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Why is divorce in Jamaica so expensive and income so cheap?

by Dorrette
(Manchester; Jamaica )

Why is divorce in Jamaica so expensive and income so cheap?
Dorrette ask why divorce is so expensive in Jamaica. I had no idea how to respond! But it is not always what you know, but who you know; I got an answer for her.

Here's her question, with my answer.

Looking around the Country I can hardly see how some people survive. For instance a divorce no contested in the US could cost $150-$400.00 USD. In Jamaica, it’s $700-$1000.00 or more!

Then how can someone who is being mistreated in a Marriage see any way out.

I admit it’s a good thing that divorce is not encouraged, but for the spouse that are being mistreated and abused, there should be a better way like Available Legal Aide Services fees reductions for the less fortunate. Maybe there will be less domestic Violence. Thanks

ANSWER: by Wellesley

Hi Dorrette,

I appreciate your note. Can I be honest with you though, I didn't know that!
So this is learning for me.

I didn't believe that the relative disparity between the cost in the two jurisdictions, Jamaica vs USA, is because of a deliberate strategy on the part of Jamaica to discourage divorces though, I highly doubted it.

I was guessing that it is just because of the cumbersome and inefficient nature of the process here in Jamaica.

And so I reached out to an expert in the field, a divorce attorney - and she confirmed my theory!

She indicated that, in Jamaica, there are both more steps to follow and also the steps (processes) are longer. She indicated that it can take anywhere from 6-9 months to complete a divorce in Jamaica - and even longer, depending on the circumstances.

By the way, we have a resource on that!

You can learn more about the full divorce process in Jamaica in this article. It also include some esteemed divorce attorneys as well.

Thanks again for your question though. I hope this clarifies your concern.

Related: How To Request Vital Records from Jamaica.


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Comments for Why is divorce in Jamaica so expensive and income so cheap?

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Sep 06, 2019
Life is not fair
by: Anonymous

Lousie, I have for a long time wondered why I, who was born a British citizen in Jamaica, now have the pain and expense of getting a visa to enter England while Germanys who started the war that my father went to Europe to fight against on the side of the British do not need a visa.

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