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Travelling To Jamaica | What Is The Latest On Covid19 Restrictions

(Agusta, Georgia)

Another great question! The asker didn't leave a name, but I know the person will be reading here, and so I thank him or her for this question which was quite timely.

The questions was about covid19 restrictions travelling to Jamaica.
Here's the question (below) with my response following.

Any airport or travel news for Jamaica? I am planning my trip there on July 7.

RESPONSE: by Wellesley

Hi Anon,
Very timely question, thanks much!

Update: June 20, 2020: Jamaica Reopens

I'll respond with highlights from the Prime Minister's Digital Press Conference on the Covid-19 Pandemic yesterday, June 5th.

So officially, yes, Jamaica is reopening its borders to non-nationals and business travellers on June 15th, but with some well defined restrictions.

But, the country has already openened its doors to Jamaican nationals from both what is called "Bubble Countries" and Non Bubble Countries, which started on June 1 under the Controlled Re-Entry program.

So let me quickly speak on these - and then the non-nationals.

But just before, please note that according to the Prime Minster, everyone, yes everyone, migrating to Jamaica will be screened and risk assessed.

Jamaicans - Controlled Reentry

Jamaicans who wished to return home are asked to use the JamCovid application at the Ministry Of Health's website. This screening process is required to be taken BEFORE Jamaicans can book and board available flights.

By the way, the PM indicated that under this program, over 2,500 persons have returned to the island, which includes a recent flight from Cayman with 78 persons, A JetBlue flight from the USA with 69 persons, and an Air Canada with 14 persons.

He indicated that the process is now a 1-stage process rather than the 2 stage process inititally, and that Jamaica's airline partners habe been advised that we can accomodate up to 6 flights bper day between both international airports.

He also mentioned that special provisions are now made for spouse and dependents of citizens of jamaica.

Bubble Countries

They have come up with the concept of a travel bubble country, which essentially means, the relatively safe countries during this period, June 1 - 14.

This list includes, so far, only some Caribbean Countries namely Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, The Cayman Islands, Montserrat, Grenada, Trinidad & Tobago, Turks & Caicos, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia and St Vincent and the Grenadines.

The significant feature of the bubble is that persons from these countries will not be tested for Covid-19 up front, but will still be screened and high risk ones, tested for isolation.


Jamaicans Outside The Bubble

In addition to screening and risk assessment & sensitization, all persons outside the bubble will be tested and allowed to go home and await their test results.

Those considered low risk will be released under the stay at home order.
High risk persons however will go under home quarantine orders and not allowed to leave home. If the result is positive they will go into isolation.



Effective June 15, Non-Jamaican nationals will be allowed to enter the island.
At that time, he said, there will be three categories of travellers.

  1. Jamaican Nationals and Non-Nationals who are resident/living in Jamaica

    The protocols here he said, will be similar to the bubble countries mentioned above.


  2. Non-Jamaican Nationals visiting for vacation /tourism

    The protocols here will be similar to te Jamaican nationals, except that it will be subjected to the 'stay in zone order', call the tourist covid-19 resiliance corridor. It will be between Negril and Port Antonio along the coast.

    See graphic below...

  3. Non National business travellers

    Non national business travellers coming to Jamaica for less than 14 days is required to be tested on arrival, subject to quarantine orders at their hotel while awaiting test results.

    If positive, the individual will go into isolation; if negative, proceed to business activities but leave the island by time allotted by immigration.


Other measures to incrementally reopen the country and economy that might impact or relate to tourists, from my notes, includes modified requirements for weddings, funerals and beaches.

A max of 50 persons will be allowed at weddings, subjected to social distancing requirements, 1 person to 36 square feet. The social distancing measure is relaxed for the bride and groom.

And funerals, as of Sunday, June 7, similar to weddings, will accommodate a max of 50 persons at the service, and this is only for the service, not the burial. The max of 15 persons at graveside still remains.

And for those of us who love the beaches, note that effective this Sunday, June 7, all public beaches will become open between 6am and 6pm, however it is still subjected to the social distancing requirements. No more than 10 persons are to gather in any one area of the beach and activities are limited only to swimming.

I hope this helps! I suspect there might be others with this question or just need some clarification, so please pass this on to them.


P.S You can watch the replay of the full press conference here.

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