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What kind of crops are grown in Jamaica for profit?


Jamaican Cocoa Beans

This question was an interesting one. I mean, it is one of those things we think we know, but probably doesn't, well certainly for me.

I would never have guessed that we grow / produce so many crops here for commercial consumption!

Here is the question... which is followed by my response.

What are the top crops grown for profit in Jamaica?

RESPONSE: by Wellesley

Hi Anon,

Thanks for asking!

I made contact with the St. Andrew parish office of RADA (The Rural Agriculture Development Authority), the statutory agency responsible for promoting agriculture development in Jamaica.

I spoke with one of the parish managers who was kind enough to outline the main crops grown in Jamaica today for commercial purposes.
He noted that these are the ones that they currently report on a monthly basis.

I will now list them for you, all of 53 general crops, across 11 general categories!

But just before, please note that although the list represents crops across the entire country, there are areas or parishes that might be predominant with particular crops.

Here now is the list - by Category

Crops Grown In Jamaica For Commercial Purposes (Profit)



  1. Peanuts
  2. Red Peas
  3. Gungo Peas


  4. Cow Peas
  5. Broad Beans
  6. Sugar Bean



  1. Cabbage
  2. Tomato
  3. Carrot
  4. Pumpkin


  5. Beet Root
  6. Broccoli
  7. Calalloo
  8. Cauliflower
  9. Cho Cho
  10. Cucumber
  11. Egg Plant
  12. Lettuce
  13. Okra
  14. Pak Choi
  15. String Bean
  16. Zucchini
  17. Yellow Squash


  1. Papaya
  2. Pineapple
  3. Watermelon
  4. Cantelope
  5. Honey dew

Read more on Jamaican fruits here.


  1. Ordinary Corn
  2. Hybrid Corn
  3. Sweet Corn

Plantain/ Banana

  1. Horse Plantain
  2. Banana
  3. Other varieties


  1. Irish Potato
  2. Sweet Potato

See Jamaican Sweet Potato Pudding

Yams (Tubers)

  1. Yellow Yam
  2. Negro Yam
  3. Lucea Yam
  4. Renta Yam
  5. Saint Vincent
  6. Sweet Yam
  7. Tau Yam
  8. "Other Yam Varieties,
    eg. Chinese Yam"

Read more on Jamaican Yams here.

Other Tubers

  1. Bitter Cassava
  2. Sweet Cassava
  3. Dasheen
  4. Coco

Permanent Crops

  1. Coffee
  2. Coconut
  3. Pimento
  4. Citrus (Oranages/ Grapefruit etc)
  5. Cocoa

Other Permanent Crops ( Not Reported By RADA)

  1. Breadfruit &
  2. Sugar Cane
  3. Ackee


  1. Escallion
  2. Hot Pepper
  3. Sweet Pepper
  4. Ginger
  5. Sorrel
  6. Onion
  7. Thyme

And, if I may add one myself, I'd say, marijuana. It is still produced heavily 'underground' but might be streamlined sooner than we think!

Great! There you go, the main crops produced in Jamaica today for profit, as reported by RADA.

See also: Jamaican fruits

For additional information, please visit their website at

I hope this provided the information you requested.

You may also be interested in learning more about our world famous coffee, starting with ... our local coffee beans.

As usual, I welcome your feedback here.

Keep in touch.


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