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Sumptuous & Mouth-Watering
Jamaican Desserts

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jamaican desserts dropsJamaican Coconut Drops - Jamaican Desserts

There are many more, but these are perhaps the most popular traditional Jamaican desserts, and certainly the ones that I can easily recollect because I enjoyed them so much!

Quite naturally, most of them are products of our flavorsome fruits and vegetables. Of course, the coconut and the banana stands tall in this regard.

OK, here we go!

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  1. Banana Bread

    Always moist and delicious.
  2. Coconut Drops

    Made with coconuts that is finely diced by hand!
    Jamaican Desserts - Grater Cake Jamaican Desserts - Dukunoo [Blue Draws]
  3. Blue Draws

    No pun intended, that is the name! Don't forget to remove the banana leaf wrap! It is also called Dukunoo by the way.
  4. Grater Cake

    Another confection made from grated coconut and sugar!
  5. Shamshuku

    This one is made with grated coconut that is boiled with spices and sugar then paste on the green banana leaf to cool. Very tasty!
  6. Rock Cake or Rock Bun

    Quite easy to prepare but by no means any less tasty.
  7. Banana Ice Cream

    Don't overlook the other Jamaican Ice Creams though, equally satisfying are the Sour Sop, Guava, Tamarind, Mango (fresh mango pulp used) and Papaya.
  8. Chocolate Cake

    Dark and...mmmm! Don't overlook our carrot cake either.
  9. Gizzada

    The true Jamaican coconut tart, served in a unique pie crust. Very delicious.
  10. Pone [Another name for Jamaican Pudding]

    Usually spiced with raisins and sauces, the most adored are the cornmeal pudding and the sweet potato pudding! Very very delicious. This is now reminding me of my primary school days- couldn't wait until break time!
  11. Patties

    The best! Jamaican patties are reknown the world over. More to come on this.
    Jamaican Desserts - Beef Patty Jamaican Desserts - Fruit Cake
  12. Fruit Cake

    The Jamaican fruit cake is a special occasions dessert. It is made with basic cake ingredients, fruits, and the rum, which imparts a characteristic flavor to the cake.
  13. Peanut Drops

    Very nice! Can't bother to prepare it, no worry, there is always the Jamaican peanut man. He's most visible at public events, including concerts, sporting matches, fundays etc.
  14. Bulla Cakes

    Try 'bulla and pear'! That is, bulla with pear [avacado]
  15. Plantain Tart

    We use ripe plantains (a relative of the banana) as the filling. Equally delicious!

Want More? Want The Recipes?

Click Here to get my new recipe book, JAMAICAN SWEET TREATS!

... a convenient, easy to use compilation of 11 of the most authentic and sought after Jamaican snacks/treats recipes, delivered to you in a simple easy to read format!

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