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jamaicans taboos- can you list some of them?

by Bob

QUESTION: Can you tell me some Jamaican Taboos, or taboos in Jamaica. I need them for my homework?

ANSWER: by Wellesley

Thanks for your question Bob.

It has giving a great opportunity to share yet another interesting side of Jamaica ! I'm going to break it down in segments for you, OK?

A taboo, by the way, for the benefit of everyone else, is the idea of forbidden something or looking at it as strange, sick, or absurd.

Here we go...

  1. Society and Culture

    Despite considered acceptable and in fact, legal in some parts of the world, prostitution is still a taboo in Jamaica. So too is homosexuality, although there is a greater acceptance and understanding.

    Women smoking is also a taboo. Most Jamaica frown, and in some cases, totally hate the idea.

    Obeah or witchcraft is also a taboo, even to the person who goes to the obeah man :-)

    What about oral sex? For many it is still a taboo, although not as bad as it was. Many people do engage in oral sex but still pretend not to when questioned or if the issue comes up.

    Effeminate men, and those who wear earrings, are also a taboo to Jamaicans despite an acceptance in some quarters. The same is true for tattoos.

    Abortion is also a big taboo in Jamaica. I can recall at least two relatively recent Jamaican dancehall songs now that openly criticize or demonize it.

    And yes, so too is pornography, rape and incest - understandably.

  2. Religion

    Non Christian denominations, in most cases, are seen as taboo here in Jamaica. That includes Muslim (Islam), the Mormons and/or religions that wear head dress.

    This will surprise you I am sure :-) but Rastafarians, the religion, is still seen by many Jamaican as weird. The reggae music culture is slowing changing that perception.

    And by the way, only a fraction of Jamaicans are Rastafarians, contrary to what many Americans and foreigners tend to think (lol).

    Atheism and agnosticism are also considered taboos by Jamaicans.

  3. Health

    STD's and more specifically, HIV, is still a Jamaican taboo, although that is slowing changing. There is now a greater acceptance of people living and working with HIV/AIDS.

  4. Food - Jamaican Food Taboos

    Strange enough, we eat a lot of what other cultures might consider taboo (eg. goat intestines), but we also taboo foods eaten in other cultures.

    For example, to Jamaicans many animal meat are just totally taboo. This include frogs, snails, iguana, cats, dogs and other domestic animals - which are actually a delicacy in some Asian cultures.

  5. Business

    Yes, fraud and embezzlement are big taboos here.

I hope this helps Bob.

See Also: Jamaican Culture

Don't Miss: The Jamaica Travel Guide.

Note: By the way, this Q&A will also be posted on our popular facebook fan page so I am inviting you to follow the responses over there as well. Our address is


tags: Jamaican taboos, taboos in Jamaica, jamaican food taboos]

Comments for jamaicans taboos- can you list some of them?

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Sep 28, 2023
by: Sam W.

Do yall have any folkways in jamaica or like a shared thing everybody unknowingly does almost like a taboo but not as severe like for us americans hold the door open for someone or dont stare but if you dont follow it nothing will really happen.

Feb 02, 2012
Taboos & Superstitions
by: Kai

Hi Wellesley, I hope these three are useful

1. If something is broken at a wedding reception then the marriage will break apart too.

2. If a pregnant women jumps a fence then her child will be a thief.

3. If a black moth hovers around a person in the house, then a family member has died and the spirit of the moth is trying to tell you something.

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