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Unreasonable School Leadership

by Concerned Parent
(Montego Bay, Jamaica)

I'm a concerned parent of a student attending Anchovy High School in St. James.

On Monday September 16th, I dropped my daughter off at school only to see her return home with a letter stating that her uniform was shorter than the required standard set by the school.

I went to the school on Tuesday and tried to talk to her form teacher about the matter and He was most disrespectful in his tone and manner.

I tried to address the matter by letting the uniform down all the way but again she was held back from class, after she was told by the vice principal that the uniform was OK, then getting to class to have the form teacher tell her it was still too short.

All this time the uniform fully covers her knees.

Quite frankly, I think the leadership at the school is being very hard on the students at this institution.

What I think they should do is have a meeting with the parents of the children and try to work out a solution to the problem and not keep the children away from class because what they have already missed is gone and I'm sure that these teachers are not going to spend the time to go over any lost material with them.

I do not think that these are the times that children should be denied the opportunity to learn because of unreasonable school leadership. These are hard times and we as a nation should stand together.

Remember the children are our future and what you teach is what they learn.

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May 06, 2011
To the parent
by: Anonymous

Get over it, would you prefer a school without rules? the teacher should be complimented, at least thAT SHOWS care.
Bravo Anchovy/ you still are no. one in my book.
I am a past student.

Sep 23, 2010
unreasonable parent
by: Anonymous

unreasonable parenting,there are parents out there that are abiding by the rule of their kids.cant talk to their kids.their kids are never wrong.these parent need to be as strong as the school leader in maintaining discipline of their kids. at the end everyone benefited.your child should never wear a short uniform to school in the first place.abide by the rule.

Sep 17, 2009
see what you are saying but......
by: Anonymous

I agree with you that the child should not have to miss school for this matter to be handled.

I recall a similar experience when I was at Ardenne and I had girted my waist for my uniform to get shorter..I was walking down the corridor when the principal saw me, called me (by the way classes were in session and everyone in the area could see what was happening).

She simply pulled out my skirt tail, ripped it down right there in the corridor, told me to loosen my waist and again reminded me that my skirt should be 1 inch below the knee...I had to go to the sewing room during the break, hem up the skirt to the instructed length and that was the end of that.

So if the teacher had done that... there would be no need for backing and 'forting' as we say in need for PTA to get involved- waste of time jA...NO NEED FOR ANY pta- WASTE OF TIME....

When did we get to all this negotiating state? You know the rules, the teacher/principal implements the rules.. and everybody is happy! End of story- no room for negotiations...

No room for anyone to be talking about unreasonable school leadership.
This is where we have all fallen down..teacher a negotiate with pickney and parents a negotiate with teacher...nonesense... the rules are there...follow dem!-

Sep 17, 2009
Sounds like there are some root problems
by: Wellesley Gayle (Webmaster)

Hi Parent,

Obviously we are only hearing your side of the story, so we'll have to try to be very balanced.

But that said, is there a document outlining the acceptable measurement of the dress in addition to the other general policies of the school?

If there is, then it should be available and clear. If not, you probably should demand one in the next PTA.

The good thing with the PTA meetings is that you tend to hear your concerns echo and that sends a stronger message to the administrative body.

I also understand the general policy (or idea) of the school and I agree with them, but clearly, these are not the times to keep children out of school.

It is the school's responsibility to document and communicate these policies to the parent and students though.

Its sounds like there is some high-handedness, but there is also a need for better correspondence and communication between the school and the parents/students.

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