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MegaMart Montego Bay
The One-Stop-Shop In Montego Bay

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MegaMart Montego BayMegaMart Montego Bay

by Venesha Johnson | Associate Writer

Sometimes, it can be troublesome when it comes to finding a wide selection of food products. The majority of the supermarkets and wholesalers in Montego Bay and Jamaica at large are run by Chinese immigrants and most only carry a very limited selection of products and brands.

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Fortunately for many Jamaicans, MegaMart is one of the few supermarkets that carry a wide range of products. But it is not just a supermarket, some may consider it a shopping centre because of the plethora of items that they carry. They also have a few departments:

Departments At MegaMart Montego Bay

1. MegaMart Pharmacy - located towards the front of the MegaMart building. The pharmacy is comparable to other pharmacies in the region, carrying many over the counter products and drugs. Before Montego Bay was presented with 24-hour pharmacies, MegaMart Montego Bay was the only pharmacy in the vicinity that remained open until 10 pm.

Besides prescription drugs and medications, they also sell other miscellaneous items such as joint pain ointments and creams, medical bandages, compression socks and a wide range of other items.

2. The Food Court - as large as it is, it is completely understandable why a food court would come in handy for those shoppers who spend hours in MegaMart. At their food court, you will find a wide selection of traditional Jamaican dishes. While they do not have a set daily menu, some items are repeated almost every day such as baked chicken, fried chicken, barbecued fried chicken, jerk chicken, brown stewed chicken, pork and beef, and of course curried goat. They also prepare fresh juices, and salads as well. The food is not only tasty but also quite affordable as well, so the food court is oftentimes frequented not just by shoppers but by individuals just passing by. 

3. The Pastry Shop - if you have a sweet tooth, this will definitely be your favourite section in MegaMart Montego Bay. As you round the corner to enter, you will be immediately greeted with the aroma of freshly baked products. Whatever your favourite pastry is, they either have it or have something that will make a great substitute. Here, you will find cupcakes, breads, tarts, cookies, muffins- their blueberry muffins are always well sought after, along with their cheesecakes.

They also do birthday and other customizable cakes. If you are ordering a cake, it is typically asked of you to put in your request at least 24 hours ahead. Occasionally, but not often they will have cakes that are already prepared that you can select from.

4. The Supermarket - it wouldn’t quite be accurate to call MegaMart a supermarket, as they don’t only sell food items. One thing that keeps people coming back to Mega Mart Montego Bay is the wide variety of brands and products that they carry. They are the go-to place for finding any product that is not quite common in Jamaica and can’t be found in most local supermarkets.

However, besides fresh produce, food items, wines and more, they also carry a wide variety of household products. From floor mats, cooking pots and utensils, decorative pieces, candles, bathroom items, and so much more.

It is a one-stop shop. While they carry a wide selection of products, they also have their own MegaMart branded items such as containers and baskets that are usually a little more affordable.

Who owns Mega Mart Jamaica?

Mega Mart is owned by Gassan Elias Azan Jr. He is the co-founder of Sygnus Capital Limited and Bashco Trading Co, Ltd.

What type of business is Mega Mart?

Megamart is a retail shopping establishment.

When was Mega Mart established?

Mega mart was first established and opened in September 1999, with its first location in Portmore, St. Catherine.

MegaMart Locations

Mega Mart currently has three locations in Jamaica.


  • Address: 29, 10 Upper Waterloo Rd, Kingston 
  • Hours: Mondays to Fridays- 6:30 am to 10 pm, Sundays- 6:30 am to 5:30 pm 
  • Contact: (876) 969-3899

Montego Bay

  • Address: Catherine Hall, Montego Bay, 
  • Hours are 8 am to 10 pm daily, 
  • Contact: (876) 940-0168


  • Address: Lot East La, Portmore
  • Hours: 9 am to 10 pm daily
  • Hours: (876) 988-1172

Mega Mart is the perfect place to shop. While it may be a bit expensive, it will be worth it because of the variety of products and brands that they carry. Another bonus is, even though they do accept cards, they have an atm in-store, perfect for those who would rather shop with hard cash.

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References & Sources For Jamaican Sorrel

  1. Gassan Azan credits workers for MegaMart success | Loop Jamaica,

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