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Loop News Jamaica
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Loop News JamaicaLoop News Jamaica

by Venesha Johnson | Associate Writer

There is so much going on in Jamaica and the world at large, that it is almost impossible to keep up with important information. Loop News however does its best to us all in the know.

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Loop News is the leading provider of Caribbean-wide, local, and global content. They provide the best news, sports, entertainment, lifestyle, business, community, and event coverage. With a dedicated team of journalists working locally in each market, they strive to bring you the most recent and breaking news from a team you can rely on.

Loop News first launched in 2014 and not long after had made such an impact that it expanded to the Caribbean markets; Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Haiti, Cayman, and St Lucia. In addition to these, there is also Loop Caribbean which was launched in 2020.

Within two months of launch, they became the Caribbean's number one news app in the Google Play and Apple App stores, and with over 1 million downloads, Loop News is still number one today!

A visit to their Jamaican website will bring you to different categories of news and daily reports. This is what you will find:

  • Jamaican news
  • World news
  • Sports
  • CPL - Caribbean premier league
  • Business
  • Coronavirus
  • Entertainment
  • Lifestyle
  • Little writers

Content is usually available in two formats: written articles or videos. While you can not just walk into a store and grab a copy of their most recent reports, they are always available online.

Being solely online also allows them to update news as soon as they receive the information. As soon as there is any major news break, Many Jamaicans receive a text message from Loop with a link to the article or video.

Their Team

  • Julian Richardson - Country Content Manager: He worked as an assistant business coordinator at the Jamaica Observer from 2005 to 2014 while working as a financial journalist before being hired by Trend Media Group.

    Julian was a member of the team at the Observer that launched the "Mogul in the Making" program, which promoted aspiring entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized businesses. Julian graduated from the Wolmer's Boys' School in Kingston and Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida.

  • Melton Williams - Senior Reporter: Melton worked as the Gleaner Company's sports coordinator for seven years before joining Trend Media Group in January 2015, where he was in charge of creating the sports reports for Power 106 FM, the company's radio station.

    Melton worked for the Gleaner Company twice; the first stint lasted five years. He has covered sporting events in Aruba, Bermuda, Grenada, Bermuda, and Cuba. Melton has over 20 years of experience working in the media and has won the Sports Journalist of the Year award twice.

  • Kimmo Matthews - Senior Reporter: He has more than 13 years of experience working in journalism. Matthews received two consecutive Press Association of Jamaica (PAJ) nominations for Journalist of the Year in 2016 and 2017.

    He was chosen as the only observer for Jamaica and one of just three observers from the English-speaking Caribbean. Matthews spent eight years at the Jamaica Observer before joining Loop, where he earned employee of the year honours in 2014 and 2015. Additionally, he played a crucial role in the Observer's 2010 and 2015 PAJ online journalism award victories.

  • Ramon Lindsay - Video Editor: He worked at Business Access TV as a video editor before joining Loop in 2018. The Press Association of Jamaica presented him with a certificate of merit in 2017 for the BATV feature, "Creating Wealth: Mais Farms."

  • Reginald Allen - Senior News Editor: He has worked in the media for almost 30 years, both nationally and locally. After graduating from Glenmuir High School in May Pen, Clarendon, where he had previously attended, he first pursued his early passion for law by working as an assistant clerk for the parish's then-resident magistrates' court.

    He first encountered journalism in 2001, and ever since, all of his professional attention has been on it or related factors, leading him to transition from staff reporter to news editor at the Gleaner Company.

    He has received numerous Press Association of Jamaica (PAJ) awards in youth, agriculture, and small publication due to his Gleaner experience and newspaper publishing. He gradually integrated himself into the Loop Jamaica team, first as a freelance writer and then as the news editor.

  • Shamille Scott - Journalist: a formally educated journalist with more than five years of experience working in print and online media. She currently works at Loop Jamaica as a Content Manager in charge of Business and Community, where she creates original content and edits other Loop writers' writing.
    Young People in Business, a weekly video feature posted on Loop Jamaica, is created by Shamille.

    She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in media and communication from the University of the West Indies, Mona's Caribbean School of Media and Communication (CARIMAC), and throughout her career, she has taken part in numerous workshops on financial and investigative reporting.

    After months of training at iCreate, she recently received her certification in content marketing.

Not interested in reading an entire news article, you also have the option to listen to the audio version of the same article. Loop’s website also allows you to leave comments and opinions on different articles and videos. Have something you are interested in sharing? You can use the submit an article option, to submit one of your own.

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References & Sources For Loop News Jamaica

  1. Loop News. 2022. Loop Jamaica News. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 September 2022].

Loop News Jamaica | Written: September 18, 2022

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