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The Dreaded 6 Month Passport Rule - And How To Avoid It

The last thing you'd want to hear before booking you dream vacation to Jamaica is that you are restricted because of this (six) 6 month passport rule.

But what is it? And what do you need to do to avoid it?
Here, below, is Terri's question - with my response.


Do you know any thing on the 6 months passport rule for Jamaica, it is very confusing. Myself and some of my friends wanted to come to Jamaica in December this year.

We are not understanding this law for Jamaica and trying to find out if its true.

If my passport expires January next year, do you have to wait for 6 months before I come?

And if I order a new one, do I still have to wait 6 months before I come?

Some of my friends have passports and some have none, and were about to get new ones but want to know if this 6 months rule is true or not.

Do you have any clear insight on this matter? If so please let me know.

Thanks Terri

ANSWER: by Wellesley

Hey Terri, thanks for asking!

The question is not too clear, but I think I got the essence of what you are asking.

Yes, there is, using your term, a six month rule.

It basically states, according to the Passport Immigration and Citizenship Agency (PICA), that a traveller to the country must have a clear six (6) month for travel BEFORE the passport expires. That's all.

So for example, in your case, your passport expires next January, you'd need to book and travel six month, latest, prior, meaning before August this year.

According to them, this is not just a Jamaica requirement, it is an international guideline use to prevent issues with immigration across countries.

My recommendation:

Apply for a new one one right now and you should be all set, assuming you get it in advance of your travel date - anytime to be able to book the time you require.

That new passport will have an extended time and so you should not have any issues this time with it.

I hope this helps!

I am thinking that you may also be interested in knowing about the Requirements to Stay Or Retire In Jamaica.

As usual, I welcome your feedback here.

Keep in touch.


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