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Retirement, St James Unveils A Community Landmark


The community of Retirement, Granville, St. James celebrated one of its most historic moments on Sunday, December 21, with its unveiling of the community's first Welcome Sign and Notice Board.

In a short presentation, their Member of Parliament and State Minister In The Ministry Of Industry, Investment & Commerce, Sharon Flolkes-Abrahams, commended the community on its achievement and challenged the young talents to channel their energies in a positive direction.

She also invited them to feel free to come to her office if in need of any support.

President of the Retirement Community Development(CDC), Mr. Wellesley (Mark) Gayle, lauded the work done by the Executive Committee and accentuated the input of the residents who played a key role in the final completion of the project.

He underscored the significance of this new landmark monument to the community and explained how this structure can help to instill a sense of pride, hope and responsibility for the community.

He also highlighted the achievements of the organization to date which included the hosting of multiple personal development and business development seminars (in partnership with the SDC, CSJP and the Ministry Of Labour), the hosting of community building events, which included a showcase of community talent on Independence Day, fund raising activities and the formation of the community's cricket and netball teams.

The cricket team took part in this year's National 20/20 competition and impressed everyone by reaching the top tier in the St. James parish finals.

Anique Morris
Sergeant Harriot of the Granville Police Division, in his presentation, lauded the Retirement community, and the wider Granville Division, for its support in helping to reduce the homicide level by almost 70% over the previous year, from 9 to just 3 this year, but also challenged them to help to reduce the number to zero.

2014 KFC's On The Verge first runner up, and their own community singing sensation, Anique Morris wowed the audience with her renditions.

The newly formed community band, The Retirement United Marching Band opened and closed the ceremony with delightful entertainment.

The organization wishes to thank the guests, the Retirement New Testament Church and all community members who assisted in making the ceremony the success it was.


The Retirement CDC is a community organization, affiliated and supported by the Social Development Commission (SDC).

The Retirement CDC was inaugurated in February 2014 with the main objective of community building; from lobbying for infrastructure improvements to fostering sports, culture and personal development for its citizens.

The areas of focus includes Retirement Phase 1, Mud Valley, Gutters, St. John and Friendship.

For more information, visit their facebook page at
or email:

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