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Jamaica's Election 2011- Check Your Name On The Voter's List


Portia Simpson and Andrew Holness

Portia Simpson and Andrew Holness

CLICK HERE to check your name on the November 2011 Voter's List.

We (Jamaicans) head to the polls on December 29, 2011 to vote for the party we feel is best suited to direct the country for the next five years - maximum.

From all indications, it is a neck an neck race between the two main political parties, the People's National Party (PNP) and the ruling Jamaica Labour Party (JLP).

Interestingly, both parties is extremely confident of winning but as you an I know, only one can win, especially now that the number of constituencies have been increased to 63, there cannot be a tie!

There is also the National Democratic Movement, and a few other small parties or independent candidates, but those pose no serious threat at this time.

The major local polls differs, to some extent, but all basically agrees that it will be a close election.

As I write there are political debates pending. In fact, tonight the highly anticiapted matchup between Dr. Peter Phillips of the PNP and Minister of Finance, Audley Shaw will take place.

Last week, the younger faces in both parties squared off in the opening debate (of the three).

The final matchup will be next week between the two leaders, Prime Minister Andrew Holness of the JLP and Opposition Leader, Portia Simpson-Miller of the PNP.

With just two week to go, the advertisements, banners and rallies are probably at their peek. Thankfully, we have not had any major disturbance or incident.

I am saying all this my friend to say it's interesting times in our history my friend. Whichever way the election goes, it will be historic.

Let's hope that the new leadership steer this our beloved country on the right path, where the voices of the voiceless are heard and opportunities created for all, young and old.

Stay tuned, you'll be hearing from me on election night, Thursday, December 29, 2011.

Posted: 12/15/2011

By the way, are you Jamaican? Do you know if you are on the latest voters' list? Take a minute to check it here, right now!

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Check if you are on the November 30, 2011 Voters' List

Click Here For Blackberry friendly query page

Please note that Election Day workers, Military Personnel and Police officers will vote elsewhere on the day specially designated for them.
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Dec 23, 2011
Election 2012.
by: Anonymous

Jamaicans we should have in our minds on election day which party and leader is best suitded to take us out of our depths. Being too die heart is what has place us here.For 18 long years when PNP was in rule not much was accomplish when compare to our caribbean neighbours, yet due to being too 'die-heart'we are where we are... Loving a person doesn't mean they are CAPABLE to run a country.

Use your BRAINS on election day and not your emotions. Think if its just 'hand -outs' you want after election or for a better Jamaica. Are you willing to have a return of high crime rate, weakening of the Jamaican dollar, and having the deaths going beyond our reach....

The Light buld case is still fresh in my mind, 31 millions dollars that came from trafiguara is still fresh in my mind ( Chicken feed) and lost of my own business due to poor government policies is still fresh in my mind, Jamaican CRIME is what has allowed more investors not wanting to invest in Jamaica.

If we really need jobs, we have to ensure that the climate is right for it. Let us not fool ourselves.... We need to be more responsible in our actions and vote for better governance......

So I encourage us to look at the facts and make the right choice to vote for vision, performance and a better Jamaica.Vote (JLP)

Dec 16, 2011
no crime
by: Anonymous

Can't deal with the crime rate at this time. just not necessary. we need to enjoy the Christmas season whether we have money or not.

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