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Permanent residency in Jamaica for US retiree - Is the three (3) year wait time true?

by Lunita
(Los Angeles California,US)

First let me say how much I enjoy your website. Its very informative as is the other information I have downloaded from your site.

When I have more time after I retire and move to Jamaica I will likely write in more often.

Now my question......

I've researched on the web how to get permanent residency in Jamaica and learned how returning residents and persons who are of Jamaican heritage and/or married to a Jamaican can get this residency.

But I have found that for persons who are not Jamaican the only 2 ways are as retirees or to come with an offer of work from a Jamaican company, in which case they would get a work permit.

For the retirees, which I am interested in doing, some sites say you must come on a tourist visa first, staying in Jamaica as long as that
allows (up to 6 months) for a 3 year period, then apply for permanent residency.

However another site said you do not have to wait 3 years you can apply on your 1st tourist stay, provided you can supply all documentation and proof of guaranteed income.

Which is true? 3 years of visiting or able to apply right away?

And should one allow about a year of processing of the application or more? Is it true one must also get a type of multi-entry visa from the
US in addition to residence so that one can visit US again?

I have looked at the website for Jamaica's Immigration but not seen a clear answer to the above...

Here are some of my sources for information:
and of course articles from the Gleaner and Observer(couldnt find the links)

LV oh and feel free to edit this question and make it shorter...just wanted to give you the background to it so you can see I did try to
find the answer myself and if its hard for me there are other retirees who need the info too.

Expat sites only mention Jamaica in passing as they seem to favor Mexico, Belize and other places as good retirement spots.

THose that mention Jamaica are old or not too complete in describing whats needed to move and live there.

And fyi I have visited several times and never stayed in a resort but with Jamaican friends (except for a cruise stop there)

ANSWER: by Devin, April 27, 2013

Hi Lunita,

Want to make Jamaica your home during your retired years but fear that it will be difficult since you are not a native of the island?

Not to worry. For non-Jamaicans wishing to retire to Jamaica, the process is a non-time consuming and easy one.

There is no need to make years of visits to the island or to come up with a business prospect in order to obtain your stay in Jamaica if you are not a Jamaican by nationality or born of Jamaican parentage.

We checked and current data acquired from (The Jamaican goverment agency) clearly states that...

"You do not have to wait 3 years in order to apply for permanent residency. You can do so upon your visit to Jamaica.

The multiple entry visa is obtainable in Jamaica and allows you to gain entry (return) to the island whenever you leave Jamaica.

The process takes approximately 6 months".

To learn about the requirements for gaining residency in Jamaica, please click this link:

Also, be sure to check the site to find the latest information on all you need to know about Jamaica including ideal places for residence, cool vacation spots, business prospects, cuisine, arts and just about to make your stay here an enjoyable one.

Jamaica and the Jamaican awaits all who wish to return here to make this beautiful island their home.

Devin, for

Related: Migrating To Jamaica.

See Also: Moving To Jamaica.

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