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The President Of Jamaica?
No, Instead We Have A Prime Minister

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Andrew Holness - Not president but Prime Minister Of JamaicaAndrew Holness, PM

Surprise, surprise! No we don't have a president of Jamaica!

Unlike the USA, which has a presidential republic system, Jamaica has a parliamentary democracy with a bicameral legislature and party system with Queen Elizabeth II as head of state.

She is represented by a Governor-General.

The head of the government here is called a Prime Minister, akin to the President of the USA.

He or she is usually the leader of the party that won the most seats or constituency in the most recent general elections. 

He or she is formally appointed into office by the governor general of Jamaica.

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Our current Prime Minister is the Honorable Andrew Holness.

Mr. Holness is the leader of the governing Jamaica Labour Party (JLP), the party that won the 2016 general elections. He was sworn in as prime minister on March 3, 2016.

He succeeded the honorable Portia Simpson-Miller, who was then the People's National Party (PNP) leader.

I recommend that you read the following articles I posted for even more insight in this position of president, I mean prime minister :-), of Jamaica.

So did any of this shock you? I'd love to hear in the comments section below.

But just before, take a look at this. I think you'll find it helpful as well. 

Prime Ministers Of Jamaica

The following is a list of all the prime ministers of Jamaica since we achieved political independence in 1962 from Britain.

It is sorted chronological, in descending order, meaning the newest prime minster are at the top.

OrderNameBirth/DeathStarted TermEnded TermElectedPolitical Affiliation
12Andrew Holness (1972-)2016Incumbent2016Jamaica Labour Party
11Portia Simpson-Miller (1945-)201220162011People's National Party
10Andrew Holness (1972-)20112012——Jamaica Labour Party
9Bruce Golding (1947-)200720112007Jamaica Labour Party
8Portia Simpson-Miller (1945-)20052007——People's National Party
7P. J. Patterson (1935-)199220051993, 1997, 2002People's National Party
6Michael Manley (1924-1997)198919921989People's National Party
5Edward Seaga (1930-2019)198019891980 & 1983Jamaica Labour Party
4Michael Manley (1924-1997)197219801972 & 1976People's National Party
3Hugh Shearer (1923-2004)19671972——Jamaica Labour Party
2Sir Donald Sangster(1911-1967)196719671967Jamaica Labour Party
1Sir Alexander Bustamante (1884-1977)196219671962Jamaica Labour Party

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  • "Prime Minister of Jamaica",

  • "What Kind of Government Does the United States Have?",

  • "Jamaica : Constitution and politics",

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