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Legality of Stun Gun or Pepper Spray in Jamaica

by Adaphadell
(Atlanta, USA)

QUESTION: Is it legal to shipped a stun Gun or pepper spray to Jamaica from the United States, and are they Legal to carry on your person in Jamaica, or do I need a permit? If I do where do I apply for a permit.

ANSWER: by Devin, December 24, 2012

Stun guns and pepper sprays are both prohibited items on the list of items permitted to enter the island, whether shipped or carried on the person.

Over the years there has been discussions regarding both, but to date there is no documented evidence that permission has been granted to any person or organization to undertake the importation of these weapons.

As it relates to the stun guns, discussions have been put forward by not only human rights defenders but also the public why they should remain banned items.

Recent talks have been surfacing regarding the escalation in police shootings and excessive force used by them to equip them with non-lethal weapons such as the stun guns, as a strategic means to help reduce these shootings. Despite all that, there is no finality as to the decisions taken.

Regarding pepper sprays, arguments are more lenient but they still remain a prohibited item. One line of argument put forward brought it down to the prohibition of importing the sprays unless given permission by the relevant governing bodies, but no permission is needed for their possession by individuals on their person.

Unlawful use of these sprays could, however, see persons answerable to the laws of the land related to weapons and their uses.

Further information can be had from the following links/offices listed below.


    Mutual Life Building, North Tower
    2 Oxford Road
    Kingston 5
    Telephone: 876-906-2414-7 or 906-1678
    Telefax: 876-906-7665
    E-mail: or

See Also: The Laws of Jamaica.

Devin, for

Comments for Legality of Stun Gun or Pepper Spray in Jamaica

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Nov 27, 2021
Mr. Concern
by: Anonymous

Some years ago and even now; There are many serious arguments about arm our society to protect themselves due to the fact that no one really protects us (now-a-days police only want more money each year and becoming thieves themselves, while crime getting worse each year. All Jamaican know this as a fact). Pepper-spray and stun-gun are non-lethal hence, what kind of rational there be to ban these items coming in the country?. the truth be told; Government protect taxes and political political agendas, certainly not the Jamaican citizens, simply because they cannot protect us.

With due respect to any government of Jamaica: we need to protect ourselves with the very least, either of these two items in question (stun-gun and pepper-spray).

Individuals are permitted with such Lethal weapon (Gun) by way of a license. so WHY these non-lethal items made illegal/ban for Jamaicans?????????

Mr. Government I need to protect myself with a non-lethal weapon.

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