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Which US City has the Most Jamaicans?

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Which US City has the most Jamaicans? | Image Source:

By Venesha Johnson | Associate Writer

We have all heard that the United States of America is a land of dreams and opportunity. Jamaicans have been migrating for decades in hopes of better opportunities, and the United States has been one of the main destinations.

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The United States is often celebrated as a nation of immigrants; it is a diverse tapestry of cultures and backgrounds. Among its immigrant communities, Jamaican culture, reggae music, and delicious cuisine have contributed greatly to the cultural mosaic of the United States. In this article, we will explore the cities in the United States with the most prominent Jamaican communities, their historical significance, and the cultural impact of the Jamaican diaspora.

The Jamaican Diaspora in the United States

Jamaican immigration to the United States began in earnest during the 1940s, with a steady flow of immigrants seeking better economic opportunities and escape from political turmoil on the island. As you can imagine, with those who migrated having children and raising families of their own, the Jamaican diaspora in the United States grew significantly. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2019, there were approximately 1.3 million Jamaican immigrants and Jamaican Americans living in the United States.

Identifying the city with the most Jamaicans can be challenging due to the dispersal of Jamaican immigrants across the country. However, several cities stand out for their significant Jamaican communities. I have friends whoโ€™ve felt right at home when they visited these cities as there was always a significant number of Jamaicans around. I remember when a friend of mine got back from Miami, Florida, the first thing she said was that it felt as though she was walking downtown Montego Bay and she kept running into old friends.

1. New York City, New York

New York City is often the first city that comes to mind when discussing Jamaican communities in the United States. The city's boroughs, particularly Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx, have long been home to a sizable Jamaican population. The Flatbush neighbourhood in Brooklyn, for instance, is renowned for its "Little Caribbean" enclave, where the Jamaican culture thrives. Here you will find authentic Jamaican cuisine, and hear reggae music, and they even have several Caribbean festivals throughout the year. Over 315,000 Jamaican Americans live in New York, making up roughly 1.6% of the state's total population.

2. Miami, Florida

Miami is an even more popular city for Jamaicans. It is a quick flight away and I doubt you will meet a Jamaican who has been to the States and has not been to Miami. The neighbourhoods of Miami Gardens and North Miami have become Jamaican cultural hubs, boasting a variety of Caribbean restaurants, shops, and community organizations. Miami's proximity to the Caribbean has made it an appealing destination for Jamaican immigrants seeking economic opportunities and cultural familiarity. Florida has the second-highest population of Jamaican Americans, with about 311,000 people, or over 1.4% of the state's total population.

3. Atlanta, Georgia

Atlanta has witnessed a steady growth in its Jamaican population over the years. The city's diverse and welcoming atmosphere has made it an attractive destination for immigrants from various backgrounds, including us Jamaicans. Jamaican restaurants, cultural festivals, and community organizations have flourished in Atlanta, contributing to the city's reputation as a melting pot of cultures.

4. Hartford, Connecticut

Hartford may not be as well-known as some of the larger cities on this list, but it has a significant Jamaican presence. The city's North End neighbourhood, in particular, is home to a thriving Jamaican community. Jamaican immigrants have made significant contributions to the local culture, bringing their music, cuisine, and traditions to Hartford. With about 60,000 residents who identify as Jamaican, Connecticut has the greatest proportion of Jamaican Americans at 1.6%.

5. Orlando, Florida

Orlando, known for its tourism industry, has also attracted a notable Jamaican community. Jamaicans have played a role in the city's growth and development, with many involved in the hospitality and service sectors. The presence of Jamaican restaurants and cultural events further highlights the influence of this community in Orlando.

While it is difficult to pinpoint a single U.S. city with the most Jamaicans due to their dispersal across the country, New York City, Miami, Atlanta, Hartford, and Orlando stand out as cities with thriving Jamaican communities. These communities have not only enriched American culture with their music, cuisine, and traditions but have also demonstrated the enduring resilience and contributions of immigrants to the United States.

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References & Sources For Which US City has the Most Jamaicans?

  1. Jamaican Population by State [Updated January 2023]. (n.d.). World Population Review.

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