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Jamaica Mart Expo - An All Day Event @ Jamaica College May 24th 2013

by Rachael Graham
(St Catherine, Jamaica)

This event : To allow Individuals, Small Businesses, and those in partnership to sell their work, publish and promote their business.

The event will take place on the Jamaica College grounds from 6am till 7pm on the same day. The Vendors are people who live and work in Jamaica: Artist & Crafts people from all over Jamaica.

Jamaica World Vision Company Limited are providing Tents for the Vendors at different cost depending on the size of the business :

Contact Jamaica World Vision 520 3019-520 3101 & Digicel 571-2899 Lime-328-9369
for any information about the event or

To see some of my very own work visit my web site :

Original Art work which are my very own, No prints or copies are done there will be : Paintings, hand painted gift boxes, hand painted T-Shirts, Collectable Dolls, Books etc . there are a few pieces of garments designed and made by my self and other garments for sale.

I have created large pieces of work suited for Office or large living spaces banks etc.
If you see a piece of work on my website or call Digicel line 876 566 6837 , I will take it with me on the day please call if you are really interested in the work.

Training & Development for all age group

I have worked with youth projects since the 19 80's from London' Now I am in Jamaica and very much interested in continuing in this field.

Visit http://www.facebook.con/teach those who would like to draw and paint. Any information on this add please call 876 566 6837. I WANT TO SEE JAMAICAN YOUNG PEOPLE MOTIVATED AND IMPROVE THEIR LIVES .

Older people can improve in Communication and have a active mind if they get the chance to: Draw & Paint Read & interact in creativity, Older people need stimulation during these time which can help to maintain a healthy mind during their old age.

Do you run a Community Project for older people who are active with nothing to stimulate their minds? Are you interested in improving the lives of these persons? Would you like to run a art & craft classes one or two days per week? visit

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May 21, 2013
Jamaica Mart Expo for 24th 05 /2013
by: Rachael Graham

The event at Jamaica College Near Hope Road Kingston has been cancelled due to the organizer un fit to carry out her task and will be in hospital this week.

I hope she will pull through as soon as possible and regret that we wont be having a wonderful day as were expected.

The organizer can be contacted on :876 520 3019 . This information was given today.

There was information and telephone numbers in the add if anyone wanted to know more regarding the event.
I do hope another can be arrange as soon as possible, thank you for your effort in checking the add.
Kind Regards

Have a blessed week all you people who realize that you have a Creator don't let small mind's distract you from your dreams One Love .

May 20, 2013
by: Anonymous

Not everyone knows where Jamaica College is...Like myself.

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