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Celebrated Jamaica50 In Poetry!

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Jamaica50Jamaica 50

By Wellesley Gayle

As our main contribution to Jamaica50, launched a unique Jamaica50 poetry contest.

And it was a bomb!

We had some remarkable articles!

Our esteemed judges narrowed it down to the TOP 10 and then we opened the voting segment to the public.

Well the voters spoke and here now are...

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Our Prized Winners:

1st Place... 2nd Place... 3rd Place...
Jamaica Land I Love
by Janae (Trelawny,Jamaica)
Aye Mi Jamaica Gal
by Pheonia Bailey (London, UK)
Jamaica - My Happy Place
by Sharon (Canada)

Congratulations again Janae, Pheonia and Sharon! 

Very, very, very well done!

But take at look at these below, THE TOTAL TOP 10!

The others are equally lovely (or in the minds of some, even better, just that they didn't amass the number of Facebook votes) but these 10 really resonated with the voters.


  1. I Remember Jamaica by David (Texas, USA)
  2. Fond Memories of Jamaica by James (WA, USA)
  3. I'm Jamaican Too by Alison (PA, USA)
  4. Jamaica - My Happy Place by Sharon (Canada)
  5. My Jamaica by Carlene (Portmore, Jamaica)
  6. Jamaica Land I Love by Janae (Trelawny,Jamaica)
  7. Aye Mi Jamaica Gal by Pheonia Bailey (London, UK)
  8. Jamaica Independence At Last by Carlene (Portmore, Jamaica)
  9. Jamaica My Country by Christine (FL, USA)
  10. Christmas In Jamaica (Child's Perspective) by Jacqueline (Haarlem, Netherlands)

Georgeous don't they?

Of course! It was a real pity we had to narrow it down to just 3, but we have to make hard decisions everyday :-(


I tell you they were all great!
Here is the COMPLETE LIST OF ENTRIES so be sure to check it out whenever you get the chance. 

Such love and passion for Jamaica!

All lovely, aren't they? Absolutely!

I also promised a 'Non-Best' award but happy to say, they were all good.

I seriously couldn't find any such 'Non-Best' so I decided to award the prize; that's a complimentary copy of the "Jamaica Insider Guide" to VICENTE MONTEMAYOR, for the Spanish entry "LLOVIENDO EN JAMAICA!"

"But Why?", you may ask. Well the answer is quite simple.

It was different and showed the versatility, creativity and also displayed the passion for Jamaica.

A very special thanks to our esteemed Judges

  • Mr. Errol Sinclair from Tapioca Village Retreat
  • Ms Karrie Williams from Caribbean Fun Cruises and
  • Ms Terri Reever, my co-admin at FB and the face of our ardent fans here on

Thanks to all those who participated. All in all it was a remarkable event.

It was educating, exciting and fun!

Happy JA50 To You All! Jamaicans or Jamaicans at Heart! Love You!

Also, please subscribe here and stay tuned for the next event!
"A Yah So Nice" :-)

By the way if you are interested in sponsoring another contest on, please contact me. I'll be grateful for the partnership.

And just before you go, here again in the full list of entries, do take a peek and them and feel free to comment too :-)

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Poetry is life! Check out Jamaican Canadian Tania Lou's ONE POT Book Launch.

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