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I'm a white female dating guy from Jamaica, should I visit Jamaica?


QUESTION: Hi, i am a white female born and raised in the US. I am now dating a gentleman that was born and raised in Jamaica, he wants to take me back home with him but there has been some talk of racism back on the island.

I'm looking forward to going and would love to make this trip but nervous about what to expect.
Hope you can help with this!

ANSWER: by Wellesley

Hello there!

Thanks for your question, my pleasure to try and help. I loooove these questions as I find that many have similar questions but sometimes are hesitant to ask.

I have gotten several of such questions though, and so I'll refer you to some great literature we have on this site on.

I've addressed the racism issue, the 'migrating and living' issue, and the safety in Jamaica issues. Take a look at those.

Here are some excerpts:

"Truth be told, tourists in Jamaica are probably as safe here as anywhere else in the world. As I indicated in another response, most of the violence you hear about are gang-related and are centralized in the garrison (ghetto areas), which are only a small fraction of the country.

Of course, visitors don't go there, nor do they have any reason to go to those places - there are a lot more exciting stuff to do and places to see in Jamaica!

There are lots of good reason why we get hundreds of thousands of visitors every single year my friend (most whites); the overwhelming majority of who eventually falls in love with the island and keep returning. Ask a few of my facebook fans :-)"

And another:

"Jamaica is not worst than anywhere else that is the picture that everyone tries to paint but it is not true. You just have to careful when you get there and just dont go out with people you dont know, dont flaunt like you are a foriegners, foriengner gets targeted wherever they go not just Jamaica.

You will be with family so there is nothing to worry about, just don't do anything out of the ordinary and you will fine. There is crimes happening everywhere in the world not just Jamaica.

Trust me you will have fun. If you are of the legal age make sure you go to New Kingston and check out the clubs Quad and Assylum, they are so much fun."

My final words?

Visit for a while if you can my friend, get to see, understand and appreciate the people and our culture. See the ups and the downs, the blessings and the challenges, and then make your own informed judgement.

Many persons, like you, are now living here happily. For example, here's Lady Roots. According to her, "I moved to St Elizabeth in 1997, became a Jamaican citizen in 2000. Have lived in St Bess ever since! Only Jah could make me leave."

Well there you go,

By the way, have you read any of the Jamaican travel stories? These are actual reports and review from visitors to the island. I would suggest you take a peek at some of the them too.

Her also are a few other pages that you might find useful my friend.
The Most Romantic Spots in Jamaica

Good Luck my friend.

Comments for I'm a white female dating guy from Jamaica, should I visit Jamaica?

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Nov 17, 2017
I'm a white female dating guy from Jamaica, should I visit Jamaica
by: Anonymous

Jamaica is a very nice place for not just black people.Jamaican's are not racist,people in Jamaica treats white people as their own.Over many years tourist as came to Jamaica and because of the warm welcome they got from the people here,they are welling to come back, because Jamaicans are very loving people.

Oct 13, 2017
Racism in Jamaica
by: Anonymous

I am a Jamaican, and I did not grew up seeing racism. As a Jamaican we filter things differently , and as a Jamaican we clink to the "out of many one people" motto. I have lived in the United Sates and in comparison to Jamaica, I can say there are no black or white neighborhoods. Racism does not exist in Jamaica.

Oct 10, 2017
you are welcome , just be humble!
by: rastapicney

if you can let him take you to Heaven then I think you can allow Jamaica to be just as nice, so you will be at home away from home,, life is never a bed of roses so with an open mind I wish you the best on your travel that you will have the greatest experience of your life travel and as they would say here..walk good!

Oct 07, 2017
White female dating a Jamaican Should I visit?
by: Joy

I am a 54 years old Jamaican living in the US and this is the only place I felt racism. Our motto is ' out of many we are one' is a true saying
I am mixed with Indian and white, born and bred in port Antonio white folks are a dime a dozen they fit in just as we black folks. We don't see color only people. Enjoy yoursel with your man yuh safe sista. Nuff love

Oct 07, 2017
white girl dating black man in jamaica
by: Anonymous

I believe you can take the trip if you like and see for your self and there is no such thing as racism in jamaica it is a one love country believe me you not going to want to leave when you get there I wish you all the best

Oct 06, 2017
Yes go to Jamaica

I am a Canadian white woman married to a Jamaican. Have visited Jamaica 13 times in 11 years. Currently purchasing a home there. Your Gentleman boyfriend should take care of you there. Also if your looking for racism you will find it anywhere in the world. Jamaica is my 2nd home.

I have never encountered racism. We are all one people. Treat each other that way. You should have no problems.

Stay away from places and times of day that you wouldn't be in, in your own country. You'll be fine. ENJOY!!!!!!

Oct 06, 2017
No Problem
by: Jay

No problem my American friend. This is the norm in Jamaica, fifty percent of my family is biracial with families and some live in Jamaica and others visit very often. Out of many one people. Just be prepared to have fun.

