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Meet Clovis Brown - Jamaica's Cartoonist Extraordinaire

by Clovis Brown & Wellesley Gayle

<font size=-1>Featured Cartoon<br>-Political Parties Blaming Each Other</font>

Featured Cartoon
-Political Parties Blaming Each Other

Have you ever been drawn to any of the cartoons in the Jamaica Observer newspaper?

If you did, then you are probably one of the thousands who admires the beautiful work of Clovis Brown.

A master cartoonist, Clovis has been entertaining, yet piquing and educating Jamaicans through his cartoons for over two decades! As Petrine Archer wrote, "Clovis Brown’s cartoons are satirical and well crafted with strong caricatures and controversial punch lines". He is certainly a master is his class, but perhaps more importantly, and ardent and passionate Jamaican. Needless to say that he's my favourite cartoonist.

Here now is our very own Clovis Brown - a true 'son of the soil'. I hope you enjoy his interview as much as I did bringing it to you.

1. Welcome Clovis. Let's start by you telling us a bit about yourself, including perhaps where you grew up, family members, school, and indeed, anything else you'd like our readers to know about you.

I grew up on Brunswich Avenue, in Spanish Town. I attended Cresent All-Age, which was the best school in Jamaica at that time, because they had the most Common Entrance passes :-).

I passed to Bog Walk High School and left to Edna Manley School of Visual and Performing Arts to pursue a diploma in Graphic Arts. I have one sister and three brothers. I am great admirer of the late King Tubby.

2. For many of us, you are undoubtedly one of the most talented cartoonist in Jamaica, and based on the tremendous quality of your work, it is clear that you love what you are doing, where did all this get started Clovis?

At school; everybody at school found out that I could draw, so they would bring their exercise books and I would fill them up with drawings for $2 each. It ended up looking like a comic book.

3. When did you get your first big break Clovis?

I did a Gleaner full page political drawing of Seaga And His One Man Band for Moo-Young Butler Advertising Agency.

Oliver Clarke saw the ad and summoned me to join The Gleaner Company, which I took over from Leandro.

4. Is there anyone or situation you could say inspired you along the way?

The artist John Buscema, who drew the Conan comics, was my inspiration.

5. You have done hundreds, if not thousands of cartoons, right? So, I know this question may be a bit awkward, but I'm throwing it at you anyways :-) Which of your work would you say is a personal favourite?

'Everybody Tun Don' with Edward Seaga for the Gleaner Company.

6. We all have some noteworthy event in life, don't we? What would you say is your most memorable experience?

Being summoned by a United States ambassador to Jamaica who wanted to meet me at home on Long Lane, Stony Hill.

7. Outside of depicting a funny side to topical and significant issues in Jamaica, what do you do for fun?

Listen to the roots music of the 1970s.

8. In your opinion, what makes Jamaica special Clovis?

The women

Short and sweet, what else can I say? Clovis is really a special guy though. He too has made his mark on Jamaica, in what I tend to say is "his own little way".

We wish him continued health and prosperity as he continues to entertain, teach, enlighten and pique our minds through his marvelous work.

Thanks again Clovis!

You can find some of his Clovis' latest cartoons here on the Jamaica Observer's website.

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Comments for Meet Clovis Brown - Jamaica's Cartoonist Extraordinaire

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Dec 18, 2015
by: Anonymous

How can I get in touch with Clovis Brown?
Gary Hart

Nov 24, 2015
by: shawayne watson

Mr Clovis Brown.. I am inspired by your works. My dream is to become an animator or a cartoonist. I am trully inspired by your cartoons. And as such I'd like for you to give me a few hints on how to go forth making my dream a reality.. please contact me at 5930087

Mar 22, 2014
TnT Mirror cartoonist
by: Dion Jennings

I am a great admirer of your work Mr. Brown. Keep it up, you are quite an exceptional talent!!

