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National Heroes of Jamaica
The Indomitable Freedom Fighters

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national heroes of jamaicaJamaica National Heroes

These, our seven national heroes of Jamaica has made an indelible mark on the history and culture of our beautiful island.

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We salute them, first for the sacrifices they made, and also on attaining our country's highest honour, the Order of National Hero!

  1. Marcus Garvey,

    Garvey is best remembered as an important proponent of the Back-to-Africa movement, which encouraged those of African descent to return to their ancestral homelands. Read more.

    See also: Places Named After Marcus Garvey

  2. Paul Bogle,

    For his role in the 1865 Morant Bay Rebellion, he was captured and hanged on October 24, 1865 by the United Kingdom (Jamaica was a British colony at that time), but his forceful demonstration achieved itโ€™s objectives. Read more.

  3. Sir Alexander Bustamante

    In 1940, he was imprisoned on charges of subversive activities. The widespread anti-colonial activism finally resulted in Parliament's granting universal suffrage in 1944 to Jamaica. Read more.

    See also: Places Named After Sir Alexander Bustamante

  4. George William Gordon

    Gordon having heard that a summon was out for his arrest took himself in to Governor Eyre. On October 21, 1865 he was sentenced to death. Read more.

  5. Samuel "Sam" Sharpe,

    Sam believed that people could join together to change things. People could fight together against injustice. Sharpe and his followers helped to make slavery end quickly after the rebellion. Read more.

  6. Norman Washington Manley &

    A Rhodes Scholar, Manley became one of Jamaica's leading lawyers in the 1920s. Manley was an advocate of universal suffrage, which was granted by the British colonial government to the colony in 1944. Read more.

  7. Nanny of the Maroons

    All the legends and documents refer to Nanny of the First Maroon War, as the most outstanding of them all - leading her people with courage and inspiring them to struggle to maintain that spirit of freedom, and life of independence, which was their rightful inheritance. She  was, by the way, officially named, Sarah Elizabeth Curry. Read more.


Just thinking about a Jamaica without their combined contribution is puzzling. I suppose if it wasn't them, then perhaps others would taken on some of the tremendous roles they played, but who? and what impact would it have?

Your guess is as good as mine.

The truth is, these gallant individuals have done some of what would have been almost impossible by the average person back then, in their quest to change the social and political constructs.

They challenged the institutions of slavery, colonialism and dependency thereby changing the course of our history.I know I am voicing the sentiments of the vast majority of Jamaicans when I say, [using the words of my grandmother] 'God Bless their souls'.

Some shed their bloods and life because of the vision they shared for us. How can we repay that? We will never be able to.

Perhaps the least we can do is to show more unity and togetherness with each other and build on the foundations they have set for us to make our beloved country a beacon in the world!

Help me also say thanks also to the many other Jamaican who are playing their part, from here and abroad, to build and advance our country, they are heroes in their own right.

Today, the statues of these seven champions stands proud and tall in Jamaica national heroes Park in Kingston.

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