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Can I bring my dog to Jamaica with me?

by Stephani


We will be visiting your beautiful country in a few months via our sailboat.

We have a 7 year old dog that travels w/ us. I read somewhere that she wouldn't be allowed this in fact true or is there a way around this? Like could we just keep her on board the entire time we're there?

She's been fully vaccinated & we have all her papers. Please let me know as this really affects our travels to your beautiful country.

ANSWER: July-29-2009 by Wellesley Gayle

Hi Stephani,

From my little research, the only countries that currently can legally bring in dogs to Jamaica are UK and Ireland.

I extracted this information (below) from the Animal Health Services' page on our ministry of Agriculture's website that might be insightful to you though.

Conditions for Importing Dogs and Cats into Jamaica

1. No dog or cat shall be imported into the island except such animal is imported directly from Great Britain, Northern Ireland or the Republic of Eire.

2. Every dog or cat imported into Jamaica must be accompanied by an import permit from the Veterinary Division in the Ministry of Agriculture (Jamaica).

3. On arrival at Kingston, which shall be the ONLY port of entry into the island, every dog or cat shall be examined by an inspector appointed under the Law, and if free of infectious or communicable diseases it may be landed.

4. Every dog or cat imported into Jamaica must be accompanied by a certificate stating that there has been no Rabies in unquarantined dogs, cats or other animals in the country from which it was exported.

This certificate shall be given:

a. In the case of Great Britain by the Ministry of Agriculture- Fisheries and Food, Hook Rise, Tolworth, Surbiton, and Surrey.

b. In the case of Northern Ireland by the Ministry of Agriculture,Belfast

c. In the case of Republic of Eire by the Department of Agriculture- Dublin.

5. No dog or cat imported into the island shall be landed if it has been in contact with any dog or cat other than a dog or cat coming directly from Great Britain, Northern Ireland or the Republic of Eire; or a dog or cat that has been release from quarantine in those countries in respect of Rabies; and which in either case has been granted an official certificate from a country of origin referred to above.

6. Dogs and cats vaccinated against Rabies are not allowed entry into Jamaica.

Of course, I also learnt that yacht and cruise ships are ways people get around the law.

Also, since are keeping her on board, you should be fine, but you probably should get confirmation from an authority there.

Their contact numbers are 876-927-1731 up to 50.

For more information, I would suggest you visit the website and follow the links from there.

I hope that helps.

Stay in touch.

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Comments for Can I bring my dog to Jamaica with me?

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Feb 17, 2018
updated - animals are now welcome to jamaica
by: Anonymous

Read this article:

Aug 20, 2017
by: Anonymous

This just broke my heart all over again. Jamaica is losing out on a lot of visitors plus some people who would love to settle there.

Aug 28, 2015
No pets allowed from US.
by: Patrick

I retired a couple of years ago in the US, and just saw a home in Jamaica that I could actually afford. I love Jamaica and the people there, and I was so excited to think I may actually be able to move there.

Then I saw the no dogs/cats policy. I've had one of my 2 dogs for over 10 yrs. They are all I have, and visa versa. I could never just dump them. Just sucks Jamaica. I'll miss you.

May 14, 2013
moving with pet to jamaica
by: Richard Patey

My wife is Jamaican and I am American. How do we get our dog there? who do I contact? Thank You.

Richard R Patey

Apr 11, 2013
Moving and taking our dogs with us from U.S.A.
by: Sunnie

Well, I came across the post about bringing your pets with you to Jamaica.

I am sadden, because my husband and I have been thinking of retiring there in 4 years, and have our two dogs. We would never leave them behind, so now I guess we shall have to think of another place to retire. How sad.

Well, I will still come to your site and go through it, as I find it very interesting. Maybe we can just come for a visit each year, and leave the dogs with a kennel while we are gone. Love you site. Sunnie

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