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Applying for Permanent Residence after marriage to Jamaican citizen

by Robert Bird
(Negril, Jamaica)

Another very timely question on how to get permanent residence in Jamaica! But this time, with a twist. Here's Robert's question... with my answer below)

Dear sirs,

I am a USA citizen planning to marry a Jamaican citizen.

Is the application for Permanent Residence the same as applying when not married to a citizen of Jamaica?

Thank you,

Robert Bird

RESPONSE: by Wellesley

Hey Robert, great question!

I've actually outlined the FULL procedure on how to apply for permanent residence in Jamaica here.

But your question is a little different, so thanks for asking!

The answer is essentially no though; the procedure is not much different.
In fact, seeking to attain permanent residence by marriage is just one of the reasons (or categories) you can apply through.

The other categories are:

  • Employment (not less than three years)
  • Retirement
  • Dependence
  • Or is a prior holder of Unconditional Landing status, which is by virtue of marriage to a Jamaican.

That said though, while some of the requirements will be the same across the board (eg. evidence of financial status), some will differ based on the category that you are applying through.

So clearly, you would need to prove marriage via a marriage certificate, if you are applying as Residence By Marriage.

You can find a list of all the requirements to apply for permanent residence in Jamaica on PICA's website, at this link.

You application letter, with all the required documentation should be addressed to:

The Chief Executive Officer
The Passport, Immigration and Citizenship Agency (PICA)
25 Constant Spring Rd,
Kingston 10, Jamaica

Bear in mind that there is a non refundable application fee as well. At the time of this writing the fee was 100,000 JMD, no not US :-), but that will change overtime.

And, do remember that it is an application and interview process, so PICA (Passport, Immigration and Citizenship Agency) will make the final decision.

Question For You...

My question to you though Robert is this...

Since you are sure about marriage and will be committed for the rest of your lives, have you considered applying to become a citizen of Jamaica?

The procedure is not much more complex you know, but it actually affords you even more privileges, including acquiring a Jamaican passport, social benefits, duty free allowances at custom & airport, as well as voting in elections!

And remember since you are a US citizen (it appears) you can still keep your citizenship there (in addition), meaning have dual citizenship!

Anyway, just a thought for you.

I hope this information was helpful.

If not yet done, be sure to read my wildly popular article on Important Tips For Returning Residents To Jamaica.

Have a great rest of the day!


P.S. Related: Do I need a work permit to work in Jamaica?.


  • "Permanent Residence",
  • "Why should I become a citizen",
  • "Citizenship by Marriage",

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