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Jamaica Labour Day 2014 - Retirement Residents Spruce Up Their Community


Building The Community Notice Board

Building The Community Notice Board

Residents of the community of Retirement in St. James took Labour Day 2014 (May 23) as a prime opportunity to show their love and belief in their community - and that they did!

The mission... To erect landmark Welcome and Notice Board signs in community.

As president of the Retirement Community Development Committee (RCDC), yours truly was pleased to be associated with the significant community initiative.

Thanks to the help of the Member of Parliament, Mrs Sharon Ffokes-Abrahams, the community was able to secure approximately 60% of the materials needed for the project and so priority was given to one of the three locations - as a start.

labour day materials

A number of community members joined in the effort and before long, not only was the structure up but the surrounding area was cut, raked and given a refreshing face lift.

Jamaican Youth Moving Debri

The rains came and halted the proceedings for the day (pretty early), but the team pledged to re-assemble and complete the work (completing the notice board, painting it as well as the entrance) during the week.

work in progress- community notice board
Community Notice Board - Work In Progress

The executive wish to thank everyone who made the event the success it had though, including all the members of the community who came out and gave their labour, tools, monetary contributions and encouragement.

Thank You was also extended to the Jamaica Social Development Commission, represented by Ms. Carolyn Brown-James.

Retirement CDC Executive

About Retirement And The CDC

Retirement is a part of the Granville Division in St. James, Jamaica.

The community has been challenged by low unemployment - projected at 60%, and poor infrastructure.

The Retirement CDC however, formed in February, has as its core objectives:

  • To Encourage development of civic pride and spirit of patriotism in the community and
  • Organize the citizens so that proper representation may be made to the appropriate authorities for provision and proper maintenance of the amenities necessary for modern living and...
  • Promote matters of civic, national, social, economic, educational, environmental, good governance and cultural nature, which are beneficial to the community.

The association has already successfully hosted or collaborated with agencies on several projects, including skills training, business basics, and sports (cricket) development, but is eager to eager to do much more.

The Retirement CDC represents the sub-divisons of Gutters, Friendship, St. John and Retirement Phases 1, 2 and 3.

The institution is registered with the Jamaica Social Development Commission and currently in the process of positioning itself as a benevolent society.

For more information, please contact the Secretary at or call 876-379-4848.

They organization recently created a facebook page. You can visit it to learn more about the committee.

See Also: Jamaican Community Buzz

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May 25, 2014
Retirement's Projecct
by: Anonymous

well done; good citizens of Retirement-that's the way to go- take full charge of your community.
Very best wishes
Jacqueline Grant (United Kingdom)

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