Much luv

Oct 06, 2017
by: Havel

Jamaica is a beautiful Island situated in the caribbean sea, so much to see and enjoy here on our Island, the only negative thing I can say about Jamaica is that our government hated the people that elected them to govern. I can elaborate if requested, otherwise, come to Jamaica and enjoy life, we are bless here in Jamaica only that the majority of our citizens don't realise it.

Oct 06, 2017
Never Been
by: Yvette

I have never been to Jamaica nor have I been outside the USA. I wanted to visit Bob Marley Museum. I was told it was in Kingston, but after reading the post; museum is in St.Ann.
Yes,I understand there are good and bad places everywhere!! In America it is very, very huge where people what to migrate and get a piece of the pie. Especially in New York where it is running over with so much people. Things are not like it use to be, we always pray for guidance and safety!!

Oct 06, 2017
Don't worry 'bout a ting!
by: Anonymous

I am a black American female that was married to a Jamaican for several years. Go ahead and enjoy. It's beautiful there. Our oldest daughter and her Jamaican husband bought a house in Clarendon. Every time I go, I don't want to come home. You may not either once you hit Jamaican soil!

Oct 06, 2017
Moved to Jamaica
by: Anonymous

Im white from USA, originally from Europe, got a boyfriend in Jamaica, moved here 5 years ago. We started bussiness together and so far Jamaica works for me great in any way possible.

Oct 06, 2017
nothing to worry about
by: c. francis

there is no extraordinary racism in Jamaica. you have nothing to worry about especially as you will have your boyfriend with you. a niece of mine is married to a white american and they do come home regularly. he has no problems and nobody sees him differently. of course you will have some comments mostly they are jokes. as everybody says use common sense when travelling anywhere in this world.

Sep 25, 2017
Love Jamaica
by: Linda

Hello my friend.
My husband and I went to Ocho Dios this year, April. We felt so welcomed and loved from everyone we met.

The island is really lovely, the people very warm. I really felt right at home, and would love to own a summer house some day.

I love to dream and that is certainly my dreams to visit Jamaica when ever I can. I want to visit St. Elizabeth and also stay at Jake's.

I love the culture, people, food and of course Bob Marley. I went to visit his museum in St. Ann and it was really amazing. Bless & Love...One Love. See you soon Jamaica the beautiful.

Feb 03, 2012
Jamaican and white woman
by: Anonymous

I am a white woman born and raised in the U.S. my husband is a born Jamaican. I've gone to Jamaica with him we stayed with his family in Manchester this is not a tourist area so there were no other whites but everyone was super nice and his family excepts me just as if I was their blood relative. You have nothing to worry about!

Jan 10, 2012
jamaica safety
by: Jan

As I stated before, I have never felt unsafe, nor have I ever had anything stolen. Most of my belongings are down there and have been there for 4 -6 months. Nothing ever missing. You need to use common sense when you go out. you can not just leave your bag laying around. I do not stay in the hotel zone. My fiance has a house in a small town where I go every where by myself. I walk 1 1/2 miles to the ocean and never feel unsafe. Just use your head, you wouldn't just leave your purse laying around while in america either would you. Just like America there are good and bad people, and good and bad places. Good luck and just be smart.

Jan 10, 2012
dont leave your belongs around
by: Anonymous

Be careful dont carry a lot of cash and keep your head on your body even jamaicans get robbed down there..

Jan 10, 2012
also dating someone from jamaica
by: Anonymous

Hi, I was also from dating somebody from Jamaica and went to jamaican and stayed at one of his family's homes down there.

One of my life long girlfriends also came with me.. The trip was great the people were wonderful and I had a great time. I was there around christmas time last year.

They had a huge party outside the house one night and my stuff and my best friends stuff were locked in a back bedroom.

The only people in the house was his Mother and sister me and my best friend Christina and him. My best friends entire wallet and money went missing also $700 of my own money and some clothes and shoes were stolen. I was really angry and so was my best friend my jamaican boyfriend said he had no clue what had happen or who stolen our money and slippers and said it had to be one of his sisters.. Atleast they were nice enuff to not touch our passports we left the familys home the next day and checked into a hotel. Im still shocked but from what are have heared is this is common around christmas time but I still am upset about the entire thing...What ever you do dont stay with family book at hotel room and leave your things in a safe where there safe also dont bring cash..travels checks are best.. When we were traveling on the road everybody was so nice but watch your back and take your purse with you even in the, I dropped that loser long time (Miguel Ellis) from retreat..what a liar and a thief

Nov 23, 2011
Happiest Place on Earth
by: Jan

I too am a white female born and raised in the US. I met my fiance in Jamaica in February and have been back three times. I am generally the white person around. I walk everywhere by myself and do what I want. The people are so friendly and treat me like gold. We are currently getting property and going to build a new house. I have never felt uncomfortable or scared. I can't wait until the day I can be there permenantly. Go visit and decide for yourself, do not let the myths stop you. That is wha they are is myths. I is the greatest place on earth. Good Luck!!!

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