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The Jamaica Events Calendar
Keeping You Up To Date With The Best Events & Happenings!

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Jamaica Events

Popular Jamaica Events  & Activities

I strive to continually provide value-added information to you my valued subscribers, visitors and friends.

And today I am excited to launch our innovative Jamaica Events Calendar! Powered by Google!

New! Take a piece of Jamaica with you💃!

Savour the memories!  Now you can get your authentic Jamaican souvenir items, as well as traditional Jamaican herbs, spices and housewares on our popular e-store. Click Here to learn more.

And, if you ever need a trustworthy and knowledgeable local guide, consider booking a private tour with us!

Click Here to get your event added now!

Click Here to get your event added now!

Now, at a simple glance you can see all the major and most popular events and activities happening across Jamaica; including but not limited to, the areas of Montego Bay, Negril, Kingston, Ocho Rios, Portland and The South Coast!

Just click on each event and the details will will pop out for you!
And there is more!

In addition to the default agenda view, you may also chose to view by day, by week, or use the familiar 'Calendar' format!

So if you, or anyone you know is coming to, and/or seeking something to do, or a place or event to attend, this is your best best!

Please note that this is brand new so we'll continue to update it with all the top happenings.

So when are you coming to Jamaica again? 
Ok, now you can simply scroll to that date range and see all the major events that are happening in Jamaica around at time.

And if you are already a Jamaican resident here, this is for you too!
Now we have a centralized, calendared area where we can see all the top events - more choices!

Note also that we are also including direct contact information so you can make contact for additional questions or make special requests.

And by the way, if you are hosting or promoting an event, please drop us a line here, we'll be happy to consider adding it to this calendar - absolutely free of cost!

However, before submitting your email, please check to ensure that you include the following:

  • Title or Headline, 
  • A Date (or date range), 
  • Time (Begining & end)
  • And Location (including the Parish) of the event.

Do enjoy... and share!

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