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Jamaican Country Friends -in the West

by Patrick Ambursley

Jamaican Ram Goat & Rooster

Jamaican Ram Goat & Rooster

Contest Entry #004 - Jamaican Country Friends

My photo is about two unusual friends that hang out together -mornings and evenings.

These two friends are actually animals that live in the same yard in the country. They are a ram goat and a cock (rooster).

Every morning the cock would go on the back of the ram goat and crows. In the evening he would do the same. The ram goat would leave during the day to feed in the pastures. The owner would bring him back in the evening to the yard.

The cock is always delighted to see his friend return, and would immediately greet him by going on his back to sit.

The ram goat seems to have the same affection toward the cock, he never looked annoyed or uneasy.

This situation is repeated everyday and they never seem to get tired of it. Everyone that sees them is amazed by bond that the two shares.

Its amazing to see them; two different species locked in an unusual friendship.

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