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12 Top-Rated
Construction Companies In Jamaica

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how_much_to_build_a_house_in_jamaica_pool_constructionConstruction Companies In Jamaica | Jamaican House Under Construction

by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer

Questions on how to build in Jamaica and the cost of labour, material and other associate costs are frequently asked. So, we figured you might also be searching for construction companies on the island.

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We searched for as many as possible and compiled this list for you. Here they are arranged by the parish to make it easier for you. There are many others as well, but this list is a solid place to start, and yes, from all indications they appear to be amoung the most reputable.

Construction Companies In Jamaica (List)

Parish Company Address Telephone Services
Kingston and St. Andrew Tha Builda Construction Services 55 Slipe Road, Shop 21, Kingston, Saint Andrew, Jamaica 1 (876) 796-6424 Commercial Building Construction, Home Construction, Home Renovation, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Remodel, Space planning, Architectural Drawings, Bill of Quantities (BQ) Preparation, General Painting & Trowel-on Services, Plumbing Services, Carpentry and other construction-related services.
Kingston and St. Andrew Pamaco Limited 12 East Avenue, Kingston, Kingston 1 (876) 948-3286 | 922-6270 | 381-2116
General construction or Renovation, General Roof work and repair, Dry Wall partitions & ceilings, Suspended ceilings, Plumbing Works, General painting, Sand/ Soda Blasting, Texture spraying, General Painting, Building Maintenance, Carpentry. Bill of Quantities (B.O.Q) Engineering Reports and Equipment rental
Kingston and St. Andrew Kaizen Development Partners
2 Peters Lane Kingston CSO, Kingston, Jamaica  +1-876-632-965
Kingston and St. Andrew Nubian Construction 61 Lyndhurst Road, Kingston 5, Jamaica 1 (876) 754-1371-2 Design & Build, Building Renovation, Project Management, Interior Design
Kingston and St. Andrew Cooper and Associates Ltd. Unit 12 2b 5, Rousseau Road, Kingston
876-754-4102/876-330-7358/ 876-825-6598
Civil and Electro-Mechanical Engineering - Project Management
Medical Gases Systems, Supply Installations and Commissioning
Plant Layout, Renovations and Flow Operations
Industrial Plant Equipment and Machinery - Installations and Commissioning
Machinery, Plant and Equipment - Appraisals/Valuations and Certified Pressure Vessels/Lifting Equipment for Public and Private sector organisations (insurance companies, government agencies and ASME)
Joint Ventures/Relationships with International Organizations
Property development - Licensed Developers (residential, commercial and industrial)
Investment Opportunities
Kingston and St. Andrew Relmac Construction Company Limited 2 Park Avenue, Kingston 5, Jamaica
876-968-5521-3 Construction for Residential, Resort and Commercial properties
Manchester KAC DESIGNS 16 Amherst Drive, Fair Banks Park, Mandeville, Manchester
876 871 5958
Architectural Services from Consulting to Construction, Design Consultation, Site Analysis, Site Meeting, Concept Designs - CAD & Traditional, 3D Visualization & Rendering, Planning, Restoration, Extension, Project Management
Montego Bay, St. James Wepro Construction
683 Half Moon Street, Coral Gardens, Montego Bay, St. James, Jamaica, W.I. 1 (876) 953-3061 Services: Construction, Renovation and Contractor Management
St. Catherine SMM Construction Services Unions Estate, Central Village, Spanish Town, St. Catherine Jamaica, Spanish Town, Saint Catherine
876-816-5671 | +1 876-462-3298 Building Construction, Residential Construction, Renovation, Cost Estimates, Architectural Drafting Services etc.
St. Catherine Ashtrom Building and Systems Jamaica Ashtrom Building Systems Ltd, Twickenham Park, Spanish Town, St Catherine, Jamaica 876-984-2395

Commercial, residential housing and infrastructure related to road, water and drainage systems. Prefabricated houses manufacturing and installation.
St. Ann McBean's Project Management
8 Seaview Heights Road, Ocho Rios, Jamaica
(905) 691-7580, (876) 540-7771, (876) 810-5451
Material, labour & equipment
Assistance for clients living overseas
Clarendon Cbeyond Design & Construction
Bustamante Drive, Lionel Town, Clarendon, Jamaica
1876 986-3097 | 876-799-7947 | 876-986-3097
Design and Construction for residential, industrial, and commercial projects.

I'm sure you will need be on the search for additional information as well on building in Jamaica, the cost of material and labour and even how to identify defects at home.

I hope these prove helpful to you. 

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Watch Video! Building In Jamaica

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References & Sources For Construction Companies In Jamaica

  1. (no date) Tha Builda Construction Services Limited. Available at: (Accessed: October 20, 2022).
  2. About Us (2019) Incomparable Hardware. Available at: (Accessed: October 20, 2022).
  3. Ashtrom housing in Jamaica (no date) ashtrom. Available at: (Accessed: October 20, 2022).
  4. Construction company (2022) Wepro. Available at: (Accessed: October 20, 2022).
  5. Designs, K. (no date) Video & Photo Gallery, K.A.C DESIGNS. Available at: (Accessed: October 20, 2022).
  6. Home (no date) Matthews & Clarke Ltd. Available at: (Accessed: October 20, 2022).
  7. Log in or sign up to view (no date) Facebook. Available at: (Accessed: October 20, 2022).
  8. Tha Builda Construction Services Limited | LinkedIn (no date). Available at: (Accessed: October 20, 2022).
  9. Top construction companies in Jamaica: Services & location (2022) Jamaica Commerce | Jamaica Commerce. Available at: (Accessed: October 20, 2022).
  10. What we offer (no date) Nubian Construction Jamaica – First class engineers with extensive practical experience. Available at: (Accessed: October 20, 2022)

Construction Companies In Jamaica | Written: October 25, 2022

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