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Westmoreland Curry Festival 2010

by Wellesley

Westmoreland Curry Festival 2010 Flyer

Westmoreland Curry Festival 2010 Flyer

The Westmoreland Curry Festival Committee is staging its 10th annual festival, which is a major fund-raiser for the Manning's School Development Fund and charities in Westmoreland, such as Westmoreland Association for Street People (WASP) and the School of Hope.

At the festival, chefs from across the island showcase curry dishes. These range from the usual traditional dishes such as curried goat, chicken, shrimp etc., but also the more adventurous in taste, such as curried octopus, curried jackfruit to curried rabbit, curried conch in sorrel, curried breadfruit rum pudding with coconut rum anglaise sauce.

The event is sealed with performances from local reggae and gospel artistes.

This year it is expected to be bigger and better than ever!

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Apr 29, 2010
Food Kartel Stole the Show!
by: Wellesley

I learned that a young artiste called Food Kartel stole the show. Were you there? What was it like?

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