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In Support of Dustin Brown

by Keniesha Lowe
(Montego Bay)

Tennis Jamaica (TJ) and Gore are so wrong. There is insufficient support for Brown.

This young man has singlehandedly put himself on the map in tennis. The world has taken notice - Times, Ebony, Guardian UK have recognised him.

But there has been nothing in local media, save for the slander and defamation, by TJ and other misguided and uninformed individual Like Ron Mushette.

That he has done the improbable, made the top 100 ranking without a coaching team, just hustling points in tournament after tournament. That he recognizes his roots and nation, blazing the black green and gold, is phenomenal and great, deserving of positive appreciation.

That he 'get's no love' from TJ but instead get's his achievement undermined and undervalued by an organization that should be working to development the sport and highlight it's benefit in Jamaica is utterly wrong, disgraceful.

Gore and his organization is disparaging to themselves. Athletics has a Bolt, it has a Powell, a Campbell-Brown, the list goes on.
Jamaica is producing supper athletes across the field of sports. Tennis has a DUSTIN BROWN, who has not sold out to richer nations like made of our athletes.

Tennis and Jamaica has a Brown who is truly Jamaican in that he put's in the work, under deplorable conditions, paying his dues and now he is here on the verge of a magnificent plateau.

Waving the Jamaican flag, it is not unreasonable to ask TJ to call the gleaner and make a loud noise. Jamaica has made the top 100 ranking. Jamaica can't go to world cup but Jamaica won the South African open.

Jamaica got a main draw entry into arguable the ultimate grand slam. This kid deserves some notice, not this negative publicity but a mini celebration for what he has achieved for us and then some effort into generating some sponsors.

Sponsors who I am certain would welcome jumping on the coat tail of a juggernaut as it begins to make it's move.

To TJ, pity the fool who cuts off his nose to spite his face, you have a spokes person, a talent, what do you need to do? To Dustin, keep doing what you do, stay humble and focused.

I am torn between wanting to have you for myself and giving you over to Britain so that you have a better chance at reaching your full potential.

Should you move I will be disappointed but I will still support you and count you as one of my Jamaican Heros, so do what you need to do.

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