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Marijuana Benefits - I give due diligence to marijuana

by JPruitt
(Houston )

I am an insulin dependent diabetic of 34 years & in perfect health...I give due diligence to marijuana.

I have no circulatory problems, no kidney problems, no health issues of any kind. I work daily managing over 700 people & work all aspects of a business including thousands of dollars monthly.

I have achievement awards hanging on my walls. Stress is a killer in my occupation and marijuana allows me to do physical labor w/no pain during long summer hours and mental stresses that go beyond family & home, My blood sugars stay within range. My doc says "keep it up whatever you are doing. I can't tell you anything different you should be doing.".

If it were not for marijuana, I would probably be completely overboard on pills rather than working and contributing to society. Too many folks are on checks for disabilities and get free drugs that aren't even needed completely legal.

Maybe our tax dollars need to go elsewhere rather than drug wars on marijuana and welfare written prescriptions that get sold on the streets straight from the good doc who knows exactly what game he's a player in.

It will be legalized as soon as the government figures out a way to get their hands on the revenues.

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Feb 25, 2015
decriminalization of pot
by: Anonymous

decriminalization of pot:
1. would all but eliminate the Mexican cartel's
involvement in the pot trade.
2.Would seriously crimp the dea agents lifestyle,
from seizures of private money & property. would also generate a huge amount of tax revenue

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