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Top Quality Jamaican Products
At A Mouse Click!

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New! partners with Amazon to deliver top quality Jamaican Products - at great prices!

Great news my friends & fans!

We've partnered with one of the world's leading online retailer, to bring to you some of the best Jamaica or Jamaican-themed products - both traditional and contemporary!

We now have...

Note: You will be redirected to our Store at Amazon

  1. Jamaican Grocery - includes Jerk Seasonings & Coffee
  2. Jamaican Jewellery - includes flags, tote bags & chains
  3. Jamaican Clothing -  includes hats, bath suits & t-shirts
  4. Jamaican & Reggae Music - just as it says!
  5. Jamaican Books - includes recipe books and travel guides
  6. Jamaican Art & Crafts - includes shields, maps & stickers

I am really excited to do this as not only does it add great value to this my website, it provides you, my valued readers, with an all-in-one, greater convenience Jamaican shopping experience.

Bear in mind that I wasn't going to sign up to any partnership if both you and I were not going to get some meaningful benefits.

You are getting some truly great Jamaican products and I will get a small commission from your purchase.

Are you a Jamerican or JamCanadian? If so, you might love this even more! You'll find some truly hard to find, old-time Jamaican products here too - even the old-time Jamaican Water Crackers!

Go now, start exploring...

Scroll Down And Select A Category

Jamaican Grocery

Just as it says...

You'll find some of the rarest Jamaican grocery items her!

Get your Blue Mountain Coffee, your water 'hard' crackers, Jerk Seasonings, Scotch Bonnet pepper sauces, Jamaican roots drinks, Jamaican rum cakes, cerasee tea bags, tastee and cheddar cheese, Easter Bun, Jamaican Ackees, Sodas, Ginger Beer Drinks, pimento (allspice) and more...

Click Here to browse for more great Jamaican grocery items.

Jamaican Clothing

Here you will find Jamaican track jackets, football (soccer) jerseys. You'll also find Reggae and Rasta wear.

These include rasta belts, belt buckles, necklaces, wrist bands, Jamaican flag scarfs, hats -Jamaican, rasta and reggae, bikinis and other swimwear; all in the colours of Jamaica or Reggae!

Search above for more of your favourite Jamaican clothing item or Click Here and browse the full collection.

Jamaican and Reggae Music

Expect to find music from all the great Reggae lengends here.

You'll surely find music (in various formats) from Bob Marley, Peter Tosh and Jimmy Cliff but also expect music from many of our younger artistes as well as mixes.

Click Here and search for your favourite Jamaican Music titles the search box or just browse the listing to see more.

Jamaican Art and Craft

Expect to find beautiful Jamaican painting, yarns, buttons and even beads!

Click Here and search for your favourite Jamaican Art and Craft Items in the search box or just browse the listing to see more.

Jamaican Books and Recipe

Not only will you find guide books to Jamaica and sub sections of the island, expect to also find some of the top rated amaican recipe books and 'speak Jamaican' books.

Click Here and search for your favourite Jamaican Book in the search box or just browse the listing to see the collection.

Jamaican Jewelry & Souvenirs

Wristbands, postcards,souvenir coins, flags and stickers, expect to find them all here. Right now, there are also some Jamaican paper dollar souvenir notes there as well.

Click Here and search for your favourite Jamaican Souvenir Item the search box or just browse the listing to see more souvenir items.

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