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Is it a good idea to move to Jamaica

by Martha
(US )


I am from the US and I have a friend in Jamaica; we are getting engaged and have toggled with who would move.

I originally wanted to stay in the US for the kid's sake but now I am feeling like I would rather just move there with him...

Do you think that would be a good idea, such as how easy is it to get citizenship and be able
to work? How are the school systems for my children. Don't worry for nothing but just
curious about things that I may face...

I love the country and the anthem and that man of mine......


ANSWER: January 19, 2010 by Wellesley Gayle

Hi Martha,

That's a touch one.

That is a very personal decision only you can make.

There are pros and cons to every situation and there is always and opportunity cost - I learnt that in econ :-) so and this is no different; Jamaica has some clear benefits, but you'll have some challenges as well.

It's for you to weigh the decisions - taking into consideration your goals and desires, but also what is best for you and the family - in the short, medium and long term.

I would say, talk to friends, continue to read and research, and even visit here a few times before, making a final decision.

I was once told, "always make your sure you balance the heart with the mind... the "emotion" with "reasoning"." Good luck

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Comments for Is it a good idea to move to Jamaica

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Jan 22, 2010
Hi Karen
by: Martha

I do not recall saying anything about religion.
The God I serve is not a God of religion.

Now you are certainly free not to reply or comment to anything that I have to say but one thing I do not do is stop talking about my Lord for anyone.

HE will always be in my conversations, especially pertaining to anything about life and life's decisions.

I do thank you for your comments, they were helpful and I will look into the consolate.

Have a Blessed Day!

Jan 22, 2010
by: Karen Jackson

Contact the Jamaican consulate In your area about citizenship. Please lets leave religion out of this.

Jan 20, 2010
by: Martha

Thanks for the comments and answers. I do agree that it is a touchy situation and it bears many factors!!

I do agree concerning the United States, but whatever condition this country goes in, I am not worried. I serve an awesome God!

I do agree with the edible plants of Jamaica!! The fruit is the best. I have been there several times within the past 2 years.

When we get married it will be on God's timing. We have certainly prayed concerning every aspect of our relationship.

It is not a relationship of I think I am in love and just running off to be with some man; no sir
I don't operate like that, especially with children involved. But our steps are ordered by God.

I do feel like HE is leading me there to Jamaica and I have no fear in the move or how things will turn out.

But it is nice to get perspectives from individuals who live there, may have migrated there, how long it takes to get citizenship......etc.

My babe spoke with a lawyer concerning some of these things, but it was when he was looking into coming to the States.

So any comments and opinions are welcome.

Jan 20, 2010
Is It a good idea to move to Jamaica
by: Karen Jackson

Getting out of America because it is not the U.S. anymore is a good idea things are going to get worse.

Not to say it will not reach Jamaica, but at least in Jamaica, no snow. Fish, fruits, and edible plant life are in abundance for now.

The public schools are great, things might have changed since I was a girl but private school is the best bet. Investigate both.

It depends where in Jamaica your man wants to move to? How many children do you have and what their school age is?

You must have a continuous monetary stream, try to look into a market that is always in demand. The fact that you think you are inlove is great. You must stay in Jamaica for at least a month with your children 1st and see.

If your relationship does not work out you must plan for that also.

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