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Kingston Jamaica News
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Kingston Jamaica News
by Wellesley Gayle

I'm receiving a enormous number of queries from persons and interest groups, searching for news on Kingston Jamaica - are you one of those persons? I wonder why :-), why Kingston and not Montego Bay, or say Negril - just curious :-)

Anyway, I've done some research and I am posting this quick article to provide some really great sources for you to get up to date news and events in Kingston Jamaica - and by extension the entire Jamaica.

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First, I must say that, almost any news you hear of and from Jamaica would quite likely include news from Kingston, why is this so?

Because, not only is Kingston the capital of Jamaica, and Jamaica's largest city, most of the radio stations, newspapers, television and other media entities are located or headquartered here.

So first up, I'll suggest you check out the major radio stations, take a peek at them. Most of them now have a robust website, with news on the hour, and many have incorporated live streaming on their websites!

There are also the major newspapers. This include the Jamaica Gleaner, The Jamaica Star, The Western Mirror, and The Jamaica Observer. Both the Jamaica Gleaner and the Jamaica Observer are online

Check them out at the links above.

(You may also visit their websites directly from here Observer/ Gleaner)

And Even Better...

:-) You can try those above or take the lazy man's approach :-) and just follow these live links I share below!

Thanks to feed informer, I pulled them directly from all the major newspapers in Jamaica as well as Google and Bing conveniently to you!

Here you go!

Live New Feeds

Those should help to get you all the news in Jamaica, including Kingston - the latest and greatest!

For a quick background on Kingston, visit the Capital Of Jamaica page.

By the way, make sure you subscribe to my free monthly e-zine My Island Jamaica Digest (MIJD) and stay, not only with the latest from Jamaica, but get facts and did you knows about Jamaica. You'll also get the very lastest happening on this website as well.

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Pages Related To Kingston Jamaica News

These are quite informative, be sure to read when you get a chance.

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