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Jamaican Entertainment News
The Top Six (6) Sources In JA

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Jamaica Entertainment NewsJamaican Entertainment News Outlets

by C. Holness | Associate Writer

Top Jamaican Entertainment News Sources

If you are wondering where you can find out the latest scoop in the colourful and exciting world of Jamaican entertainment, you have come to the right place!  

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Whether you are looking for a print publication that you can pick up from your local newstand or you prefer to check for updates online, you will find these sources to be some of the best in the island for providing you with all the up-to-date information you are eager to read about your favourite stars, and those shows and events in Jamaica that you dear not to miss.

1. The Jamaica Observer

This daily newspaper has been offering Jamaicans a reliable source of news since 1993. Published in Kingston, The Observer features a large section dedicated exclusively to entertainment news, in print and also online.

The website has links to many articles, plus a number of videos to you can watch relating to the goings-on of the entertainment scene.  

You can visit it at:

2. The Jamaica Gleaner

Published on a daily basis in the nation's capital for over 180 years, the Jamaica Gleaner is undoubtedly the most popular newspaper throughout the island and is readily available for sale in many locations.

It can also be enjoyed online, and is a dependable source for current news of happenings in the entertainment sphere. 

The online site features a selection of stories pertaining to your favourite performers, as well as a blog. 

Take a look by visiting:

3. The Jamaica Star

Also available in print and electronic form is the Jamaica Star, another paper that does a tremendous job of keeping readers current in the ever-changing realm of local entertainment.

Besides giving you all the breaking information about the hottest reggae stars, it is also a helpful resource for listing the biggest events in the dancehall and party scene that are coming to Jamaica, so you can plan which ones you wish to attend, and secure your tickets.  

See for yourself at:

4. Loop Entertainment News

Launched in April 2014, you would say Loop is a relatively new kid on the block, right?

Yup, but it has certainly cemented itself on the media landscape in Jamaica and indeed the Caribbean.

It prides itself for the number one source for Caribbean-wide local, regional and global content providing the best coverage of news, sports, entertainment, lifestyle, business, community and events.

According to their website, Loop is owned by Trend Media Group, the digital media sales house owned by Digicel Group.

Take a look by visiting:

5. One876 Entertainment

If it's entertainment gossip and news, videos, event listings, and press releases related to the biggest names in dancehall in reggae today that you are searching for, look no further than One876, this site has it all!

Get informed about what's going on by checking it out at:

6. HypeLife Magazine

This online entertainment magazine is packed with all the juicy details you are craving about the personal and professional lives of today's most popular stars.

Here you can learn all about the latest album drops, collaborations, tours, videos, mixup and more. You can add your two cents as well, and leave a comment or connect to the site's social media links. 

Drop by and take a look:

Another way to keep up with what's going on in Jamaica is through YouTube and the many Jamaican Influencers on the platform.

Editors Note

Do remember to also stay close to our news and events page. If you are looking for information on Reggae And Dance hall music here is another website to look at.

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References & Sources For Jamaican Entertainment News

  1. About Us | Loop News, 
  2. Hyperlife Magazine, 

Updated: August 2nd, 2022

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