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Jamaican Herbs for Nerves

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jamaican_dandelion_plant_teaJamaican Herbs for Nerves | Dandelion

By Venesha Johnson | Associate Writer

Among the many health problems that seem to be plaguing society lately, nerve issues are highly prevalent. However, Jamaica is home to many herbs and natural medicinal remedies.

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Joseph and his wife Empress Asil from the School of Vision in the Blue Mountains shared with Wellesley some amazing herbs found right here in Jamaica that work wonders for the nerves.

Most of these herbs are best had as tea, and using honey or molasses as a sweetener is greatly recommended since they also have properties that aid nerve complaints. Here are 7 Jamaican herbs for nerves.


Dandelion, which is high in iron and potassium, aids in regulating the nervous system and how our muscles contract. Raw dandelion contains exceptionally high quantities of the vitamins A, B6, B9, and C. It is therefore recognized as a plant that strengthens our immune system and helps the body defend itself against pathogens and poisons. It might reduce the likelihood of getting cancer and having cardiac issues. Due to its vitamins, dandelion supports our bones, tissues, and skin. This plant is an excellent natural purgative and regulates how the digestive tract functions. Dandelion is a wonder herb for digestive issues like constipation. It also reduces high cholesterol.

Guava Leaf

Guava leaves include the vitamins niacin and pyridoxine, which help to improve blood flow to the brain, boost cognitive function, and calm the nerves. Regularly drinking guava leaf tea can improve your sleep quality since it calms your mind and relaxes your body, making it easier for you to fall asleep.

Soursop Leaf

Soursop leaves include anonaine and asimilobine, two compounds that have soothing effects on the central nervous system. These chemicals interact with serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood, to elevate mood, lessen stress, and lessen anxiety.

Hibiscus (leaves and flowers)

Hibiscus has vitamin K, which supports bone metabolism and blood coagulation in addition to vitamin C. Hibiscus tea is also rich in copper and potassium, which are essential sources of iron and maintain our brain and immune system operating. It also includes anthocyanins, which give it a deep red color and have a variety of antibacterial and chronic disease-prevention benefits. This plant makes a tasty tea, but you can also use the blooms to make a beverage resembling our popular Sorrel Juice.

Search Mi Heart

Jamaica is the only place where you may find the Rhytidophyllum Tomentosum plant, or Search Mi Heart. As its name implies, the herb is used to treat a variety of heart conditions as a general heart tonic. It is also used to treat gastrointestinal problems, colds, congestion, and asthma. The herbal tea is also credited with lowering blood pressure, calming the nerves, and reducing inflammation.

Ra Moon

The ability to increase energy and decrease fatigue is one of the health benefits of this plant. The Ra Moon is widely employed as a sense-stimulant and as a method to boost libido potency and endurance.

Dried Banana Leaves

Among the important ingredients in banana leaves include proteins, lignin, allantoin, hemiselulosa, polyphenols, and so on. Banana leaves can be used as herbal medicines, both fresh and dried. They may improve our health and appearance in addition to treating conditions including sore throats, coughs, colds, and fevers. Astringent qualities are also present in banana leaves. The best time to have banana leaf tea is at night because it has a calming effect that will help you go asleep.

Jamaica's abundant flora offers a treasure trove of natural remedies for various health concerns, including the well-being of your nervous system. The Jamaican herbs mentioned above have been used for generations to alleviate stress, anxiety, and nervousness, and they continue to gain recognition for their potential health benefits.

While these herbs can be valuable allies in promoting nervous system health, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating them into your routine, especially if you have underlying medical conditions or are taking medications. Additionally, always ensure that the herbs you use are sourced from reputable suppliers and are of high quality.

As the world continues to embrace natural remedies and holistic approaches to health, Jamaican herbs for nerves provide a unique and culturally rich option for those seeking relaxation, balance, and peace of mind.

Take a look at the  video below as they discuss these 7 herbs for nerves and more. There is even a bonus at the end that you definitely won't want to miss. 

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References & Sources For Jamaican Herbs for Nerves

  1. Jamaican Search Mi Heart Herb 2 oz, Rhytidophyllum Nepal | Ubuy. (n.d.). Ubuy Nepal.
  2. S. (2021, January 27). Hibiscus Tea Benefits: 13 Reasons Your Body Loves It. Tea Drops.
  3. Zanin, T., & Zanin, T. (2023, August 18). Soursop: Tea Recipes, 10 Health Benefits & Nutritional Info. Tua Saรบde.
  4. O. (2020, February 16). Many ways guava leaves are beneficial to your health. Punch Newspapers.,function%20and%20relaxing%20the%20nerves
  5. G. (2023, January 10). Dandelion health benefits and therapeutic value. Nature & Garden.

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