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Authentic Jamaican Brands
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red_stripe_beer_delishAuthentic Jamaican Brands - Red Stripe Beer (Photo: Delish)

by Venesha Johnson | Associate Writer

There’s something magical about our island, right? From the stunning beaches and the reggae beats that make you move, to the rich culture and the warm smiles, Jamaica is truly one of a kind.

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But did you know that beyond the beautiful scenery and the incredible music, we have a treasure trove of local businesses that capture the heart and soul of Jamaica? By supporting these authentic Jamaican brands, not only are we boosting our economy, but we’re also preserving the unique cultural legacy that makes Jamaica so special.

Which of these brands do you Recognise?

Shavuot International

The first product I have ever tried from this brand is their Turmeric Tea. And let me tell you, to this day, I have never tried another brand of turmeric tea, that tastes as authentic and natural as this one. It’s for this reason they are now my go-to brand for all-natural teas.

Shavuot International is a Jamaican company that as you may guest specialises in the production of natural teas, seasonings, and oils. They are known for their exotic Jamaican herbal teas, spices, and gluten-free flour from indigenous breadfruit and cassava.

The company was founded in 2013, and its products are exported worldwide, with 90% of its output being exported internationally. They’re a family-owned business and was established out of a need for survival in agricultural production in Jamaica.

Island Spice

Founded in 1987 by Lebanese businessman Faraj Shadeed, Island Spice began as a small spice company in Jamaica. Shadeed's fascination with Jamaican spices led to the creation of this now-renowned brand. Starting with a limited range of dry spices, the company expanded to a 22,000 sq. ft. manufacturing plant, producing an array of sauces, marinades, and mixed spices.

Signature products like Jerk Seasoning, Dragonfire, and Scotch Bonnet Pepper Sauces have won numerous awards. I know they are less popular than some other seasonings brands here but they should be. If you are looking for well-balanced, natural-tasting seasonings with little to no salt added, this should be your go-to brand.

Red Stripe

We all know it, is the official beer of Jamaica. While I am not a fan of beer, their flavoured beers have won my heart. I love them! Established in 1928, Red Stripe is a globally recognized Jamaican beer brand known for its iconic red and white packaging and crisp taste.

The flagship Red Stripe Lager, brewed with premium Jamaican malt and hops, offers a smooth, balanced flavour with a subtle hoppy bitterness and 4.7% ABV. Red Stripe has diversified its offerings with:

  • Red Stripe Light: A lower calorie version of the original Lager.
  • Red Stripe Sorrel: A seasonal variant with fruity, floral notes from Jamaican sorrel.
  • Red Stripe Ginger: Infused with natural ginger for a mildly spicy twist.
  • Red Stripe Bold: A stronger version with 6.6% ABV.

Blue Mountain Coffee

blue_mountain_coffee.jpgJamaican Blue Mountain Coffee

Blue Mountain Coffee is a big deal, and if you are an avid coffee drinker I am sure you are familiar with this one, as it is rated as 1 of the best in the world.

Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is celebrated for its smooth, well-balanced taste with hints of chocolate and floral notes. Grown at elevations between 3,000 and 5,500 feet in the Blue and John Crow Mountains, this Arabica coffee benefits from cooler temperatures and reliable afternoon rains.

As a visitor you can explore its history and the entire process from harvesting the beans to brewing your own cup through tours and festivals, making every sip of Blue Mountain Coffee a memorable experience.

Grace Foods

grace_caribbean_traditions_all_purpose_island_herbs_and_spices.jpgAuthentic Jamaican Brands - Grace Seasoning

Founded in 1922 by Albert Henry Grace, Grace Foods has become a leading producer and marketer of Caribbean foods. From a small grocer's shop, it evolved into a global entity with over 300 products, including condiments, seasonings, jerk marinades, coconut milk, and tropical fruit drinks.

I’m talking about some of the classics you have heard of before, that are a part of our favourite dishes, like Mackerel, Corned beef, Baked Beans etc.

Focused on expanding its product range and distribution networks, Grace Foods continues to bring the authentic taste of the Caribbean to households worldwide.

Devon House

Devon House, an architectural and cultural landmark in Kingston, Jamaica, is not only known for its historical significance but also its famous Devon House I-Scream.

This premium ice cream brand offers a variety of flavours, including traditional Jamaican favourites like rum and raisin and stout. While before you would definitely have to visit a Devon House location to get some of their creamy goodness, as of recently, you are now able to find tubs of their ice cream in local supermarkets.


Walkerswood Caribbean Foods has been a pioneer in bringing authentic Jamaican jerk seasoning to the world. Established in the rural community of Walkerswood, St. Ann, this brand is dedicated to producing high-quality seasonings, sauces, and condiments that capture the true essence of Jamaican cuisine. Walkerswood products are made with locally sourced ingredients, providing an authentic taste of Jamaica.

So there you have it, folks! Every time you choose an authentic Jamaican product, you’re not just experiencing the greatness these products offer but also making a difference. You’re preserving our rich heritage and helping to build a brighter future for all of us.

Speaking of authentic Jamaica products and food, what do you need after every meal? A dessert! Grab our E-book, Jamaican Sweet Treats, for recipes of our top Jamaican desserts that you must try.

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References & Sources For Authentic Jamaican Brands 

  1. About Us (no date) Island Spice Jamaica. Available at: (Accessed: 07 June 2024).
  2. Blue Mountain Coffee: Jamaican cuisine: Visit Jamaica (no date) Jamaica Tourism Board. Available at: (Accessed: 07 June 2024).
  3. Our story (no date) Shavuot Brands. Available at: (Accessed: 07 June 2024).

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