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Jamaican Herbs For Fertility | What Are the Best Ones?

by Suzanne W
(xxxx, USA,)

Jamaican Dog Blood Bush | Photo @myislandjamaica

This question was quite unusual, but we were quite happy for it. It is one of those issues that a surprising number of females grapple with but hesitate to ask.

And so I thank Suzanne for her question (below), answered by Deon.

Note: I have removed her address to protect her privacy.

Hi, I am an American, married to a Jamaican. I am older maybe, close to menopause, and we are childless, how could I get back my menstrual and become pregnant? Please could you help me become pregnant? We prefer the natural root such as berries, roots, trees, barks just something from nature. I’m wondering if dog blood is a good thing to take. Please help us.


RESPONSE: by Deon Clarke, Associate Writer

Hi Suzanne

I must say that this is quite an unusual request but thanks for your question.
Although we are not medical experts here, I would be happy to provide you with any information I can find to assist you in this regard.

I would however first recommend that, if not already done, please ensure you seek medical advice, and usually two opinions, that that could include someone who specializes in alternative medicine and fertility.

You mentioned dog blood herb?

Well you are right, herbalists have long been convinced of the benefits of the dog blood plant as one of the many natural solutions for dealing with fertility issues. Due to its potent anti-inflammatory properties, this plant is considered to be a great cleanser for the fallopian tubes.

Inflammation of the fallopian tubes is said to be a major cause of infertility so this plant is a natural remedy and could ultimately get you the results you desire.

That's what we call it here, yes, but it in other parts of the world it is also called rouge plant, blood berry, baby pepper, and also the fertility bush - just in case you are searching for it online. It is recommended that one can drink a cup of this bush tea each day for a month to achieve the results.

A popular herbalist – Kneale Smith who is located in the parish of Manchester, has said that the plant works best when combined with two other herbs – the clary or wild clary and the inflammation weed but should also be done after a proper cleansing.

He has also recommended this cleansing routine (below) which should be done at least 3 times for the year.

  • Water from a jelly coconut that is freshly cut
  • A bitter grapefruit
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 3 tables spoons of unpackaged Epsom salt
  • And a peg of garlic

He suggests that you..

  1. Blend all the ingredients together, which will produce a thick liquid
  2. Strain it and you should get about a quart of the liquid
  3. Drink some in the morning and some in the evening (keep the bottle refrigerated)
  4. Drink until finished. And by the way, make sure you have ready access to a bathroom

Once you have finished this cleansing, it would be a perfect time to use your dog blood bush combination. The bush however should be picked fresh and put aside for at least four days, and then consumed.

The tea should be consumed for one week in the mornings and evenings while maintaining a strict diet, avoiding foods that have a high sugar, oil and carbohydrate content.

Yeah, I know this sounds like a lot but it might be well worth it.

By the way, we do have an e-store that supplies all things Jamaican, including traditional herbs and spices, if you are interested in getting this Dog Blood bush (or any other local medicinal herb) just reach out to us via the contact owner and let us know.

Below are some additional herbs you may also want to explore that are considered effective for fertility as well.

  • Red Clover
  • Wild Yam
  • Stinging Nettle
  • Motherwort
  • Vitex (Chaste Tree)
  • Black Cohosh
  • False Unicorn
  • Evening Primrose
  • Dandelion
  • & Red Raspberry

Good luck and god bless!

BTW, You might also be interested in learning about Jamaican herbs for weight loss.


Editor's Note

The information presented here is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

And what about you, do you have a question about Jamaica? send it to us here! With over 2,000 questions answered, chances are we can help you :-)


  • "The benefits of dog blood bush for fertility",
  • "Malay Apple",
  • "Herbs to boost fertility",

Comments for Jamaican Herbs For Fertility | What Are the Best Ones?

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Nov 11, 2020
Jamaican Herbs
by: Cheri Avery Black

Thanks for the excellent review of herbs for cleansing and then fertility. Jamaica has been provided with such a wide array of herbs for health and healing. When they are used properly they have no side effects, unlike pharmaceuticals which always have potential negative direct (not side) effects, many time worse than what is being treated (just read their paper inserts). Give thanks.

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