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Jamaica's New Festival Queen

by Wellesley

Jamaica's new festival queen

Jamaica's new festival queen

23 year old teacher and CARICOM Youth Ambassador, Kamesha Turner is the new Miss Jamaica Festival Queen and the second queen in the history of the competition to take the title for the parish of St. Ann.

Turner was crowed at the national coronation show held on Saturday July 18 at the Ranny Williams Entertainment Centre.

Tamara Dickens, a 25 year old, Attorney at Law representing Kingston & St. Andrew, took 1st runner up, while Clarendon's Zulieka Jess, a 21 year old student at the Norman Manley Law School, placed third.

Turner was named as the 'Most Culturally Aware' contestant and Miss St. Thomas, 21 year old, Jodean Williamson, received the award for 'Best Performance'.

Other sectional prizes included 'Most Congenial' which was presented to Miss Manchester, 24 year old Lanisia Rhoden and 'Most Poised' which was presented to Dickens.

Miss Westmoreland, 25 year old, Chevonese Hutchinson received the "Popular Vote" prize, while Miss St. Mary, 21 year old Alicia Ann McKenzie was identified as the 'Most Involved' in her community.

Turner took home the crown, a 2006 Nissan Note courtesy of Mack D's, $200,000 and a cellular phone courtesy of Digicel Jamaica ,a living room suite courtesy of Singer and a year of accommodation at Christar Villas among other prizes.

The competition organized by the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (JCDC) was held under the theme "Jamaican Woman, Our National Treasure".
Article Source: Jamaica Information Service, dd Monday, July 20, 2009.

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May 11, 2011
by: DarkChild

I think everyone did exceptionally great, congrats to the new queen and the others. However,i want to say special thanks to Miss. Hanover.

She has been one of the best queens we had over the passing years.

We all know that it isn't easy to go in front over 3000 people, plus viewers representing your parish and looking forward in representing your country.

"Disappointment", that's our biggest fare..."Confident", that's what most of us are lacking if we just believe in ourselves - everything would be just fine.

Being a queen doesn't your to look down on your now have a little power to make an upliftment in your parish, or better yet,your country.

Once again thanks to everyone who participated and gave us a sparkling performance you have inspired a lot of young youths who are now a part of this competition.


Jan 03, 2010
hard wok, faith, hope, patience,=gold
by: Anonymous

thanks be to god, all that hard toiling was;nt in vain. you work very hard to achieve your gold,and you never gave up inspite of all the hard struggles.keep the good faith my girl. you really deserved that crown..

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