Aug 09, 2013
Admirable Talent
by: krisho Holmes

I have viewed many pieced of Clovis's work and one must admit, talent is not short from his title. One would want to think that comic is as its name, just comic, but to have the talent to really capture the most controversial issues in our Jamaican society and express it in comic is truly talented and worth every viewing...Congratulations Clovis

Apr 27, 2013
please contact me clovis
by: Elaine

Hi, Clovis this is Elayne, call me

Apr 14, 2013
Meet Clovis Brown
by: Chris

Mr. Brown . I am proud of your excellent style of cartoon. As an artist I appreciate the way you imapct your readers. BTW I was pleased also you got the chance to work with my Uncle Radcliff Butler. Other than the other cartoonist Donato from Toronto Sun, I think your style is the most unique. Please continue to serve the public with a craft you cherish so dearly!
C. Butler

Mar 02, 2013
by: Sherade Mckitty

I'm doing a presentation on persecuted writers and it so happens that the person I chose is a cartoonist from Africa. Like Mr. Brown he also does political cartoons for which he got many backlashes. My question is: Do you think it would be possible for you to send me an email address for Mr. Brown?

I would really like to ask him a few questions bout his experiences as a cartoonist esp. with the Jamaican government. My email is, thanks in advance :)

Feb 15, 2013
brother left out.
by: danny

hail clovis; long time this is danny trying to contact you for years just went on facebook and saw an interview that you have one sister and three brothers.ruddy,noel n sam you left me out danny.why? anyway take care conan the barbarian.danny.

Dec 09, 2012
about clovis brown
by: aliyah

i would like to get his date of birth, where he was born and the year and date he began publishing his cartoons in the gleaner. I have a research to be done on him for my art class and i would really appreciate if i get this info as soon as possible :-) thnx in advance

Aug 12, 2012
Request for Information
by: Karen

Hi Clovis...Been a fan for many years...I grew up reading your toons. I am getting married in October and would like you to draw a toon about my fiance and I. Please email me at and provide me with your package, info, fee etc.

Many thanks!

Jun 13, 2012
Caricature -
by: Clare

Hi i would like to know if Mr Brown can do caricature artistry because i would love to hire his services at my wedding reception.

Apr 02, 2012
Trying to get in touch
by: Wayne Morgan

Hey Clovis, its Wayne from Crescent All Age, we were former classmates and used to hang out trying to get in touch. You can email me at or

Feb 28, 2012
to clovis
by: raheem wallace

i have been given a topic at my school to do a research on a Jamaican cartoon artist and i really think that clovis would be the best person to do a research on because i really like his art work P.S contact me soon if you wish to help (

Nov 20, 2011
If you need to make contact with Clovis...
by: Contact For Clovis

...just enter the comment on this thread.

Oct 26, 2011
by: yummy

mr brown.....have tried to find u many times .have been a fan of your drawings for many years......remember back in the day when u used to use the exercise book and and draw conan and them other character and that was our comic book...u even use to sell them......

glad to get a link to small as it may be........dont know if u remember me ...but glad to see your're doing least there was no doubt , even back in primary school....would love to link you on a more private format....

hail up rudolph fi u still stutter.......respect mi bredda...long time

Jun 15, 2011
by: ART

I need to get in touch with Mr. Brown urgently. I would appreciate it, if he would participate in our programme.

Apr 14, 2011
Contact for Clovis
by: Colleen

I would like to get in direct contact with Clovis. Does he do freelance caricatures? If so, I would love to get one done in time for an event Easter Weekend (next week)

email: or

Thanks so much

Jan 14, 2011
by: Wellesley

He currently works with the Jamaica Observer Newspaper:

Head Office
40-42 1/2 Beechwood Avenue,
Kingston 5,
Jamaica, W.I.
Main: 876-920-8136, 876-926-7655

Jan 14, 2011
Meet his
by: Damion Jackson

How can I get in touch with Clovis Brown?
Damion Jackson

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