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 Jamaica Auto Dealers
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Jamaica Auto Dealers
by Wellesley Gayle

I've already shared a detailed list of top car dealers in Jamaica. Today, I'll be providing you an insight into their operations.

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You'll typically get the same basic services at a Jamaican car dealer as say, in the USA. And yes, we are speaking both of new and used car dealerships.

Jamaica Auto Dealers

It's no longer the core buy and sell operation, many automotive dealer employs trained automotive technicians and might also offer financing.

For those that does not yet offer financing, rest assured there is usually a partnership with local financial institutions which allows you the client to access funds.

Currently, most of our dealers are used car dealers and so they carry cars from many different manufacturers. The new car dealerships are generally franchises associated with only one or two manufacturers.

Most car dealerships also provide a series of additional services for car buyers and owners, which interestingly, are sometimes more profitable than the core business of selling cars!

For example, it is big business now to do trade-ins and/or purchase used vehicles.

In the case of trade-ins, the value of the car been traded in by the customer is put towards the price of the 'new' one that is been sold by the dealer.

You'll need to be extra careful when dealing with them though, after all they are sales persons! Like any other business transaction, the basics remains the same.

It is important to do your due diligence, don't just settle with the first dealer, shop around. Firstly though, you'll need to assess your own financial situation.

This is important as this can help you to know what you can afford, which will help you set a price limit for his purchase. Moreover, doing so can help you avoid being encouraged to buy a car outside of your reach.

You should not just settle for the first price that an auto dealer gives for the car, negotiate for the best rate possible.

If the dealer cannot offer them a better deal, they can simply move to the next one. Be careful not to get loaded with extras that you really don't need, they only add to the price of the car!

Good Luck!

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