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Happy New Year 2021

Happy New Year Wellesley Family Photo
Welcome to 2021 my friend!

Like many around the world, you are extremely happy to see the back of 2020 right?

In my Christmas message I mentioned just how grateful we are to have navigated 2020; another of those years that unfortunately has recorded another global pandemic!

So yes again, I am deeply thankful, just as you are.

And can I be honest with you?

At a personal level, despite a significant drop in website traffic, the obvious travel restrictions and stuff (and more baby sitting), 2020 was a good year for me.

I'm been honest!

It opened up so much opportunities in my personal life, in family, at a spiritual level, and even in business.

And, more and more I've heard of stories as well from persons who, because of the pandemic, has allowed them to reflect and pivot, in many cases, started focusing on the more important stuff.

You would have seen (or heard of) some of that right?

If you have been around here for a while, you'd know that 2020 was also the year that I started my little online store (estore) to help me monetize my efforts online.

And yes, it is year that I saw massive increase in my YouTube channel's subscriber base - from about 4,000 (I think) at the end of 2019, to 10k, 15k, and now over 23k by the end of 2020.

A Psalm 23 testimony here :-)

So yes, I still thank 2020.

And please remember that YOU and all my other readers, subscribers and Patrons have directly or indirectly helped to make it happen, so again...

THANK YOU my friend!

By the way, I ran into a funny twitter post earlier today that said something to this effect...

'While we are happy to see the back of 2020, don't be too quick to hug up 2021, let's be cautious and see what it brings".

What's your take on that? Drop it in the comments below.

But me? I beg to differ - respectfully.

Not only, as according to Dahlia Harris, 'we are better prepared regardless of what 2021 will bring', but as a person of faith, I believe we can declare and make it the way we want it to be.

Oh yes!

Which brings me to my next point...

To celebrate the New Year (and New Beginnings), I thought I'd give my online family the opportunity to 'Lyme' with me directly.

And so, as the idea popped about 8:30am on January 1, I jumped on it!

I sent a message to my Instagram and my YouTube community advising and asking them to join me via YouTube LIVE at 11:00EST.

And that I did! And the engagement was fantastic.

After sharing with them who I am (family, education, etc.), I allowed them to ask me any question they have, and then I challenged them with some of what I called 'LIFE QUESTIONS'.

For example,

  1. Are you truly proud of the person that you are?
  2. Are you too hard on myself or not hard enough?
  3. What worries you the most about your future?
  4. What do you need to change about yourself?
  5. What makes you happy?, and
  6. What do you want to be remembered for at the end of your life?

Very interesting questions, right?

Yeah, that was the idea.

As we travel across time (into a New Year), I wanted us to think on these things with the idea that it will drive our focus in a refreshingly new way.

And notice they had nothing to do with my website, Jamaica or online business, just REAL LIFE.

And the feedback was awesome!

At the end, I noted that over four hundred (400) persons joined, several of who directly took part in the chat.

If you missed it, no worries, you can watch the replay at this link.

It was lovely, so glad I did it. I really met my audience in a fun way. A great way to start my 2021 journey I believe.

A journey we don't quite know where it will take us, but I wrote this earlier to my family... 'We don't know what tomorrow holds, but we know who holds tomorrow'.

So from my family to yours... Happy New Year my friend!


P.S. I welcome your comments here.

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Jan 03, 2021
by: Anonymous

The McBean's Project Management family hereby extend a big thank you to the team and subscribers for making the experience in 2020 a lovely one for us. Though the challenges of COVID19 may have arisen we kept the faith and endured as a small business and in our personal lives as we lived our passion in finding home solutions.

Replying to your questions, queries and requests relating to your construction projects has been a fulfilling one as it also assisted in building awareness of issues, how to create solutions for our clients as well as to engender a strong family bond between us as Jamaicans and members of the diaspora.

Mr. Wellesley and his family has taken patriotism to the highest level and we at MPM are most happy to be part of this great venture.

All the best of health, wealth, family and business for this, a blessed new year and we shall be making positive differences in the lives of all who we meet.

Thank you,

Broderick McBean
McBean's Project Management

Jan 03, 2021
by: Anonymous

Happy New Year 2021

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