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Jamaican spending on food in 1 week?

QUESTION: How much do Jamaicans spend on food in a week? I need for family living class.

ANSWER: by Wellesley February 15, 2012

Difficult question, but I do appreaciate it.
As my former boss would say, if one ask it others are probably thinking or asking the same question :-)

It's hard to say though, as there are so many factors to be considered. Social status, income, address (rural vs city), age and even lifestyle.

I think probably one measure could be to use the government approved minimum wage as a basis.

At today's date it is at $4,500 per week, that's about 52 American Dollars per week - still very too low by any standard if you ask me, but it is what it is -for now.

We could probably then say that food (just food) should constitute about 50% (per person) of that minimum wage.

That would be about 2,250 huh? .. still sounds a bit low to me but it could very well be what the poorest pays per week for food, per person.

Another, and probably a more accurate approach could be to sum the most basic groceries for a week, add green foods and basic meat (protein) and see what it comes to (per person).

Like this...

Basic Supermarket Items (again just food items):

2 lbs Flour - $140
1 lb Sugar -$70
2 lb Rice -$150
1 bottle oil - $110
1 hardough bread - $210
1/2 doz eggs - $150
Dairy, Creams etc. - $300
Snacks - $400
Juicies and Drinks -$600,

Green foods and vegetables: $1,500
Meat, Poultry or Protein: $1,200

Total: $4,830 or $56 USD.
Actually this is more than the minimum rate! but that's probably more like it.

I hope this helps! Good luck on your assignment.

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Comments for Jamaican spending on food in 1 week?

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Jan 19, 2017
Jamaican Pay Rate
by: Anonymous

I was born in Jamaica and I migrated to the USA more than 30 years ago. I too am appalled at the going pay rate for Jamaicans. The Government has rally sold out its people. Take Barbados-they pay their citizens way better for such a small country, also the government gives them incentives, etc.

Jamaica is the biggest and prettiest island-I maybe biased) we need to do better for and by our people, before they all leave for other countries...Turks & Caicos, Cayman Island, England to name a few.

Feb 17, 2012
by: Tammy

After reading this article I am so appalled that the Jamaican government would allow this to happen to their people. That is not enough money for one to live, let alone if you have family. How does one get ahead? It's seems so unjust. And with every visit that I make there, I just keep meeting more pleasant people. They are so thankful for anything you give them... I feel for the children who sometimes don't even have a chance.

It really saddens me.. I know I contribute as much as I can by bringing items for the maids at the hotels, and the children, especially the children...God Bless you all for your undeniable spirit. One Love

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