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Becoming A Local In Jamaica

by Zig-Zag
(Kelowna, BC, Canada)

Is it possible to move to Jamaica and just move to the mountains build a small home, plant some crops and become a local?

And please don't give one of those "anything is POSSIBLE" lectures please.

I'm wondering if it's feasible to just give up on this bull*** we call society and move to the mountains of Jamrock and start to live with livity, or if I actually have to BUY a plot of land and then maybe do that.

Also like I said would the locals accept me? and possibly help me? or see me as an intruder?

I just have been in love with the Culture of Ras-Tafari and believe that they got how to live figured out, and I want to live that way on that land and am wondering if its a dream worth pursuing.

Editor's Note
Hi ZigZag,

Greetings from warm Jamaica to BC in Canada!

I appreciate the interest in learning more of, coming to, and integrating into the rich Jamaican culture.

It is certainly possible to become 'local' but that might take some time, depending on how deep you are in the culture of Jamaica.

My humble suggestion would be to visit here a few times (or spend some time here) first to get a true feel of Jamaica, it's people and the culture.

That would give you a solid feel of what to expect and equally important, allow you to start building some key friendships that not only will enhance your local knowledge but also help you - if and when you decide to find and move up into the hills.

I will allow my ardent website fans (Some regular Jamaican visitors and Jamaicans) to add their suggestions or comments as well.

Good luck!


Comments for Becoming A Local In Jamaica

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Dec 27, 2015
A solid introduction to Jamaican culture
by: Basil kong

Read the book: bad boy from jamaica: the Garnett Myrie story.

Nov 23, 2015
shipping containers
by: fatima

Hi there is the cost of clearance of household goods and transport expensive ,Tell us a bit about this wesley.

Mar 22, 2015
Living in Jamaica
by: Microdac Videos

Yes. Not only is it possible to live in Jamaica, it is advisable. Jamaica has a lot going for it, but first one has to cut through the haze of Bull****.

Jamaica's crime problem is real, but let's be real. Most of it are drug related or caused by domestic problems. The random acts of crime are almost all focused in the big cities.

Living in Jamaica, I would suggest, requires a very specific need to do so. It is NOT for everyone. If you rely on appliances and artificial things and people to make you happy, then, Jamaica is not for you.

If there is a longing to be free and to live harmoniously and simple with the real people of the mountains, then Jamaica is definitely for you.
Jamaica is perfect for two types of people. The members of mensa; the brilliant minds who wish to return to nature and the "hippie" type who have always loved simplicity, peace, love and harmony.
I speak from experience.

If you want to move to Jamaica, first live there for about a month or two WITH the people in the mountains. See if you can adapt. JOIN the community while you are there and get to KNOW your local police.

Second live simple. Bragging about your wealth (or perceived richness) can hurt you. Live off the land.

There's more, pf course, but you get the idea.
-dave- Microdac Videos

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