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Blue Lagoon Jamaica
7 Interesting Facts & Fiction

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picture of the blue lagoon jamaica

Blue Lagoon Jamaica by C. Holness

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What and Where is this Blue Lagoon?

Just 20 minutes away from Port Antonio, the capital city of the Jamaican parish of Portland, is the exotic, tropical paradise known as the Blue Lagoon (Video Below)

This natural wonder can be reached in 2 hours time from Ocho Rios or Kingston, 3 and a half hours from Montego Bay, and almost 5 hours travel time from Negril. It's a lovely and unique place to visit, popular with tourists, honeymooners, and locals alike.

Explore its breathtaking beauty and then soak up some sun on the floating docks, or on the lagoon's small beach.

Most hotels in the vicinity can provide their guests with access to the fabulous Blue Lagoon, and those coming from further should be able to hire a guide to take them on an exciting rafting tour.

Interesting Facts about The Blue Lagoon Jamaica

  1. At one time, the lagoon was considered to be bottomless, but since then divers have found that it does in fact has a bottom at a depth of about 180 feet.

    Local legend claims that a mysterious dragon or sea serpent lives in its deep, blue waters, but this of course is merely folklore and visitors need not worry about such a creature appearing when they come to see this miraculous oasis nature has created.

  2. Freshwater springs within the mountains surrounding the lagoon flow into it at a depth of about 131 feet, continually adding to its water supply which is a blend of both fresh and salt water.

    It is Jamaica's largest lagoon which is fed by springs.

  3. The gorgeous blue water is contrasted by the lush, tropical flora that surrounds it, which contains many beautiful and exotic species of trees, plants, and flowers, as well as indigenous birds and animals.

    A narrow channel connects the lagoon to the Caribbean Sea, which is the source of its salt water content.

  4. It is known for its full range of shades of the colour blue. Depending on the time of day you visit and the position of the sun, it can appear anywhere from light turquoise to a deep sapphire.

    It's expansive depth and cold mineral water content are also thought to affect the colour of the lagoon.

  5. Water temperatures vary in the Blue Lagoon. The surface waters tend to be cooler, while the deeper layers are higher in temperature. Both visitors and locals enjoy activities such as swimming, rafting, kayaking, and diving. 

  6. Originally it was known as “The Blue Hole”, but this was changed when the lagoon was chosen as a filming location for the 1980 film “The Blue Lagoon” starring Brooke Shields.

    The popularity of the film, inspired this change of name, but some local folks may still refer to it as Blue Hole. Since then it has also been used to film other motion pictures, one being “Club Paradise” with Robin Williams.

  7. In 1951, then Premier of Jamaica, Norman Washington Manley ordered that this site be protected and preserved as part of Jamaica's heritage.

What Is The Cost To Visit The Blue Lagoon

It does not cost a lot of money to visit the picturesque Blue Lagoon and it is well worth every dollar.

A boat tour of the lagoon usually costs about $30 USD, which is quite reasonable for such an opportunity, and entrance itself is free of charge.

What Should You Bring with You to Blue Lagoon?

It's best to bring minimal items along with you on your trip to the lagoon. This way, if you find the alluring beauty of the waters just too irresistable, and you want to go for a swim you won't risk losing valuable belongings.

However, it is a good idea to make sure you do have:

  • Insect repellent 
  • Towel
  • Spending money &
  • Camera

It should be easy to fit these items items into a small carrying bag for light travel.

relaxing on the blue lagoon in portland

Watch Video! LIVE From Blue Lagoon In Portland

Here's a short video of me and my wife sailing with Michael on his African Star boat on the Blue Lagoon. Its one of my older, amateur video - but it still nice :-)

Contact (Phone) For The Blue Lagoon Jamaica

There is currently no special contact or phone number for the Blue Lagoon and therefore no reservation is necessary to get there. Just contact you tour operator or driver and make the arrangement to get there.

There you'll see many locals (and foreigners) peddling wares, and of course, the rafters and boating operators.

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See Also: Exciting Places To Visit In Jamaica

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Related External Reading:
Port Antonio - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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