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Is Jamaica Really Into Bobsledding?

by T'Challa

QUESTION about: Jamaica And Bobsledding

I Want to know if this is real or not?

ANSWER: by Kesha Stewart

Hi friend,

Am smiling at your question. I'm going to respond to your question based on the photograph you posted reflecting a scene from the 1993 movie Cool Runnings.

The movie sought to capture the exploits of the Jamaican Bobsleigh Team when they first qualified for the Winter Olympics 1988 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I think they did.

I must have watched the movie like a zillion times with my family and friends; some of whom were on vacation in Jamaica. We laughed so much.

It was also very motivational for us as it showed how much could be accomplished with a positive and committed approach. Ten years later we were celebrating again - albeit for another sport, football (soccer).

Like magic Jamaica was on its way to France 1998 for the World Cup of Football.

But back to your question. I can vividly recall the pride I felt when Jamaica actually competed at the Winter Olympics.

The whole nation was filled with pride. Although we did not win any medals the world stood up and noticed the black, green and gold. Let me also add that:

1. The movie is inspirational even though it has a great deal of fiction - its a movie after-all. For instance, the team members were not really sprinters but members of the Jamaica Defence Force (JDF).

2. Jamaica does have a bobsleigh team in fact we have the Jamaica men's and women's teams as well as the Jamaica Bobsleigh and Skeleton Association (JBSF) Ltd.The current president Dudley "Tal" Stokes, was one of the 1988 team members.

3. Jamaica competed in the just concluded Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, Korea

4. You can visit JBSF's official website at

So in a word - YES. In terms of bobsledding Jamaica is real.

Right now a former Olympian with an athletic career, Carrie Russel, joined the women's bobsled team which competed in Korea. She is now heading off for training overseas. In addition, she is encouraging other sprinters to try bobsledding for various reasons. She is training to become a driver.

It even appears that Carrie is more popular now than when she was a part of Jamaica's athletic team!

Before I go I want you to know that Jamaica is real in other ways too and can help you to discover some really cool, inspiring and interesting things about people, places, events and nearly everything Jamaican. Check out the website or social media accounts and share with your friends too.

Hope my answer helped.

Kesha Stewart
Associate Writer

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