The Best of
Negril Car Dealers & Auto Rentals

Negril Car Dealers, contributed in part by Tracie Blake

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Negril does not have an abundance of Car Dealer/ Agencies, unlike Montego Bay and Kingston, but certainly, there are a lot of smaller rental companies.

Negril car dealers

A matter of fact they even have Bike & Bicycle Rental companies, and quite a few too!

The popular car rental companies here includes:

Dollar Rent‑A‑Car

Paradise Jeep and Car Rental

Safari Auto Rental

The Bike Rental companies includes:

Coco Bike Rental

Dependable Bike Rental

Elvieโ€™s Bike Rental

Gas Bike Rental

Holiday Bike Rental

Jah Bs Bike Rental

Jollyโ€™s Bike Rental

Kool Bike Rental Limited

Nortigo Bike Rental

Pedro Bike Rental

Reids Bike Rental

Tikeโ€™s Bike Rental

Wrightโ€™s Bike Rental


In addition, there is also a small exciting local car innovation called the Island Cruiser.

The Island Cruiser was designed primarily for the enjoyment of the visitor to the Caribbean.

It is powered by the ever reliable 16 valve fuel injection Toyota engine, with chassis and fiberglass body built in rural Jamaica.

The Island Cruiser debuted along the world famous Negril tourist strip and has become popular along the entire Jamaican North Coast where visitors to the island are increasingly seen enjoying the exhilaration of driving this tribute to Jamaican innovation and enterprise.

Available in brilliant tropical colours as well as in white, there is an Island Cruiser to suit your taste. Their contact number is 876 957-9187.


Must See: Town of Negril, Jamaica

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