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What are the Plains in Jamaica?

What are the Plains in Jamaica? || Answered by Kadian Clarke, Associate Writer

Jamaica is blessed with abundantly amazing features of landscape and one of these features is the picturesque plains, also known as lowlands.

We boast five (5) main plains that are ready to be 'discovered'.

These are...

  1. Georges Plain
  2. Pedro Plains
  3. Vere Plain
  4. St. Jago Plain, and
  5. Liguanea Plain

They are what are called, alluvia plains, which means that they are formed over an extended time frame from sediments deposited by rivers.

  1. Georges Plain

    The Georges Plain is located in Westmoreland the island’s westernmost parish.

    The beautiful Mayfield falls which I personally recommend, is still a hidden treasure that can be found in this neighborhood. It is located near Hanover and the Parish’s (Westmoreland) border in the GlennBrook area.

    To be a bit more specific, it rests just under the Dolphin Head Mountains from which descends the cabarita river.

    Other attractions here include the vibrant colourful flora and fauna species. You just cannot help but lose yourself in the wonders of Georges Plain.

  2. Pedro Plains

    Located in the parish of St. Elizabeth, south of the island, is this ecstatic lowland which is at an elevation of 59 meters above sea level. It is said that the Pedro Plains, also known as Pedro Savannah, has a local time where the sun rises at 8:08 am and sets at 8:15 pm!

    This area produces a large part of the produce grown in Jamaica.

    One famous attraction in Pedro Plain that will greatly spark your interest is the well-known treasure beach. This is a six miles beach with dark sands and rocky shores but totally worth exploring.

    And don't hesitate to visit one of the main bays that treasure beach has to offer. You can either stop by Billy’s, Fort Charles, Starve Gut, Great or by Frenchman’s. You certainly won’t regret it!

    There are gentle and friendly fishermen in Calabash Bay preparing the most sumptuous grilled fish for visitors near and far!

    Held each year is the now famous Treasure Beach Triathlon, a fun event you can’t afford to miss. Do you like to swim, bike or hike? Then this is the perfect affair for you. You get the opportunity to delve into the scenic communities around the area.

  3. Vere Plain

    By the way, this was originally the name given to the parish of Clarendon. It was named after the first wife of one of the British men who took Jamaica from the Spaniards before it was later changed in 1814.

    The Spaniards used this area to raise cattle and horses but as sugar became the core produce of the colonial period, like other plains, it too was changed to sugar production and is known for that to this day.

    Some ancient great houses still remain on the plain. One of which is the Moorlands Great House which is found north of Lionel Town.

    If you plan to take a trip to the parish of Clarendon, another must-visit place is the Milk River Bath. It is world famous for its therapeutic value.

    By the way, did you know it is the most radioactive mineral water in the world? Yes it is!

    From a personal experience, it also provides a calm and relaxing sensation. Be sure to stop there sometime.

  4. St. Jago Plain

    The St. Jago plain is located in St.Catherine.
    It dominates most of this parish which was created in 1867 when four smaller parishes were joined together, and is named for Katherine (Catherine) queen of Charles II.

    It is no surprise that this parish, which has a long history of settlement - from pre-columbus times (tainos) to the Spanish naming it capital, is now the second largest parish, by population, in Jamaica.

  5. Liguanea Plain

    Situated in Kingston, the country’s capital, is the Liguanea Plain. Its name was originated from the language of the Tainos, the first recorded settlers on the island, named after the iguana lizard.

    The Hope Botanical Garden and Zoo, located on Old Hope Road, is perhaps the main attraction found in or around this area. It includes a botanical garden, orchid house, along with stone aqueduct.

    It also includes the children’s amusement park and is located on what was formerly the Hope Estate.

    In 1953, the Royal Botanical Gardens were formed for a visit by Queen Elizabeth the second when the government took over the land.
    The Botanical Gardens are known to be the largest in the Caribbean.

For more information on the the plains, mountains and geography of Jamaica, I recommend you read the latest edition of The Gleaner's Geography and History Of Jamaica.

You can see the book on Amazon at this link.



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