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He's Gone - 99 Year Old, Locally Acclaimed Jamaican Historian Dies in Fire

jamaican historian dies in fire
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Hi friend,

If you have been around for the last few months, you would have certainly remembered this intriguing video of the 98 year old man I shared.

He painted a very interesting perspective on Jamaica's history.

In it, he shared his personal experiences, some quite chilling, of growing up in old-time Jamaica.

Over the few months that followed, the youtube video grew in popularity - amasing over 41 thousand views - from viewers all across the globe!

It is now with sadness, grief and anguish that I have to share with you that he passed on, last Friday night (into Saturday).

He perished in a fire when the small board dwelling he occupied blew up in flames.

Of course, as you can imagine, when I first heard the news I was startled!

I went there to learn more about what happened and to extend my condolences to his friends (he had no immediate relatives there) but it was then that I learned that he actually died in the fire! It was like a bomb fell on me!

I trecked up and over the hill and down to where the house was and took some pictures that I thought would give you an indication of the destruction.

I've also recorded a short video of my visit to the location of the remains.

Here's The Short Video

In the first video (link above) I promised him that he'd be famous when I shared it online, but the last thing I would have thought was that things would turn the way it did here.

I've promised the school administrators (Springfield All Age - they provided him meals) that I'd help in whatever way I can.

If you feel so inclined, please join me and send your monetary support via our secure link:

I'll ensure that 100% of the gifts get to the school administrators who will be conducting the final arrangements.

N.B. The Jamaica Observer Newspaper also carried a story on him. Here is the link.

May his good soul truly rest in peace.

Wellesley Gayle, Founder -

P.S. In case you missed hit, below is the video I shared with my readers of him last June.

P.P.S. Read Dr. Olga's tribute here.

Comments for He's Gone - 99 Year Old, Locally Acclaimed Jamaican Historian Dies in Fire

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Mar 19, 2018
by: Anonymous

Hello Wellesley, Hello Wellesley, I am very sorry for what the loss of that dear sir, really is one of the glories of the nation, will always be remembered.

Mar 08, 2018
Precious Man
by: Anonymous

Such a precious man. So sorry to hear this, Jamaica has lost a precious man. My sincere condolences to you and to Jamaica. God bless you all. So very sorry for the loss.

Mar 08, 2018
by: Keith Laing, Canada

Such a sad ending for Mr. Brewster. I enjoyed your video introducing him to the world, he seems such a humble and knowledgeable man. I am sure he will be long remembered by those in his community. May his soul rest in peace.

Thank you for sharing his life story.

Mar 04, 2018
Mr Kenneth Brewster Be In Peace
by: Anonymous

Just read watched this video and so sadden to hear he passed but even sadder to hear passed in such an awful way. A strong and alert old man he remembered day, years and time of day with much ease. He remembered what was what and who did what to who. I was never really interested in history but he has made me interested and brought to light some questions in my mind and given me answers. My his soul be free from all the bad memories he carried for many years and may he be in peace. Be at peace my Angel.. I don't think I'll forget you..

Mar 02, 2018
Is It Him?
by: Marie

Oh no!!!! I read it in the paper didn't realized it was him. it's indeed very sad and unfortunate.

I would like to convey heartiest condolences and gratitude to his family. May his soul rest in eternal peace.

Marie Houston Texas

Mar 02, 2018
The lost of a friend
by: arlington bloomfield

It is truly sad to learn of our friend death and how he died. I was hoping he would lived to be a hundred and more years old. He looked so strong, cheerful and healthy at the time of your interview with him.I pray he finds a place of rest in Christ.

Mar 01, 2018
We will remember
by: John Blenkiron

Kenneth Brewster brought to life for me a lasting memory of an earlier and younger Jamaica struggling towards Independence. There is no family to grieve with, no one to console; just a feeling of profound sadness shared by all of us who heard his recounting of life in that earlier Jamaica and witnessed this kind man's strength of character and humble bearing.

Thank you, Mister Brewster. I shall remember you. (and thank you, Wellesley, for introducing him to all of us, your readers).

Mar 01, 2018
Re: Jamaican Historian
by: Karl

I'm very sorry to hear that your friend died and I did see your previous video of you interviewing him.He seemed very knowledgeable of Jamaican hstory. He also seemed like a good and likeable person. That was very tragic way to die. May God have mercy on his Soul and may he rest in peace. So sad and I feel for you man. Take care.

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