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How many tourists visit Jamaica each year?

You've heard the statistics bantered about right? I mean the ones about how many tourist visit Jamaica each year.

And the numbers seems to change depending on who is asked, who is reporting, and for what purpose.

And so, I was really happy when I got this question - I have the opportunity to provide the correct information.

I consulted with the agency responsible for tracking this information, The Jamaica Tourist Board, and is now presenting you the facts.

But just before, this was the question...

Exactly how many persons travelled to Jamaica last year? And how may tourist visit Jamaica each year?

ANSWER: by Wellesley

A wonderful question!

And thanks to a representative from the Jamaica Tourist Board, I was provided this information, going back as far as 2003!

Not exactly as I wanted it, but I've dissected it and put it back together for you.

By the way, did you know that the last five years (to 2018) accounted record number of visitors?.

Now first...

Chart Showing Jamaica Tourist Arrival Since 2003


But even better, below is the detail, broken down by year.

  • In 2003, the total number of visitors to the island was 2,483,696. Of that number 1,350,285 were StopOver arrivals and 1,133,411 representing Cruise passengers.
  • In 2004, the total number of visitors to the island was 2,517,296. Of that number 1,414,786 were StopOver arrivals and 1,102,510 representing Cruise passengers.
  • In 2005, the total number of visitors to the island was 2,615,913. Of that number 1,478,663 were StopOver arrivals and 1,137,250 representing Cruise passengers.
  • In 2006, the total number of visitors to the island was 3,016,898. Of that number 1,678,905 were StopOver arrivals and 1,337,993 representing Cruise passengers.
  • In 2007, the total number of visitors to the island was 2,881,518. Of that number 1,700,785 were StopOver arrivals and 1,180,733 representing Cruise passengers.
  • In 2008, the total number of visitors to the island was 2,860,544. Of that number 1,767,271 were StopOver arrivals and 1,093,273 representing Cruise passengers.
  • In 2009, the total number of visitors to the island was 2,754,331. Of that number 1,831,097 were StopOver arrivals and 923,234 representing Cruise passengers.
  • In 2010, the total number of visitors to the island was 2,831,654. Of that number 1,921,678 were StopOver arrivals and 909,976 representing Cruise passengers.
  • In 2011, the total number of visitors to the island was 3,078,764. Of that number 1,951,752 were StopOver arrivals and 1,127,012 representing Cruise passengers.
  • In 2012, the total number of visitors to the island was 3,306,632. Of that number 1,986,085 were StopOver arrivals and 1,320,547 representing Cruise passengers.
  • In 2013, the total number of visitors to the island was 3,274,102. Of that number 2,008,409 were StopOver arrivals and 1,265,693 representing Cruise passengers.
  • In 2014, the total number of visitors to the island was 3,504,228. Of that number 2,080,181 were StopOver arrivals and 1,424,047 representing Cruise passengers.
  • In 2015, the total number of visitors to the island was 3,692,384. Of that number 2,123,042 were StopOver arrivals and 1,569,342 representing Cruise passengers.
  • In 2016, the total number of visitors to the island was 3,837,835. Of that number 2,181,684 were StopOver arrivals and 1,656,151 representing Cruise passengers.
  • In 2017, the total number of visitors to the island was 4,276,189. Of that number 2,352,915 were StopOver arrivals and 1,923,274 representing Cruise passengers,
  • and provisional data for 2018 shows that the total number of visitors to the island was 4,318,600. Of that number 2,472,727 were StopOver arrivals and 1,845,873 representing Cruise passengers.

I'm including the table of information below for your benefit as well.

Note that it shows the percentage increase per year.

Jamaica Visitor Arrivals 2003-2018
Year StopOver Cruise Total %
    Increase Over Prior Year
20031,350,2851,133,411 2,483,696
20041,414,7861,102,510 2,517,296 1.35%
20051,478,6631,137,250 2,615,913 3.92%
20061,678,9051,337,993 3,016,898 15.33%
20071,700,7851,180,733 2,881,518 -4.49%
20081,767,2711,093,273 2,860,544 -0.73%
20091,831,097923,234 2,754,331 -3.71%
20101,921,678909,976 2,831,654 2.81%
20111,951,7521,127,012 3,078,764 8.73%
20121,986,0851,320,547 3,306,632 7.40%
20132,008,4091,265,693 3,274,102 -0.98%
20142,080,1811,424,047 3,504,228 7.03%
20152,123,0421,569,342 3,692,384 5.37%
20162,181,6841,656,151 3,837,835 3.94%
20172,352,9151,923,274 4,276,189 11.42%
2018 2,472,727 1,845,873 4,318,600 0.99%

Tourist Arrival Information 2016-2018 by month

You may also be interested in this table, showing the arrival information for the last three years, by month.

A few KEY points for December 2018

  • Stopover arrivals up 3.7%
  • The US Market was up 7.5%
  • The Canada market was down 1.5%
  • Europe was up 2.8%, and
  • Cruise Passenger up by 8.8%

By the way, some of our visitors have been sharing their stories!You can read some of them here.

And if you've vacationed here as well, please share the experience with us!

I hope this helps!

As usual, I welcome your feedback here.

Keep in touch.


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