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101 Intriguing Facts About Jamaica

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..and not just facts, but INTRIGUING & ASTOUNDING facts on Jamaica!

The truth is, there are some really AMAZING things about this our little country that admittedly, being a proud and patriotic Jamaican, I was a little embarrassed to have just found out.

But as my loving grandma would say, Better late than never!

And yes, I am ELATED to share them with you!

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  • that Port Royal in Jamaica was once labeled 'The wickedest city on Earth'?
  • Better yet, that Jamaica was the first country in the Western world to construct a railway- even before the United States! and, [listen to this]
  • that the Jamaican and Libyan flags are the ONLY flags in the world that doesn't share any of the colors of the American flag?
Well, now you know. But there are many more facts about Jamaica that will marvel you!.

Did you Know Facts about Jamaica Ebook icon
Intriguing, fascinating and thrilling!

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"As a Jamaican I am almost ashamed to see how much of your information was new to me.

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Dean Osbourne []

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I worked painstakingly over the last few months on this exciting project; reading, researching and networking to present you with a final product that will have you either exclaiming Wow! I would never guess that! or admitting that there are lots more to Jamaica than you thought you knew.

Not only did my family and I gained an expanded knowledge of our own country, I also felt satisfied that I presented you a world class Jamaican Gift, with over a hundred captivating and fascinating facts about Jamaica -the land of wood and water

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You May Have Thought Jamaica Was Interesting, But Definitely Not This Interesting!

Feel free to Contact me here if you need any help.

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