica and also can I bring my alcohol and beer with me, and can this food be packaged in my cooler or …

What are the best sites to see in Jamaica? 
Question What are some things to see and do in Jamaica? Answer by Wellesley, Jan 28, 2009 Hi Stan, Great question. 'Whether you are …

Fishing License 
Question: I would like to know if you need a fishing license to fish off the beach at Montego bay, Jamaica. Thank you kindly, Gerry Anwser: …

Jamaican Newbie 
Question : I'm coming to Jamaica to celebrate my 50th birthday in June. What is the best spot to spend an entire week, Where I can incorporate …

Rastafarian Faith 
Rastafarian Faith Question : Please explain the rasta faith. I am a beleiver of Christ and truly am interested in educating myself about …

Click here to write your own.

Where did bob marley die? 
Where did Bob Marley die? RESPONSE: by W. Gayle See Also : Top 20 Bob Marley Quotes Hi Nathan, Thanks for asking! Bob Marley …

Into the Mist by Edna Manley 
Question Where can I find information on INTO THE MIST, by Edna Manley? Answer by Wellesley Gayle, Jan 15, 2009 Hi Kadeisha, Thanks …

limestone regions in jamaica 
Question Where are the limestone regions in Jamaica? Answer by W. Gayle, Jan-15-2009 Hi Roxy, I know off the top of my head that the north …

Jamaican Food 
Question WHAT IS YA FAVORITE FOOD DISHES? Answer by W.Gayle, Jan 09,2009 Hi Deb, My favourite food is Jamaican Curried Chicken and dumplings. …

drugs in jamaica 
Question : Is there lots of drugs at the resorts? Do tourist get in trouble for doing them? Answer : by W. Gayle, January 08,2009 Hi Corey, …

everything about jamaica 
Everything about Jamaica, hmm? Its an unsual question, but I was happy to report that, yes, we have almost everything :-) Here's MB's question... …

Music Festivals in Jamaica 
Question Are there any music/food festivals during March 1st - March 5th, 2009. Answer by W. Gayle, Jan.4.09 Hmm, that I am not sure, but …

Car Rental in Ocho Rios 
Question : Where can I rent a car in Ocho Rios? Answer by W.Gayle, Jan 1, 2009 Hi Anonymous, Thanks for your question. "Ocho Rios (Ochie) …

revivalism in jamaica 
Question : When and how did revivalism start in Jamaica AND ALSO BY WHOM ? WHAT ARE THERE LYRICS TO AT LEAST ONE OF THERE HYMNS THEY SING? Answer: …

Song of a Blue Mountain Stream 
Question : Hello, I would like to get the word of the poem by Reginald M Murray, "Song of a Blue Mountain Stream" . I would love to teach it to …

Jamaican Clothing (Apparel) 
Question What do people in Jamaica casually wear? Answer by W. Gayle, Nov.29.2008 Hi Brandii, Thanks for your question. I've …

Boxing day in Jamaica 
What does boxing day means in Jamaica? And Why is it called Boxing Day in Jamaica? I know many countries have different meanings to this holiday, …

Jamaican Tradition and Customs  
QUESTION: What are the traditions and Customs of Jamaica??? Answer : by Wellesley Gayle, Nov 15, 2008 …

Jamaican Language and Words 
Question : Thanks for the great website! I am visiting Jamaica again with my wife in a few weeks and I'd like to know a little about Jamaican language …

Jamaica's Mountains 

Jamaica Beef Patty 
Question: What is the nutritional information for a Jamaican beef patty? Answer: by W.Gayle, Nov 02, 2008 Hi Tupac, Here is a nutrition table …

Writing in Jamaican Language 
Question How do you write fix me a plate of food in Jamaican language? I AM GOING TO TEXT SOMEONE AT WORK. Answer : 10-26-08 by W.Gayle Hi Lisa, …

Travelling in Jamaica 
Question : I need to get to Black River from Montego Bay. What are my travel options? Should I hire a taxi? Is there public transit? Any information …

Jamaica's Environmental Issues 
Question : Does Jamaica have any issues with its environment? If so, what are they? Answer Oct-24-2008 by W.Gayle Hi Harry, Yes we do, just like …

jodian maxwell 
Question : Where is she now? Answer : by W.Gayle 10/20/2008 Hi Kimmy, Good question, but I don't know the answer. I am hoping someone from …

Jamaican Patois (Creole) Spelling 
Question : How do you spell "Toraatid" eg. "Toraatid a wa gwan here so." Answer :10/20/08 by W. Gayle Hi Richard, I am familiar with the term …

alma norman poem about paul bogle 
Question: ...It is called the ballad of sixty five (65) Answer: Oct-13-2008 by W. Gayle Update: Nov-05-08 The entire poem is below. A BIG …

Mountains in Jamaica 
Question: Can I have a list of Mountains in Jamaica and their parishes? Answer : 10/11/2008 by W. Gayle Hi Monique, Thanks for your question. …

Jamaican Heroes and Heroine 
Question : How are our national heroes and heroine remembered? Answer :by Wellesley Gayle Hi Shantel, Thanks for the question. These, our …

Important Buildings in Jamaica 
Question: What are the important buildings in Jamaica? Answer : Oct-05-2008 by Wellesley Gayle Hi Larisa, Please take a look at my historical …

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Why travel to Jamaica? 
Question: Why do visitors travel to Jamaica? Answer : Oct-04-08 by Wellesley Gayle Hi Nadine, I noticed that you you are from Jamaica, …

Jamaica Questions -Answered, but Need Input! 
Question: Where can I download dancehall music for free? Anwser: Oct-3-2008 by Wellesley Gayle Hi Bachelor Boy, Greeting to you and the family …

Jamaican Athletic Sprinter, Usain Bolt 
Question Can I find out about Bolt, a Jamaican runner? Answer: Oct-02-08 by Wellesley Gayle Hi Bobby, Bolt was born in Trelawny, Jamaica, …

Jamaican Costume 
Question Can you send me the picture of national costume of jamaica? I need it for my daughters presentation at school..tnx Answer : 10/1/08 …

Vacation in Jamaica 
Question: I don’t think the local market are swooned to have vacations in Jamaica and I want to know why is that the case - why is that? The only …

Questions related to a project on Jamaica 
Question I need some info for a project on Jamaica What is the Culture of Jamaica? One Famous person of Jamaica The Prime Minister of Jamaica …

Sangster's Jamaican Rum Cream 
Question That is great rum! I brought some back from Jamaica. However, we ordered some online from red pepper mall and never got the rum although …

What is the national flower of Jamaica? 
Question : What is the national flower of Jamaica? I am getting a couple of different answers. Thank you for your assistance. Answer: August 21, …

The Weather in Jamaica! 
QUESTION: Hi, My boyfriend and I have planned a trip to visit Ocho Rios on June 13th, through the 17th. I have checked the weather every day and it …

Jamaican Weed 
I was wondering what are the different species of Jamaican weeds you have in Jamaica. Can you please give me their scientific name as well as their common …

Common Questions! 
Here are some of the most frequent questions posed to us. What Timezone does Jamaica Uses? We observe Eastern Standard time in Jamaica -all …

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