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Vacation Planning

by Marlene
(Victoria, Australia)

Finally, the time has come and you have decided you either need, deserve or just want to take a vacation.

You might be the type of person who quickly throws your things in a suitcase and caution to the wind. However, most people like to arrange their vacation in advance, to make it as trouble free as possible.

The key here is planning and organization. First you should select the type of vacation and its destination. Are you looking for a relaxing romantic time on the beach, an exciting skiing vacation or a thrilling adventure to a remote island?

Once you have narrowed down the type of vacation you want, it is time to do some research.

You will want to find the peak time of the year to go for your particular trip along with the best prices on transport and accommodation. Then, depending on what you have decided, you can book your airfares, schedule the cruise, rent a car or reserve your hotel or campground.

Arrange for transport to and from the airport. Allow enough time to get your travel documents in order. For instance, ordering an original birth certificate or applying for a passport, visa, international driver's license, travel insurance, etc.

Check to see if there are any vaccinations necessary for travel in the area you are going to be visiting. Make sure you have travel insurance. Plan your itinerary because a well-planned itinerary will save you both time and money.

For example, if you decide you really want to attend a special festival, concert or other event while you are away, check out if it will require tickets or reservations and order them beforehand.

This will avoid arriving to find a long wait or the event is sold out. gives you the ability to book tours, activities and concerts before you arrive.

Do not overload your schedule. See how long it will realistically take to get from place to place. What is the best way to get there?

How long will you stay? Realize there will be delays caused by weather, transport and possibly health issues. You will want to make sure you have everything at home organized while you are away.

You will need someone to take care of your pets, plants and mow the lawn. You may wish to hire a house or pet sitter.

Otherwise, you will have to arrange to have your pet boarded, the mail held at the Post Office and deliveries like the newspaper temporarily stopped.

Make sure that you supply your house sitter with a key and the alarm code to the house. Provide instructions for taking care of your pets.

Also make a list of emergency phone numbers they might need, such as, the vet, police, fire department and where you will be staying.

Shortly before you leave, make sure you have your prescriptions refilled. Pay any upcoming bills. Shop for things you will need to bring with you. Give yourself plenty of time to pack your luggage so you will not forget anything. Remember the rule "half as much clothes and twice as much money".

Throw out anything in the fridge that will spoil. Make sure you have the credit cards, travellers checks, cash or foreign currency, reservation confirmations and travelling documents you will need.

Right before you depart on vacation, shut off all electrical appliances and unplug televisions and computers. Take out the garbage. Shut off the water to your washing machine and outside taps.

Check with the airline to confirm your flight is on schedule. Lock up the house and car. Get ready to have a fantastic vacation knowing everything has been taken care of due to your careful preparation.

Visit for some great vacation ideas.

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Oct 17, 2009
Great Article
by: Wellesley

This is a great article Marlene. Thanks for sharing.

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